Here is some interesting news: ranking on page 1 inside of Google in 1 day
Yesterday I made an article, and it wasn't anything special, I just did all the basic stuff, some on-page SEO, and made sure it was helpful.
And I checked it in Google if it ranked, and this is what I saw
That is my website, you can see I blurred or covered it, don't really want to share it. And this is position 8.
And this is cool for me, 1 day, and I am ranking on first page in 1 day.
Just to be clear, I am ranking position 8 in Sweden, I don't know what it will be in other countries, because the site rank tool we got inside WA show position 15.
I also just want to prove that this is position 8 by sharing a few screenshots.
So there you can see the YouTube video that was 2 positions over me. So that is 5 articles/video over me, and then here (below) you can see that there are only 2 other articles ranking higher than me:
Here is a more clear view that the post on top (above) is ranking number 1:
So now we can agree that I am ranking on page 1? 7 articles are ranking higher than me, putting me on position 8, well at least in Sweden. You can double-check the screenshots for that if you want.
Now I have read Partha's posts for a good time now (really helpful by the way). So a good question would be, do people search for this keyword? Or in other words, am I REALLY ranking for something?
The answer is, I am not 100% sure to be honest. Jaaxy tells me it doesn't get any searches or at least a low amount, you can see that here:
But, I would like to try Partha's method of seeing if this keyword is even good, but first I want to show you how GSC (Google Search Console) have to say:
That is the latest data GSC has at the moment, and there is a big increase in impressions for sure, but in terms of rankings, not amazing. But a big chunk of all of those impressions comes from my new article. You can see here that it got a lot of impression compared to other articles:
Which I think is pretty cool. Maybe not fantastic, but it is a lot better for me compared to other articles. I mean if we look at my progress these 28 days, the highest amount of impressions is 23.
But, we still don't know if this keyword is good or not, I mean the results so far looks promising (if we forget Jaaxy, lol!).
But, I still want to try Partha's method of seeing if a keyword is popular or not, and it is fairly simple, I just need to put my keyword in to Reddit and Quora, and see how many threads there are, and how many comments the top ones has. If there are many threads, and if a few of the top ones have +20 comments then it should be fairly popular.
Here is what Reddit had to say:
And I could scroll a long way down, probably over 100 threads or 200.
This is what Quora had to say:
Not as popular here on Quora, it wasn't more that much, I would guess around 30 maybe, potentially lower.
So I wouldn't say this is super popular, but maybe not dead. I am not so sure, maybe someone can tell me more clearly if this is a good keyword or not. The keyword tool says one thing, and Reddit and Quora says something a bit different. (If you read Partha’s comment this keyword is pretty much worthless, nobody will search up the “10” just the second part)
Even if this keyword might not be the best in the world, I think that my website coming up on first page (at least in Sweden) in 1 day is for me is great, a little milestone!
One thing I will do though is social media, just to have those links.
I don't know if this will hold, maybe after the update, or something, I don't know. But I am pretty sure this is a good sign.
But, with this update going on, I don't know what is going to happen, or if this post will rank down, or up. I won't check these analytics every day, like Partha said, to kinda make sure my mental health don't get destroyed, lol!
So I don't have high hopes that this article will stay there.
Thanks for reading! :)
Recent Comments
Fluctuations again Jonathan!
And I have to agree with everything that Partha said here, it's still waaay to early to tell....
And stop checking your stats and rankings!!!!
Doesn't mean I don't do the same though!!!
Three days until the big day now if I'm not mistaken....
Have a great one buddy!!
Haha! We both are victims of the horrible crime of checking stats! 🤣🤣🤣
Well 2 days now! Glad you remember!
We are indeed Jonathan! Just out of interest, how was this post ranking this morning when you checked them my friend??
Ever since I have blogged here, I haven't touched a single graph. So, I don't know, lol! And I haven't checked how that post is ranking at all.
Partha if you are reading this, hope you are proud!! 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry, but I can't look (even if every single muscle in my body wants to check MY STATS!!). Made my promise to Partha, and I will keep it, just like you should also keep your promise, 2 days!
That is fantastic control Jonathan!!
I just can't resist checking stats whilst having my breakfast...
It's routine and a habit which is hard to shake!!
I'm sure that young Partha will be proud of you my friend and let's see!!
The motivation of 5 people or even more tell me to not check my stats, specially when they are probably experts, helped a lot.
And I don't want my mental health destroyed, lol! Thanks by the way! :)
🤣🤣 🤣🤣
I hear you my friend, one always has to look after ones mental health!
My newest site is just an experiment and I love to see the daily fluctuations!!
Whatever happens my mental health will not be affected in any way!
Take care buddy!!
Hi Jonathan,
Great start, check the post in a few months to see how it is going.
Every post has to start somewhere, I even did some posts in Spanish, even though I am English.
I got chat GPT to translate it for me and got my Spanish girlfriend to read it out to me, that post in Spanish is doing quite well because it is drawing traffic to my website.
Its a good idea to try the same post in different languages, there is bound to be an audience for that post somewhere.
Keep on learning and evolving.
Hey Brian! Good advice, I will check everything in a few months, already made a promise to Partha, and I think it would be a good idea if I keep it, lol!
Thanks for the tip though, will continue to learn and grow. :)
Hi Kyle since i am free member do i qualify for those ads to google because i am finincial broke now and ineed to upgrade still working on it thanks for this opportunity.
Hi, I am not Kyle. But to answer your question, it depends if your website has high quality content on it and if it is driving in traffic
Hi - if you are only using your free website, then no, you cannot use Google AdSense.
They require that you have a full registered domain, with lots of original, written content.
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Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan... what am I going to do with you!!!!
Firstly, let's break EVERYTHING DOWN.
I've mentioned in an older blog post that I NEVER check stats on a new website until day 1 of MONTH 4.
And even after that, I only check stats once a month up until around month 6-7.
The reason being is that with a new website your rankings fluctuate wildly from day-to-day.
I'll even give you an example of something YOU have done, that no-one else spotted.
Remember you got an annual Premium Plus upgrade VERY SOON after publishing your WA review?
My guess is that you've not received much more, if anything, since then?
The reason for this is "wildly fluctuating" articles on a new site.
As a guess, you wrote your WA review, Google immediately placed it on the first page... BOOM, you got a referral immediately, but after this Google "settled" you in what it thought was your "rightful place" in the rankings, based on how much content your website has and the overall authority of your domain.
Obviously, I don't know the exact figures, but it could be something like, you wrote the review, you ranked in position 3 immediately (you got the sale because a person was searching for WA at that very second, yaaay!!), 5 hours later you fell to position 100, the next day it went to position 50, and then a week later it "settled" in position 30 <---- this is the ranking that Google thinks you CURRENTLY "deserve", based on volume of content and domain authority.
This is why checking rankings the day after you publish an article on a website that hasn't been "live" for at least 6-7 months isn't advisable.
And this is why there are so many newbies stating that they were ranking and now they can't find their article anywhere.
Okay, Next...
A quick clue, if the "keyword" contains a number it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that a REAL PERSON would type that number into Google.
Think about your own online searches BEFORE you became an affiliate marketer.
So, for this search, NO-ONE, and I mean NO-ONE would search
"10" DIY Crafts You Can Sell as a Side Hustle
Once more, think of your OWN search history from years gone by...
It's more likely that rather than the number "10" a REAL PERSON would search
BEST DIY Crafts You Can Sell as a Side Hustle
DIY Crafts You Can Sell as a Side Hustle
DIY Crafts to Sell
DIY Crafts to Make Money
You CAN eventually rank for ALL these keywords from just that ONE article.
The likelihood that a REAL PERSON would type in "10" is very slim.
NUMBERS in article titles are typically what WE THE AUTHOR come up with, or what an AI tool would suggest as a good topic to write about.
It could have suggested 3 or 5 or 7 or 235!!!
Would you check rankings for the "keyword"
235 DIY Crafts You Can Sell as a Side Hustle
NOPE, of course you wouldn't!!! LOL.
The point being, in the vast majority of cases, the NUMBER in the title is MADE UP BY US, and it is NOT what a REAL SEARCHER would type into Google.
Okay, your "rankings".
Using the number "10" in the keyword (but, remember, NO-ONE would typically type in "10") you are ranking in position 19.
However, for the REAL KEYWORD
DIY Crafts You Can Sell as a Side Hustle
You are ranking in position 38.
Still not bad for a "baby website" that doesn't have much authority yet...
Don't forget that these rankings COULD and probably will fluctuate again.
This is why I don't like people checking stats on fairly new websites.
(I BET you do keep checking this article daily!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣)
You feel fantastic one day, depressed the next, you feel hope the day after, and utterly distraught the next day.
This is simply because Google is "testing" your article after you initially publish it until they find it's "true" resting place.
Sure, as your site gets older, and your domain gains more authority, you can expect older articles to potentially improve in the rankings, BUT, what you're seeing immediately after publication often isn't a "real" ranking!!
Finally, don't forget, THINK LIKE A SEARCHER...
What ACTUAL WORDS will someone put into the Google Search Bar?
As I say, it is highly unlikely that they would put in an exact number.
The same goes for ANY keyword
"10 Tips to lose Weight"
A REAL SEARCHER would type in
Tips to Lose Weight
"17 Strategies to Rank Hugher in Google"
A REAL SEARCHER would type in
"Strategies to Rank Higher in Google"
Don't forget that an AI "suggestion" is NOT a real keyword, but rather a SUGGESTION on a TOPIC that people in your niche may be interested in.
Your aim is to take that TOPIC from AI and then find a RELEVANT KEYWORD THAT REAL PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR.
Something else I have taught to find REAL QUERIES
Put a phrase into the Google Search Bar and then click your cursor ANYWHERE inside that search bar and Google will "reveal suggestions" for REAL KEYWORDS THAT REAL PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR.
I have placed your "keyword" into the Google search bar and then "clicked" my cursor and this reveals the actual RELEVANT keywords around that phrase that REAL people are searching for (screenshot below).
p.s. STOP checking stats!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haha! I knew you would mention the checking stats thing. To my defense I want to put the guilt on my bad habit of checking stats, ok?🤣
Thanks by the way for making it clear that this wasn't a good keyword, I wanted to actually know that, and I am not good at knowing these keyword things ok, used Jaaxy all my life, lol.
And to my defense again, I made that article BEFORE you told me anything yesterday. So I just took a topic out of hubs. I will do better now, since you kinda gave me a pretty CLEAR answer or instruction, would be hard to not know what to do now, lol!
To make you a bit more happy, you have my word to not look at my stats so often. So that is a promise, I will keep it. And I will follow your strategies.
I just think at least being in on page 1 is something (even if the keyword is pointless🤣).
No expectations that I will keep being in that position, I know how it all is now (I hope, you always got something to teach me about, lol!)
Excellent follow-up here Partha, as an aside, you can leverage the Auto-Suggest directly within Hubs, under the Add an Article.
Thanks for the tip!
Oh yeah!!! I completely forgot about that!!!
Jonathan, What Kyle said!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yep, I 100% forgot that you have the autosuggest feature in HUBS.
That's fine Jonathan!!!
100%, I've got so much time for you, there's nothing I love more than those who are eager to learn and work hard, plus you have a wonderful quality that you don't get defensive and you take on feedback and constructive criticism.
A fantastic trait in ANY human!!
Yep, as I say, HUBS and most AI tools will give you "topic suggestions", fantastic to get the creative juices flowing, BUT, always try to find a "real keyword" that fits in with that topic suggestion.
Sure, one article can obviously rank for 1000s of keywords, so even writing an article just using the "topic suggestion" COULD see you rank for a plethora of keywords.
It's always best to find "real keywords" that "real people" are "really searching for".
ah for sure, I use those suggestions in articles and other keyword suggestions from Jaaxy.
I consider all of them to write my own article + what is searched on google itself. It is really a combination of things.
Like at the moment,for example, I am writing a review about an accommodation where I stayed in South Africa in a small town, and I include in the story the answers to these suggestions and keywords in Jaaxy, that I wouldn't have thought about including those topics in my article on this small town.
Like there weren't any hotels in the area where we stayed, but people do seem to look for that keyword in the suggestions, so I mention that there are no hotels in the article.
Doing that, makes me still have a lot of time spent on my article, as I did before haha, but heavily humanized and complete, while before that might not have been the case.
I actually did and have been using it ;-)
Thanks for your tip, maybe the keyword part has been my major mistake, I think. I will follow your tips, I found a keyword yesterday that ticked all the boxes of, and it wasn’t with the 10 or something, like this one. And I have a chance of ranking for it.
When you mentioned the part of that you liked that I didn’t get defensive when you giving me feedback. Well who gets happy when you get that type of feedback, but I always think like, what is the point to get defensive, and try and deny the truth, or generally just being annoying. Fighting against someone who has much more experience then me. I only got like 1 year and a few months experience, compared to you who has well over that.
Plus the fact I would consider you an expert. And I think everyone should do the same.
Well look how that turned out, these last 2 days I probably learned more then these last 3 months! 🤣🤣
So thanks for at least being honest, and taking a little risk of me hating you to actually be nice and tell me the truth! Even if it could destroy my ego lol!