6 WA Sales in One Day!
Hi everyone
I just want to share with you some great news
A few days ago I managed to make 6 new WA sales in one day
This is a record for me because the maximum sales I ever made in one day are 3
Just wanted to share with you this to show you that everything is possible
My website is only 9 months and I have managed to earn a little over 40 sales from Wealthy Affiliate alone!
English is not even my first language it's my fourth actually
I swear to god that I thought I'd never make it but I decided to believe in my self and go all in!
With your hard work and WA you can make as much money as you want it's just SUPER amazing and satisfying!
Thank you Kyle & Carson for this amazing platfrom and everyone that answered my newbie questions that resulted to this!
Recent Comments
Dude, you put me to shame!! Thanks for posting this! I will add this to my success list. :)
Congratulations Anis!! You show that doing reviews work again and again. Way to go!
Vegas will be in your future really soon!
Hi Anis,
What encouraging news! I keep telling myself that failure is only when I quit. Congratulations.
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Thank you guys!