I’ve Had Enough

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A very quick message to everyone here, especially if you are new.

  1. If you are using comments at WA, please do not use AI. I, like most here, make the effort to read and write “real” comments. I take my time to read your blog and comment what I feel and never say anything bad. It sometimes takes 30 -45 minutes. I am a professional. Please respect the community and your fellow members.
  2. Wow, I shouldn’t even have to say this, but do NOT spam me via the PM at WA. Not even to join your WONDERFUL telegram group. I unfortunately said yes to a new member and got spammed 15 times a day for 3 weeks until I left the group.
  3. I have noticed lately a lot of people talking about their personal life. As much as I care, I do not have time to read about your cat being run over.
  4. We are all busy so please think before you post.

My whinge of the year. I seem to do 1 a year. lol.


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Good afternoon reading a lot of comments yes people want to express their opinion adding personal life is not already a crime if you think it is not acceptable then it is better not to write comments at all why spoil the nerves of commenters I joined the community a long time ago but what to do and how to still do not know not because you have to learn and learn the world should and the fact that I do not know English is not a problem and use a translator yes I am. I am 71 years old and it doesn't mean anything because the training videos are in English and not in my language, I am healthy enough and never fainted once in my life.


I have been here for over ten years. WA has rules and regulations, and to be honest, they can't be expected to babysit adults. When I see a post that is going against the rules, I politely let them know, and provide the link to the rules. 99.9% of the time, they apologize and remove it. If you don't like or agree with what someone writes, sorry, that is just life; scroll on by :-) People use this sometimes as a kind of dirary or journal, some like to use it for other reasons. Like any online platform, scrolling by is the best thing to do :-) I have not had a problem with spam in the PM, why not politely tell them and send them the rules ? I have never had to complain, but im sure if there is a reason I did, Kyle and Carson would take care of it. If they are not breaking the rules, just ignore the posts that don't interest you, we can all use a little kindness and patience, you never know what is going on in someones life.

Spam in he PM is a violation, so I do mind it. I receive PMs from people who want or need help with whatever they are doing.

The WA rules about spam need to be a part of the introductory message to every newcomer. IMHO.

Lately, there have been a slew of newcomers who join in hopes of self promotion....You will see that in their WA bio, if you take the time to read it...

I also gently point out to those who post their website domain, or other self promoted links they want to share.

Note to all - post your links in your bio!!!!!!

That is all....grin.


I have not had any issues with spam in my PM,
wait, how is asking for help spam? I have received messages with people asking for help in regards to WA, I dont have a issue with that, and am happy to help out. Or did I misunderstand you ?

I received private messages from people asking me to joint their whatever, and provide me with a link.

That is spam.

People asking for help privately is not the issue.

Hope that clarifies...grin.


Ah got you, I did misunderstand :-) I got you now :-) I haven't had any of those hmm

That's also a security issue. Clicking on unknown links can expose your system and WA servers to malicious malware and ransomware attacks. So be careful what you click on. There were 7.6 trillion intrusion attempts in 2023, so security is very important in the future.

True, a good thing to remember, too.

I do not click any link in those cases where it is unwarranted or unsolicited.


You know, I can't imagine using AI to write comments. It seems like such a waste of time. And why would you want a computer to write an opinion for you? As for the spam, I have noticed it coming through as PMs to me lately, and it is so irritating. I report it, but I am unsure if my reports are getting read. And I haven't really noticed an issue with the personal posts. I know some come through, but I just don't read them if I am not interested.

One thing I have noticed that gives me pause is the borderline rude comments I see. I know the articles posted here are not supposed to be AI-written, but I see the AI-generated content being pointed out in the comments section. While I agree the posters should be notified that that is not allowed, I don't feel that doing so in public comments is the way to do it. I feel that should be done in a private message. To me, it seems embarrassing to call the person out, and it makes the person pointing the finger look like a newly appointed content police officer, which I didn't know. Kyle or Carson appointed people to patrol the comments like that. Maybe they do, but I still say it should be done in a private message. And, unfortunately, the way those posts are written seems rude.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

And this is 100% human-generated😊😊😊😊

And I forgot to mention I am talking about the general post comments.

I am not appointed as a content police officer ( which I could take as a rude comment—but I don't have that thin of a skin), but as a member, I don't see anything wrong with politely guiding them to the rules. As I mentioned in another post, 99.9 % apologize and remove it. And I'll add that 99.9% say thank you. Just because someone is helping another member doesn't make them think they are doing anything but being part of a community that helps each other out :-)

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I just feel bad for these people because some of the "polite" in the guiding is missing. It comes off as being rude and condescending. I am one of those who, if I do something wrong, please tell me, but in a respectful manner and in a private message. If after that, and I still do it, then by all means, put it out there for the entire community to see me get chastised for something I did that I shouldn't have.

I am just one of those people that is always looking at the fair and polite side for everyone. Maybe it is wrong, but it is how I am. I just feel we need to put more kindness and respect out in the universe. That comes from my deep spiritual side.

Again, I didn't mean to offend and I wasn't calling out anyone in particular (ok, I think it is time to go back into invisible mode again.)


Lol , you didn't offend me :-) I get where you are coming from. I do it politely, but I hear what you are saying. No need to go to invisible mode, its all good. I agree with more kindness and respect.

One thing to mention about private notifications, unless the newcomer is premium, the only way to notify them is on their profile page.

Any comments I may have mentioned are public service announcements, meant as reminders to let ALL folks know that posting personal or promotional links is against the WA rules.

And I have no problem sending a private message directly either.

Some people are just not very couthe about their comments.

Every so often, posts like this surface, like this one from Zoopie, who provide their feelings about spam and other posts that violate the WA rules.

They are reminders, not pointing out to any one in particular, THAT would be rude...


Telling someone in a reply that their post is Ai, is one thing....sharing that their Ai content is PLAGIARIZED, is another.


I was planning to write a post like this. You did it first. Kudos to you!

1. Although I approve all comments, and if some are terrible, I just rewrite the text or replace it completely. Google looks for incoming activity, so once someone leaves a comment, I have that. I have no problem with using AI, but with a human touch would be nice here and there.
1b. Note: I never leave website comments. I buy the credits. My time is expensive.
2. I agree fully, although I don't think you can stop that from happening. WA needs better built in security for that. Perhaps asking for credit card information to sign up, even if it's not being charged.
3. Lately? It's been like that since forever. You know, point-jokey motormouths who just talk but saying nothing. Many members use WA like a FB. Annoying, really. I mean, have you tried to use the WA search? Can't find shit, because of all the useless crap has been posted. Nuts.
4. There I vented with you. :)

I have a mouth like a level 4 prison guard, but there is a time and a place; there is no need to use profanity. You can scroll by the ones that don't interest you; if they are not breaking any rules, don't read them. I don't think some of us have the right to tell others what we can and can't write about on our blogs. I don't even blog here, but that doesn't mean I have the right to tell people what they can and can't write about if they follow the rules. This is a community; if you don't want to interact, that's your choice, but those who do have that right, they pay a membership just like everyone else. I may not agree with the fluff posts that just rank people higher here, I dont read them, I move on and let it be. Maybe we can all stop being so critical and spend more time being kind.

Well done. Let’s shite on everyone Together.. lol😆
Feeling better after my rant.

What irritates me is that a few weeks ago, I wrote a long, heart-felt comment on a blog that was close to my heart, and it was declined as AI content.

Just a point but many people use English as a second, third or fourth language and their words can sound like AI .

sounds like you are using AI too much Catherine....
morphing into a bot.....
never had that - but then i don't follow the rules of english language...

Sorry to hear about your comment, Catherine.

That's a good point. AI can also help those who write English poorly create content that is more valuable than what they could achieve on their own.

However, one of the downsides of using AI is that it can create the illusion of expertise.

My wife has been saying I write like a robot way before AI was generally available to the public. Now, she says that AI has proven her point! Lol 😂

Frank 🎸

lol robot? That fast? GPT can write 1000 WPM (word per minute).

No, not even close to 1,000 WPM, Andy. Perhaps 100 WPM.

It's apparently related to my vocabulary and sentence structure. I have a scientific publishing background, so I was trained to write in a somewhat dry academic fashion. It's a challenging habit to break. Lol 😎

When I started testing AI "detectors," I pasted in text from journal publications I wrote back in the late 1970s. They were all detected as "greater than 90% AI!" Hahaha 🤣

Frank 🎸

Hah! Perhaps some of the datasets were created from your published work. I mean, that is how they have built all the GPT. But yeah, you are here proof that the AI detector - both human and code - is bullocks.

Maybe or maybe and more likely it is impossible to detect AI there is a probability nothing mre

Hi Andy

Yup, AI most likely grabbed some of my published data, but it would represent such a small percentage in relative comparison to similar online data sets that the chance of an AI detector comparing it to the actual publication is statistically negligible.

I know that one publication from 1978 that tested positive in various AI detectors is not available online, not even in Google Scholar.

Sometimes, anything that seems too good to be written by a human is automatically considered by many to be AI-generated. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

Yeah it's like people don't believe that there are any clever humans left lol

Absolutely, Andy! Lol 😎

So true


I agree with you totally the illusion of expertise, it is not just AI you find this the illusion can be found in any mainstream media,

Haha, so true, Catherine! 😆

OMG, the pacemaker is taking over.
Thanks my friend

Hi Steve

Yeah, using AI to summarize articles in the WA Site Comments seems to be an ongoing problem. All we can do is disapprove them and hope the next one will be better.

Luckily, I don't get much WA spam.

The personal posts are most likely because WA is a close community that feels like a family. Many of us, including me, are guilty of that to a certain extent. I write a lot about music because that's my niche. I try to make it clear what the post is about in the title and first few sentences so that busy members will not waste their time on something that is not useful to them. 😎

Creating WA posts about internal links, how to write a product review, etc., is great for the constant influx of WA newbies, but it can get a little repetitive for those who have completed the training.

I suspect there's a good balance between the business and social aspects of this platform.

All The Best, & Keep On Rockin' It! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I agree with you; if you make it clear (as you do) that it is not about business, I see nothing wrong with it. Jeff Brown posted about his daily routine and you did not have to read it unless you were interested

Thanks, Catherine! 🙏

Yeah, I would read Jeff's posts in the evening when I was winding down and wanted something familiar and entertaining. I looked forward to them and hope to read them again when Jeff returns.

Most members respect the no-promotion rule at WA, which is great!

Sometimes, it's just "close enough for Rock N' Roll." Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

In my personal experience I think those that do spam know no better. THey are used to spamming and have no knowledge at all of focused targeted audiences. Given the size of the community here it is less than 0.01 percent and quickly dealt with

Yup, and then there are those who try to use spam for their own monetary gain, but that is very seldom a useful endeavor.

This is part of what I was trying to say the other day, just not as blunt as this.
Some of the site comments are starting to look a little stupid to put it a little more bluntly since you have raised the subject.

So I am in agreement on that point.

not met a Kiwi who is not straight to the point.

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