About Andy468
Rank 55718
201 followers Joined May 2021
I’m married to Fiona, my beautiful wife,, and we have been blessed with two boys, who are both now in their teenage years. I’m in my





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Always though .com would be the better domain to go for, but with my niche being specialised advice to teachers in the UK, I'd have thought the .co.uk would be more appropriate

I have preference for dot com but recently bought a dot rodeo because it suits my locality, so I understand your cause.
Wishing you continued success.

At least I know I'm not doing anything detrimental for myself now, and that it can be hosted here too.
Many thanks Lula.

using a .co.uk domain will give google the signals that you are targeting uk mainly....and give the customers the confidence you are servicing the uk...and using uk english...
you can host your domain here, so change the name servers to point to wa...
but you cannot transfer the domain here to pay wa yearly for the domain as they cannot sell them...
so when choosing the domain, don't look at the discount price, look at hte renewal price and go by that as to what you will pay in the future to reduce nasty shocks....
good luck Andy

Thank you so much, Phil.
That's the reassurance I was seeking.
Good shout on the renewal price as well.
Greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.

If you want to just focus on Local Marketing that is within the UK only that would be OK.
Why restricted yourself to one area why not allow your website to be seen worldwide and benefit on a larger base.
if this is the case then a .com would be best

Many thanks Andre

most welcome wishing you well



If your audience covers UK only, then yes you might as well.

However to host at WA, you need to point your domain to WA servers vs transfers as they are not supported. If needing further details the how-to, kindly let us know.

Thanks Abie & AJ,
So, if I've understood you correctly there, you're saying a .co.uk domain bought elsewhere and transferred to WA might not be supported by the WA servers....??

You can host okay but it has got to be pointed vs transferred.

You may transfer or point to WA servers (if transferring domain has to end in .com, .net or .org. (in your case .co.uk so it is no)

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place.


Awesome again Abie & AJ.
Thank you so, so much....

that is correct Andy I have a com.au that I got at NameCheap but I can have it hosted here but cannot transfer it to WA.

So very welcome.

Kindly let us know when needing help or have further questions.

We'd be delighted to be of service to you :)

My niche is uk-based, so should my domain be .co.uk too.?

My niche is uk-based, so should my domain be .co.uk too.?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Always though .com would be the better domain to go for, but with my niche being specialised advice to teachers in the UK, I'd have thought the .co.uk would be more appropriate

I have preference for dot com but recently bought a dot rodeo because it suits my locality, so I understand your cause.
Wishing you continued success.

At least I know I'm not doing anything detrimental for myself now, and that it can be hosted here too.
Many thanks Lula.

using a .co.uk domain will give google the signals that you are targeting uk mainly....and give the customers the confidence you are servicing the uk...and using uk english...
you can host your domain here, so change the name servers to point to wa...
but you cannot transfer the domain here to pay wa yearly for the domain as they cannot sell them...
so when choosing the domain, don't look at the discount price, look at hte renewal price and go by that as to what you will pay in the future to reduce nasty shocks....
good luck Andy

Thank you so much, Phil.
That's the reassurance I was seeking.
Good shout on the renewal price as well.
Greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.

If you want to just focus on Local Marketing that is within the UK only that would be OK.
Why restricted yourself to one area why not allow your website to be seen worldwide and benefit on a larger base.
if this is the case then a .com would be best

Many thanks Andre

most welcome wishing you well



If your audience covers UK only, then yes you might as well.

However to host at WA, you need to point your domain to WA servers vs transfers as they are not supported. If needing further details the how-to, kindly let us know.

Thanks Abie & AJ,
So, if I've understood you correctly there, you're saying a .co.uk domain bought elsewhere and transferred to WA might not be supported by the WA servers....??

You can host okay but it has got to be pointed vs transferred.

You may transfer or point to WA servers (if transferring domain has to end in .com, .net or .org. (in your case .co.uk so it is no)

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place.


Awesome again Abie & AJ.
Thank you so, so much....

that is correct Andy I have a com.au that I got at NameCheap but I can have it hosted here but cannot transfer it to WA.

So very welcome.

Kindly let us know when needing help or have further questions.

We'd be delighted to be of service to you :)

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I'm new to the world of creating a blog, and I hear many people speak about, if they'd have known this and that before they started, etc., and so as there's a wealth of experie

Hey Andy,

The best advice I can offer you is this... do NOT wander away from Kyle's training and DO make sure to follow his EVERY step so that you succeed sooner.

Chasing shiny objects is soooo easy to do, so be sure to stay focused to ONLY Kyle's instructions.

Once you get experience under your belt, then you can start to wander a bit.

Hope you find this helpful.

Many thanks Trish.
I will stick closely to the training......

Just write like you are chatting to your best friend.

Perfect Geoffrey.
Thank you for that.

For me Content is King that means words, images, videos, podcasts, etc. It takes the bulk of our sites and to me it is my number ONE priority above all what I mean by that I should not worry right now how my site should be designed but filling it up with value content visitors seek as it takes a long time, weeks to get ranked in the search engines (ranked versus indexed) - I wrote below blog post, you're welcome to follow up. Please reach out when needing help or a hand.

Wow, Lula. Thank you so much.
Such a lot of detail.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Thank you, and I might just take you up on the offer of a follow-up....

You're welcome.
I left you a reply hope you find it useful.
Have a nice day :)

This will be an asset as well to help you in your writing

Really, really helpful Simone.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write.
Greatly appreciated.

You're welcome :)

Maybe this training will help you Let me know how you get on.

Thank you Simone.
This is really so helpful.
Many, many thanks.

You are always welcome

Bless your heart !!


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So blogging - is there a right way and a wrong way to blog?

So blogging - is there a right way and a wrong way to blog?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I'm new to the world of creating a blog, and I hear many people speak about, if they'd have known this and that before they started, etc., and so as there's a wealth of experie

Hey Andy,

The best advice I can offer you is this... do NOT wander away from Kyle's training and DO make sure to follow his EVERY step so that you succeed sooner.

Chasing shiny objects is soooo easy to do, so be sure to stay focused to ONLY Kyle's instructions.

Once you get experience under your belt, then you can start to wander a bit.

Hope you find this helpful.

Many thanks Trish.
I will stick closely to the training......

Just write like you are chatting to your best friend.

Perfect Geoffrey.
Thank you for that.

For me Content is King that means words, images, videos, podcasts, etc. It takes the bulk of our sites and to me it is my number ONE priority above all what I mean by that I should not worry right now how my site should be designed but filling it up with value content visitors seek as it takes a long time, weeks to get ranked in the search engines (ranked versus indexed) - I wrote below blog post, you're welcome to follow up. Please reach out when needing help or a hand.

Wow, Lula. Thank you so much.
Such a lot of detail.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Thank you, and I might just take you up on the offer of a follow-up....

You're welcome.
I left you a reply hope you find it useful.
Have a nice day :)

This will be an asset as well to help you in your writing

Really, really helpful Simone.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write.
Greatly appreciated.

You're welcome :)

Maybe this training will help you Let me know how you get on.

Thank you Simone.
This is really so helpful.
Many, many thanks.

You are always welcome

Bless your heart !!


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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So, being keen and eager to absorb and learn as much as I possibly can, and with the intention to move through the training efficiently, I’ve dived straight in to the tra

You have just describe your niche. Like my you have too many interests. You will have to pick one. I have a website dedicated to personal development and another too personal resilience with focus on emergency preparedness,

Don't let not being able to decide on a specific niche stop you from building your website. Design your site around whatever interest you the most right now.

I find it very helpful to look at other members websites. Magistudios has a website for each product or serice he is promoting. His training series on "football snack helments" is particularly useful because it take you through the entire marketing practice from chooseing your niche to monitizing the niche. Good Luck, Bill

Thank you Bill.
Thank you so very much.
I guess I needed someone with experience to just offer that high level perspective, and then to set me in the right direction.
God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to write.
May I wish you all the very best in return.
Regards, Andy

You have to come up with your niche and website name pretty early. They kind of spring it on you. From what you said about yourself, I think some type of niche that has to do with finances or financial planning. Due to all the knowledge you have and how long you've been doing it. You trained people in this, so you could def speak as an authority on the subject. I'm just not sure what type of services or products you could offer. But you literally have so many options on which niche you can pick. It could be something you've always been interested in, even if you don't know much about it. After research, you'll begin to learn everything.

Only you can choose your niche. It has to be your passion and not someone else's.

Many thanks Geoffrey.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
And you are absolutely correct of course.
I think I’m closing in.......

All the very best to you.

Who thinks what is not a matter but I am an expert to boom up my self through my niche.

Many thanks 🤩

You are welcome, Andy

Hello, Andy and welcome! It's good to hear your eager and ready to get going! Ok, you're having trouble finding your niche. That's normal. Head's up... be sure it's something you really enjoy and will still be enjoying in years to come. Because your website is going to be your baby. Granted, you may have more... but this is your first... so let it keep your interest so well that you DO want to have more! Looking over what you've mentioned, there are quite a few possibilities, but i kinda have a feeling a strong one will be your DIY interest. But don't let me influence you, you go with what YOU feel.

After you choose your niche, go ahead, dive in! And if you chose your niche well, you will be ready to roll, and ideas will start coming and keep coming! What if you change your mind and want to change your niche? If you have wrote much, word of advice, save it to your computer... then go ahead and start your site over. Just Get going and go with it!

How to monetize? Follow your lessons. Follow them closely. If you feel a need, repeat some lessons. That's a great thing about it, those lessons are gonna stay there, so you can go back and review anytime you want! And if you want to knock some ideas off of the rest of us, come see us in chat! You have a technical question about your site? We have an awesome site support that are super helpful and quick!

Thing is, get in there, don't just dip your toes in, dive in! Have fun and enjoy this! :)


Wow !!!
Thank you so much Patty.
I am so grateful for you taking the time to offer such an extensive response to my question - and thank you for saying it’s normal, as I was starting to beat up on myself.
God bless you !!

You are so welcome! And my goodness, YES, it's normal! lol I feel ya, it's scary getting started. But after you get goin', there may be no stopping you! :)

Really, enjoy this.

And thank you. :)


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My niche - where does it lie and how do I monetise it.?

My niche - where does it lie and how do I monetise it.?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So, being keen and eager to absorb and learn as much as I possibly can, and with the intention to move through the training efficiently, I’ve dived straight in to the tra

You have just describe your niche. Like my you have too many interests. You will have to pick one. I have a website dedicated to personal development and another too personal resilience with focus on emergency preparedness,

Don't let not being able to decide on a specific niche stop you from building your website. Design your site around whatever interest you the most right now.

I find it very helpful to look at other members websites. Magistudios has a website for each product or serice he is promoting. His training series on "football snack helments" is particularly useful because it take you through the entire marketing practice from chooseing your niche to monitizing the niche. Good Luck, Bill

Thank you Bill.
Thank you so very much.
I guess I needed someone with experience to just offer that high level perspective, and then to set me in the right direction.
God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to write.
May I wish you all the very best in return.
Regards, Andy

You have to come up with your niche and website name pretty early. They kind of spring it on you. From what you said about yourself, I think some type of niche that has to do with finances or financial planning. Due to all the knowledge you have and how long you've been doing it. You trained people in this, so you could def speak as an authority on the subject. I'm just not sure what type of services or products you could offer. But you literally have so many options on which niche you can pick. It could be something you've always been interested in, even if you don't know much about it. After research, you'll begin to learn everything.

Only you can choose your niche. It has to be your passion and not someone else's.

Many thanks Geoffrey.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
And you are absolutely correct of course.
I think I’m closing in.......

All the very best to you.

Who thinks what is not a matter but I am an expert to boom up my self through my niche.

Many thanks 🤩

You are welcome, Andy

Hello, Andy and welcome! It's good to hear your eager and ready to get going! Ok, you're having trouble finding your niche. That's normal. Head's up... be sure it's something you really enjoy and will still be enjoying in years to come. Because your website is going to be your baby. Granted, you may have more... but this is your first... so let it keep your interest so well that you DO want to have more! Looking over what you've mentioned, there are quite a few possibilities, but i kinda have a feeling a strong one will be your DIY interest. But don't let me influence you, you go with what YOU feel.

After you choose your niche, go ahead, dive in! And if you chose your niche well, you will be ready to roll, and ideas will start coming and keep coming! What if you change your mind and want to change your niche? If you have wrote much, word of advice, save it to your computer... then go ahead and start your site over. Just Get going and go with it!

How to monetize? Follow your lessons. Follow them closely. If you feel a need, repeat some lessons. That's a great thing about it, those lessons are gonna stay there, so you can go back and review anytime you want! And if you want to knock some ideas off of the rest of us, come see us in chat! You have a technical question about your site? We have an awesome site support that are super helpful and quick!

Thing is, get in there, don't just dip your toes in, dive in! Have fun and enjoy this! :)


Wow !!!
Thank you so much Patty.
I am so grateful for you taking the time to offer such an extensive response to my question - and thank you for saying it’s normal, as I was starting to beat up on myself.
God bless you !!

You are so welcome! And my goodness, YES, it's normal! lol I feel ya, it's scary getting started. But after you get goin', there may be no stopping you! :)

Really, enjoy this.

And thank you. :)


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