The Power of Words - Did you know every word you speak is an affirmation?
Let me start by saying, WOW! By far the best part of WA is the community. This in fact is a true testament of just how much we "need" each other... I don't mean just here, but it's not to be taken lightly, and certainly not to be taken for granted. It's been an interesting week of reading postings, expectations, dreams, etc., and I can't tell you how inspirational it is for me. I have so many ideas in my head that I realized I need to get over this hung over feeling and start focusing... well maybe not completely over!
With that said, over and over I see how we contradict ourselves between our dreams and our choice of words. Did you know that every word you speak is an affirmation? Did you know that all our self talk is a stream of affirmations that is creating your life? You are thinking, saying, and doing things every moment that are creating your reality, whether you know it or not. The good news is, that it's what we have been taught, mostly in defense of whatever may come at us. The better news is, once you are aware, you can change it. (There is no good, bad and the ugly... that was someone else's movie, don't make it yours). Instead, choose good, great and greatest... or whatever positive direction you want to grow.
What exactly am I talking about... well, the list is long but just to give you an idea of some of the things I have come across... the words poor, broke, competition, angry, unsure, when I, bored, demanding, pain, punishment, or all the variations of these words that invoke these same feelings, are negative words, evoke negative feelings, and are generally less positive energy.
I get that if we weren't taught about choice of words and the right time, combination or purpose to use them beyond the daily dialogue, then how do we know; but now you do know, and that's all that matters. Now you're aware. Now you can reframe it. Put the past where it belongs and start from wherever you are. So when my back would ache, I would joke by saying "growing pains", now I just say I'm still growing. :-)
Yesterday I was watching, yes another Steve Harvey show; I just love how he makes sense of things in a funny way. Probably something I want to see in me, but this is for another posting another day.
So basically his guest was Tracy Strauss who writes a column about how to find love in all the wrong places... whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt!!!!! That's correct... and guess what... if you write long enough about finding love in all the wrong places, guess what your new reality becomes... YOU WON'T FIND LOVE!!!
Now, this is not about love, this is about the power of words and how they create our reality... even and especially in the digital marketing world, because we are writers, whether you see yourself as a writer or not, your words have power.
I'm no different, and while I have made an agreement with one of my "selves"... to reframe every time I catch myself, I have no power with doing this for others. The problem is that until YOU change how you see yourself, you will not be your Best self, or really even yourself, and you will take longer to MANIFEST those dreams.
So, I want to invite you to become conscious when you use words like poor, broke, etc. Instead, try saying, my finances are growing with the level I'm growing, and since I'm growing and growing, it's just a matter of time before I can manifest my wealth. Make it a success story... I personally love RANTS of appreciation and RANTS of success... it gets my blood pumping and feels good.
If you are still here, let me invite you to listen to Louise Hay's book I Can Do It!
Just listen to the first 10 minutes.... you may find yourself not wanting to stop. LOL..
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You are absolutely 100% correct, Yessan!! Every success we have is from the power of positive thinking and positive words. If we are negative in our minds and words, our lives will be negative. This is something I work on constantly!! Everyday I have to work on it. I am getting better. I am so glad you broached on this subject.
You are so right, Yessan, about the power of words. And we are surrounded by so much negativity (at least here in Germany). But it is also hard going against the wind, so to speak. You mention Emoto further down - that reminded me of my favorite Japanese author on that wavelength: Nobuo Shioya and his book "The power of living freely". Trained as a medical doctor, he developed a breathing system, which, coupled with what he calls the creative power of thought transformed his life.
Hi Sibyll, this is the trick... the more negativity "we" remove from our life, the less we will see. One of my favorite quotes is "When you change the way you see things, the things you see will change." I first heard it from Wayne Dyer. I have to say, it took me a bit to understand it, until I had that AHA! moment... and then I realized it was me that needed to change how I was relating to events. In other words, stop seeing it as a negative and instead reframe it, give it a different label to how you relate to it, and let it go... I affirm every day I'm positive, even if it seems like I don't feel it, because in my reality that's who I intend to be, and everything else is a temporary situation to a more permanent solution. It's a coffee and conversation topic for sure... :-)
To your comment on Nobuo, thanks for sharing, I will definitely connect with it. Amazingly enough, breathing is one of those we take for granted. It is absolutely vital to the mind, body and soul. We really don't realize how good it feels when we learn to consciously breathe... the connection with the creative power of thought makes sense... Think about it... what does oxygen to do our brain... the engine for thought... hmm... very very intriguing. Thank you!!!!
My favorite quote with respect to this topic is:
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." ~Mother Teresa
Loved this post and the link. Great job.
A smile alone can do it to the right person at the right time... which is always. Thank you for reading my wonderfully long posts. :-)
The mind is VERY powerful. Steve Harvey makes me laugh. I like him (I need humor in my life) and Louise Hay .... well, she's in my library too. Thanks for the reminder.
Sui, we all need humor in our lives. Are you a Hay House Wisdom Member? I confess my list of books waiting to be read is longer than those I have... and I have TONS of books!!!! My husband is always wanting to sell them... LOL.... he really should read them, might learn something! ;-)
Great Post! Thanks so much for sharing. So many people don't know how powerful affirmations are to their lives. Simply put..."you get what you think about." The more people become aware of this the better thier lives could be. Simply by using words and thoughts properly.
You hit it right on the mark. Thanks again for sharing. Made my day! Peace and Blessings! -James
Thank you, James. So many lessons to be learned... I think many are just confused about what affirmations are and how words have energy. That part of the energy in words was the work of Masaru Emoto whose science proved and documented it for all of us. He left us recently but his work for me was of profound importance. Understanding that we do it without realizing it and could hold a key to going from good to great, is pretty powerful. Blessings are ours indeed!
I'm not familiar with Masaru Emoto"s work but you've got me very curious! I'm excited to learn more about him. Any recommended reading?? Oh, and I listen to Diane Hays's audio book as well. Glad to meet another fan!
You meant Louise Hay? You can see a lot online and in You Tube... but if you are a book collector... meaning you read them and keep them... I don't "let go" of my books... lol... then The True Power of Water will have you speaking to your glass of water like it was literally the last glass but the best glass ever! It's just so beautiful to think about the connection between the 70% in our body, the 70% on earth, and how we are responding to the power of the words we use.
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Thanks for the thought provoking post yessan55. On the subject of books, a quick read that I always go back to is "As A Man Thinketh".
Yes... Thanks Byderman... absolutely a must read and a great addition to any success library!! It's a shame we really just don't get it. We probably wouldn't be here. Hmm...
"Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves."