Author EricCantu
Rank 14

Did you just write your masterpiece of a WA blog post and suddenly you have no idea where it went? Well chances are it's autosaved and you didn't lose it. This video will show you exactly where it went just in case it has eluded you.

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N33 Premium
Thank you Eric. I had the same problem with my first and last training ! Well, after rewriting endless, I decided at that time it would be the last, but now I can imagine to go for it again.
Have a great day
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thanks, Anne :) Aw, don't give up on writing training just yet. It's a great way to be active and help in the community, plus it's a great way to master things for yourself, right? Thanks again!
EdwardLarry Premium
Thank you Eric You explain that well I hope to write a blog
EricCantu Premium Plus
Don't hesitate. Your WA blog here is like your own progress journal. Be active with it because before you know it you'll be learning so much more and be so far ahead and being able to look back and see where you came from is always inspiring.
TomCaldwell1 Premium
Thank you Eric. Very important, every simple, very easy information., but critical.
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thanks for all the support, Tom!
LDawkins1 Premium
Ohhhhh. I see. Thank you.

I THINK that I MAY have accidentally deleted my draft instead of Publish. That is the only explanation. Because When this "Phantom post" happened to me.
I checked my drafts first but the only draft that was there was completely different, one that I started but never finished early on. (Which is still there and I'm about to delete.) :)

Thanks for your help! :D

EricCantu Premium Plus
Yeah, every once in a while our computer decides to hate us and does something crazy like freezing up without letting us know and even autosaves go out the window, right? lol. Thankfully these are few and far between. Glad you enjoyed this, Linda :)
Carson Premium Plus
These training vids are great Eric, really helpful! Titles are great too as they will be searchable in the main search when folks ask these questions. Keep it up!
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thanks, brother. I'm always glad to contribute where I can :)