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Hi, I am 57 years young and enjoy the freedom that motorcycle riding brings, along with being an avid gardener of all kinds! Although I





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was writing a new blog post and now unable to find it. Is there a place where the posts are auto-saved too? I hope so!

Great you found it. Be aware control Z can do an instant restore for you!

Sweet, thanks for the tip!

When you write and edit your posts and pages on WordPress, the changes you make are automatically saved every few seconds. In the Publish Module at the top left of the editor, you’ll see when the entry was last saved and can click Save to force the editor to save.
Each autosaved copy of the post is saved, and you can browse and restore prior versions by clicking on Revisions.

Thank you, Rich, I was sure it would as everywhere else I have written a blog using WordPress that it autosaved often. I just need to re-familiarize myself with WA

Happy that it has been found!

Go to the little pencil again, blog at WA, on top of the new blog, you will find your draft blogs

Yipeeee :) Found it ... Thank you Loes!

You're welcome, enjoy your day:)

You should see your draft posts under your site content. All published and draft posts should be there.

Thank you found it!

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Where has my unfinished blog post vanished too?

Where has my unfinished blog post vanished too?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was writing a new blog post and now unable to find it. Is there a place where the posts are auto-saved too? I hope so!

Great you found it. Be aware control Z can do an instant restore for you!

Sweet, thanks for the tip!

When you write and edit your posts and pages on WordPress, the changes you make are automatically saved every few seconds. In the Publish Module at the top left of the editor, you’ll see when the entry was last saved and can click Save to force the editor to save.
Each autosaved copy of the post is saved, and you can browse and restore prior versions by clicking on Revisions.

Thank you, Rich, I was sure it would as everywhere else I have written a blog using WordPress that it autosaved often. I just need to re-familiarize myself with WA

Happy that it has been found!

Go to the little pencil again, blog at WA, on top of the new blog, you will find your draft blogs

Yipeeee :) Found it ... Thank you Loes!

You're welcome, enjoy your day:)

You should see your draft posts under your site content. All published and draft posts should be there.

Thank you found it!

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I created a new blog post, saved it, and now cannot locate it in order to post it .
Where do I find it after saving it?

Glad that you found it! :0

Me too! :)

Thank you both ... found it!!

If it was either a Post or a Page you click on Page or Post in your right hand Dashboard (they are listed there).
On the next screen you will see the word Draft.
That will be the the post or page.
Click on it and it will appear on the next screen.

@Robert-A Thank you

No probs and happy to help if I have.
Enjoy your day.

If you're asking about a WA blog post, then this will help you...

@ericcantu ... thank you found it!!!!

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Blog post saved and cannot find it?

Blog post saved and cannot find it?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I created a new blog post, saved it, and now cannot locate it in order to post it .
Where do I find it after saving it?

Glad that you found it! :0

Me too! :)

Thank you both ... found it!!

If it was either a Post or a Page you click on Page or Post in your right hand Dashboard (they are listed there).
On the next screen you will see the word Draft.
That will be the the post or page.
Click on it and it will appear on the next screen.

@Robert-A Thank you

No probs and happy to help if I have.
Enjoy your day.

If you're asking about a WA blog post, then this will help you...

@ericcantu ... thank you found it!!!!

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