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Hmmm...Hello there! Suppose I need to conjure up some stuff to say here! On the personal side of things I appreciate most types of music





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I received successful notification from adsense to add my first set of code to my website.

I did a cut and paste of the code into the text in word press.

In reading o

If the default asynchronous code doesn't work try the synchronous code alternative.
Worked for me, anyway. I think it depends on your theme. Glyn

Thanks for the tip Glyn....I'll give it a shot.

Just put it in a 'Text' widget in your sidebar. It should work then. ~Marion

Thanks for your input Marion!

I had that problem also. I have firefox with an adblocker. I just whitelisted my site reconfigured the adblocker and it showed up.

Thanks for the suggestion, but not quite sure what the procedure would be to accomplish this.

I have always put mine in a widget on the sidebar

Guess I'm not there in the training yet Tommy, at least I don't recall seeing the training on the use of a widget. I did see your suggestion mentioned in the question section, also the use of a plug in.

Do you think I should remove the code or just wait and see how it plays out?

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Adding adsense, added script but don't have a yellow box?

Adding adsense, added script but don't have a yellow box?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I received successful notification from adsense to add my first set of code to my website.

I did a cut and paste of the code into the text in word press.

In reading o

If the default asynchronous code doesn't work try the synchronous code alternative.
Worked for me, anyway. I think it depends on your theme. Glyn

Thanks for the tip Glyn....I'll give it a shot.

Just put it in a 'Text' widget in your sidebar. It should work then. ~Marion

Thanks for your input Marion!

I had that problem also. I have firefox with an adblocker. I just whitelisted my site reconfigured the adblocker and it showed up.

Thanks for the suggestion, but not quite sure what the procedure would be to accomplish this.

I have always put mine in a widget on the sidebar

Guess I'm not there in the training yet Tommy, at least I don't recall seeing the training on the use of a widget. I did see your suggestion mentioned in the question section, also the use of a plug in.

Do you think I should remove the code or just wait and see how it plays out?

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Should internal links open into a new tab or just re-direct a visitor to another page or post on your website?

I have seen both methods used and would like to know which is

Hi Andy. I think it is dependent on whether your visitor is likely to want to return to where they clicked the link. If they are on a journey from one piece of information to the next then they may not need to come back. Each link needs it's own decision.

Thanks for joining the discussion and the advice RJ!

Hi Andy I see you been help good luck

Hey Santy, yeah...got some great answers. Thanks!

Wow, I just read Kyle's advice. He is the expert. My problem is that I was using blogs on the home page as a lead in to other posts on pages that are in the same category. Now I'm not sure what to do. Like I said, Kyle is the expert.

Yeah, I sort have been doing the same thing. My pages are just my beginner stuff to fill the pages and if somebody lands on one of those, Yipes! I'm trying to figure how to gently lead them out to the blogs where my external links are.... Just one more thing to back track on and fix. OY!

Hi Andy, I can get to my pages via the main menue but I just thought that after someone read one of my home based blogs they could go to that page by simply clicking on the internal link. Think I will leave it like it is for a bit.

My thinking too...I'm not going to rush in and start making drastic changes. I will follow Kyle's advice going forward and digest on rest for a while. Then do damage control after I acquire a little more knowledge.

My site is so new I really can't see it making a hell of a lot difference at this point any way. As soon as I begin generating traffic it will be a different story.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Ha..ha

Yeah, I usually don't open it in a new page unless the link is really early on in my content. This plays a bigger role in my decision to open in new tab or same window.

If early on in my post/page => link to new tab
If towards the end => open in same window

Thanks for the advice Kyle!

No problem Andy, glad to help.

that's a great advice I'll think about this next time I insert links early in my pages

Thanks, Kyle!

I think it's personal preference. Personally my internal links don't open in a new tab, only external ones.

Hi Chloe, thanks for taking the time to join the discussion and voice an opinion. Much appreciated!

That's what I do too. New window or tab only...and always on external links.

Thanks Chris. Appreciate your input! Have a great weekend.

Personally I like "open in a new tab", it keeps your readers from wandering.

Michael, thanks for you input.

I use 'WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click' plugin so I make all my internal links open in a new tab because the reader can't right-click to choose that option. ~Marion

Thanks for the input Marion....I appreciate it!

I defer to someone else more knowledgeable to answer whether one is better than the other for SEO purposes, but I can speak from personal preference. I always like to have things open in a new tab. Not a new window and not in the same window. Always a new tab. That is just me though. Unfortunately, I don't even know how I have my website setup, nor do I know how to change that setting. Is it something you just set for each individual link? I'll have to test and make sure I have mine set up how I like them.

@pianobenjjam I wrote a tutorial on hyperlinks: How to Create Hyperlinks in WordPress I hope that helps you.

Hey Josh, thanks for the speedy feedback. At this point I have been having mine open into a new tab as well...but see a lot of sites that don't. My reasoning is not having the visitor lose the original page or post they originally landed on. Right or wrong...don't know?

The setting for this on my theme is in the set-up window where you add the link...you can check the box to open the link in a new tab.

Thanks for getting involved in the discussion. I depend heavily on others to learn stuff!


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Internal page and post links - new tab?

Internal page and post links - new tab?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Should internal links open into a new tab or just re-direct a visitor to another page or post on your website?

I have seen both methods used and would like to know which is

Hi Andy. I think it is dependent on whether your visitor is likely to want to return to where they clicked the link. If they are on a journey from one piece of information to the next then they may not need to come back. Each link needs it's own decision.

Thanks for joining the discussion and the advice RJ!

Hi Andy I see you been help good luck

Hey Santy, yeah...got some great answers. Thanks!

Wow, I just read Kyle's advice. He is the expert. My problem is that I was using blogs on the home page as a lead in to other posts on pages that are in the same category. Now I'm not sure what to do. Like I said, Kyle is the expert.

Yeah, I sort have been doing the same thing. My pages are just my beginner stuff to fill the pages and if somebody lands on one of those, Yipes! I'm trying to figure how to gently lead them out to the blogs where my external links are.... Just one more thing to back track on and fix. OY!

Hi Andy, I can get to my pages via the main menue but I just thought that after someone read one of my home based blogs they could go to that page by simply clicking on the internal link. Think I will leave it like it is for a bit.

My thinking too...I'm not going to rush in and start making drastic changes. I will follow Kyle's advice going forward and digest on rest for a while. Then do damage control after I acquire a little more knowledge.

My site is so new I really can't see it making a hell of a lot difference at this point any way. As soon as I begin generating traffic it will be a different story.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Ha..ha

Yeah, I usually don't open it in a new page unless the link is really early on in my content. This plays a bigger role in my decision to open in new tab or same window.

If early on in my post/page => link to new tab
If towards the end => open in same window

Thanks for the advice Kyle!

No problem Andy, glad to help.

that's a great advice I'll think about this next time I insert links early in my pages

Thanks, Kyle!

I think it's personal preference. Personally my internal links don't open in a new tab, only external ones.

Hi Chloe, thanks for taking the time to join the discussion and voice an opinion. Much appreciated!

That's what I do too. New window or tab only...and always on external links.

Thanks Chris. Appreciate your input! Have a great weekend.

Personally I like "open in a new tab", it keeps your readers from wandering.

Michael, thanks for you input.

I use 'WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click' plugin so I make all my internal links open in a new tab because the reader can't right-click to choose that option. ~Marion

Thanks for the input Marion....I appreciate it!

I defer to someone else more knowledgeable to answer whether one is better than the other for SEO purposes, but I can speak from personal preference. I always like to have things open in a new tab. Not a new window and not in the same window. Always a new tab. That is just me though. Unfortunately, I don't even know how I have my website setup, nor do I know how to change that setting. Is it something you just set for each individual link? I'll have to test and make sure I have mine set up how I like them.

@pianobenjjam I wrote a tutorial on hyperlinks: How to Create Hyperlinks in WordPress I hope that helps you.

Hey Josh, thanks for the speedy feedback. At this point I have been having mine open into a new tab as well...but see a lot of sites that don't. My reasoning is not having the visitor lose the original page or post they originally landed on. Right or wrong...don't know?

The setting for this on my theme is in the set-up window where you add the link...you can check the box to open the link in a new tab.

Thanks for getting involved in the discussion. I depend heavily on others to learn stuff!


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