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254 followers Joined March 2019
I'm Femi Asaolu and work as a stats analyst in arguably the greatest city in world - London:) I'm 40 years young and blessed with





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm in a bit of a pickle - do I sell my website or do I preserve with it?

Here's why I'm torn.

My website was hit by one of Google's algorithm updates late last y

You are very well covered here, with some excellent advice and guidance. If you have any further questions, please let the community know!


Very interesting question, because I am at this stage as well. Not giving up yet after google update this year, but traffic is veeeeryy slowly rising. Will push through, but if it happens again, don't know what I will do.
So not an answer to your question, but thanks for asking ;-)

Thank you for your comments. You are very much welcome to participate, not everyone will have an answer and that's okay.

Yes, I seem to recall when you had the setback in February or so. Good to hear that you are persevering, and I'm keen to see how you get on. Actually, I was going to DM you at some point but I never seem to get round to it lol. I will definitely move it up my to-do-list now and will be in touch soon.


Hey Femi,

Most sites are sold on the "open market" as a multiple of monthly earnings.

The more monthly income the site is making, the higher you can typically expect the multiple to be... although this does also depend on niche.

As an example, a tech-based website earning $5,000 per month may even get a multiple of 50x (so a sale price of $250,000).

However, let's say a website in the decaf syrup_flavoured coffee niche (quite obscure) earning $500 per month may only get a multiple of 15x (so a sale price of $7,500) .

Based on your website niche and the price offered, I would say that is a decent price for a website earning $600 per month AS AN AVERAGE INCOME OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS (Currently your annual average includes "good months" before you got hit by the updates and we're earning MORE money, therefore your valuation will DROP in a few months, as your "average" will decrease).

What you can do is go to Flippa and use their valuation tool.

Answer the questions relating to income and traffic, and you'll receive a BROAD valuation. E.g.$12,000 - $16,000.

You'll then be guided to book a telephone appointment with a representatives, BOOK AN APPOINTMENT.

You'll probably be able to speak to someone tomorrow.

Be 100% honest in your conversation, keep a note of EXACT traffic and income for every month in the last 12 montgs.

If you have any premium plugins or themes, mention them. Even saying something like, "I have GP Premium, WPRocket, Imagify, and Link Whisper and they are all renewed until December may push your price up by $500.

In the end, it comes down to your internal thinking Femi.

There's no guarantee a website will recover, and there's nothing to say in 12 months time the website could be earning 6 figures.

It all comes down to your heart and gut feeling.

Often when a site is hit by an update, you lose heart, and you literally can't stand to look at it, and every time you think of the website it drains you of mental energy - in this case, the thought process isn't doing your mental health any good, sell it.

If the website still lights you up and makes you feel good inside, the decision becomes much harder, but only YOU can make that decision.

Make sense?


Hey Partha,

Thanks for answering the question :) Your suggestion are very helpful and I will follow up on those actions.

I must say I have gotten over the disappointment of the lost traffic. It weigh me down late last year because it was my first experience of such a scenario, but I have recovered from it mentally (at least I think) and I actually think it is a good experience because I intend to press on with affiliate marketing whether its with this site or another; the experience will help me with future planning of the business.

For me, it is my cashflow and the team I have built that I want to protect, so selling it could be the optimal decision provided this seller is legit. I myself do feel that the price is about right considering where the site is performance wise today.

Still, I want to proceed with caution, availing myself of all the information around selling a site. So thank you again for your recommendations.

How's your exercise body building site doing? I learnt a lot from your keyword research strategies blogs and by looking at the site. It appears it was hit too. I hope it has seen some recovery.


Do your due diligence and get an escrow service to avoid getting scammed.

Will do -I was thinking about that risk too, wondering how to mitigate it. Now I know - thank you.

No problem :)

You may list your domains using marketplaces like GoDaddy, Sedo, or Flippa. I would follow up on each site's terms and conditions, what you need to look for, and how to make sales. Also, I would use escrow services to avoid getting scammed. They typically charge a fee.

If you have a built site, it is worth getting an estimate and working out your stats so that your buyer | and the bidder can work out their ROI. And to prove authenticity and transparency.

Or you may employ brokers to sell your domains; they also charge a fee.

Good luck with whatever you do.


Thanks Abie - this is particularly helpful seeing as I haven't sold a site before.


No problem. Let us know how you get on.

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Would you sell my website if you were offered $12.5k?

Would you sell my website if you were offered $12.5k?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm in a bit of a pickle - do I sell my website or do I preserve with it?

Here's why I'm torn.

My website was hit by one of Google's algorithm updates late last y

You are very well covered here, with some excellent advice and guidance. If you have any further questions, please let the community know!


Very interesting question, because I am at this stage as well. Not giving up yet after google update this year, but traffic is veeeeryy slowly rising. Will push through, but if it happens again, don't know what I will do.
So not an answer to your question, but thanks for asking ;-)

Thank you for your comments. You are very much welcome to participate, not everyone will have an answer and that's okay.

Yes, I seem to recall when you had the setback in February or so. Good to hear that you are persevering, and I'm keen to see how you get on. Actually, I was going to DM you at some point but I never seem to get round to it lol. I will definitely move it up my to-do-list now and will be in touch soon.


Hey Femi,

Most sites are sold on the "open market" as a multiple of monthly earnings.

The more monthly income the site is making, the higher you can typically expect the multiple to be... although this does also depend on niche.

As an example, a tech-based website earning $5,000 per month may even get a multiple of 50x (so a sale price of $250,000).

However, let's say a website in the decaf syrup_flavoured coffee niche (quite obscure) earning $500 per month may only get a multiple of 15x (so a sale price of $7,500) .

Based on your website niche and the price offered, I would say that is a decent price for a website earning $600 per month AS AN AVERAGE INCOME OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS (Currently your annual average includes "good months" before you got hit by the updates and we're earning MORE money, therefore your valuation will DROP in a few months, as your "average" will decrease).

What you can do is go to Flippa and use their valuation tool.

Answer the questions relating to income and traffic, and you'll receive a BROAD valuation. E.g.$12,000 - $16,000.

You'll then be guided to book a telephone appointment with a representatives, BOOK AN APPOINTMENT.

You'll probably be able to speak to someone tomorrow.

Be 100% honest in your conversation, keep a note of EXACT traffic and income for every month in the last 12 montgs.

If you have any premium plugins or themes, mention them. Even saying something like, "I have GP Premium, WPRocket, Imagify, and Link Whisper and they are all renewed until December may push your price up by $500.

In the end, it comes down to your internal thinking Femi.

There's no guarantee a website will recover, and there's nothing to say in 12 months time the website could be earning 6 figures.

It all comes down to your heart and gut feeling.

Often when a site is hit by an update, you lose heart, and you literally can't stand to look at it, and every time you think of the website it drains you of mental energy - in this case, the thought process isn't doing your mental health any good, sell it.

If the website still lights you up and makes you feel good inside, the decision becomes much harder, but only YOU can make that decision.

Make sense?


Hey Partha,

Thanks for answering the question :) Your suggestion are very helpful and I will follow up on those actions.

I must say I have gotten over the disappointment of the lost traffic. It weigh me down late last year because it was my first experience of such a scenario, but I have recovered from it mentally (at least I think) and I actually think it is a good experience because I intend to press on with affiliate marketing whether its with this site or another; the experience will help me with future planning of the business.

For me, it is my cashflow and the team I have built that I want to protect, so selling it could be the optimal decision provided this seller is legit. I myself do feel that the price is about right considering where the site is performance wise today.

Still, I want to proceed with caution, availing myself of all the information around selling a site. So thank you again for your recommendations.

How's your exercise body building site doing? I learnt a lot from your keyword research strategies blogs and by looking at the site. It appears it was hit too. I hope it has seen some recovery.


Do your due diligence and get an escrow service to avoid getting scammed.

Will do -I was thinking about that risk too, wondering how to mitigate it. Now I know - thank you.

No problem :)

You may list your domains using marketplaces like GoDaddy, Sedo, or Flippa. I would follow up on each site's terms and conditions, what you need to look for, and how to make sales. Also, I would use escrow services to avoid getting scammed. They typically charge a fee.

If you have a built site, it is worth getting an estimate and working out your stats so that your buyer | and the bidder can work out their ROI. And to prove authenticity and transparency.

Or you may employ brokers to sell your domains; they also charge a fee.

Good luck with whatever you do.


Thanks Abie - this is particularly helpful seeing as I haven't sold a site before.


No problem. Let us know how you get on.

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asked in
Local Marketing

I'm looking for a local marketing website checklist template that I can use to facilitate discussion and prompt potential clients for information about the website they'd like

Hey Femi,

See screen print below... in Google searching, I can see there are all sorts of checklists being offered online.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you loads. I'll check it out.


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I need a checklist to collect details from a client about website they want me to build. do you have

I need a checklist to collect details from a client about website they want me to build. do you have

asked in
Local Marketing

I'm looking for a local marketing website checklist template that I can use to facilitate discussion and prompt potential clients for information about the website they'd like

Hey Femi,

See screen print below... in Google searching, I can see there are all sorts of checklists being offered online.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you loads. I'll check it out.


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asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

I'm in two minds wh

The other alternative is to add the banner to a landing page, surrounded by pre-sales text and then link to the landing page in the blog post.

I have read some materials around this approach recently, which argues that sending traffic first to a landing page before reaching the ultimate product page is most effective than a direct link from the banner to the product page.

I will give it a try.


There are several good reasons for that. I'll be interested in seeing how you go.

Hey Femi,

Whether to add or not is really your own decision to make.

Having said that... I can share with you what happened to me so that you might avoid what I did, and actually benefit from your ad banner.

I had a site where I added an ad banner to the sidebar and it was juuuuust above the fold. If you are uncertain as to the meaning of above the fold, see screen print below...

It was long before I noticed that site being punished by Google, and when I checked Google Analytics, I noticed the punishment straight away.

Once I moved that widget with the ad banner down so that it was no longer above the fold... VOILA! The punishment was lifted.

And now, I don't even add a text affiliate link above the fold.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks Triblu, First I'm hearing of the term above the fold but I have come across the concept you have alluded to here and I will actually review my affiliate links position of my blogs in general so that I'm not punished for this issue. Same goes for the banner though I don't think it is above the fold from memory.

You never know until you try! If it doesn't work, take it down and try something else, Femi!


I may well do this - thanks

You're very welcome, Femi! Nothing ventured and nothing gained!


There is a train of thought today that says Google prefers not to have salesy links and banners on every page, especially if it is informational.

In your informational post you can link to your sales funnel page
At the end of your post you can suggest learn9ing more leading to your sales funnel page.

Thanks. I will consider that too.

You said yet, what are you waiting for?

How are you tracking progress?

Ok to clear, I have added the banner to another blog post where it hasn't returned any income (yet - it has been at least 3 weeks or so now). (I have a suspicion that the reason is because maybe the banner is not relevant enough). But my question is whether adding it to my best income generating blog post will have an adverse effect on the income of my said best income generating blog.

Yes I make sure everything on the page is relevant.

However, it is still early to tell. is there some kind of CTA attached or what is or would the purpose of the banner.

What would you want to achieve it from displaying it there.

Because you already said the post is one that is high performing. Has the performance changed higher | lower?

I am bit confused to be honest.

I have DM you because it is easier to provide extra information that way including details of my website wthout being seen to be promoting my site on WA

Okay will get to it,

Thank you.

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To add ad banner to blog post or not, that is the question?

To add ad banner to blog post or not, that is the question?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

I'm in two minds wh

The other alternative is to add the banner to a landing page, surrounded by pre-sales text and then link to the landing page in the blog post.

I have read some materials around this approach recently, which argues that sending traffic first to a landing page before reaching the ultimate product page is most effective than a direct link from the banner to the product page.

I will give it a try.


There are several good reasons for that. I'll be interested in seeing how you go.

Hey Femi,

Whether to add or not is really your own decision to make.

Having said that... I can share with you what happened to me so that you might avoid what I did, and actually benefit from your ad banner.

I had a site where I added an ad banner to the sidebar and it was juuuuust above the fold. If you are uncertain as to the meaning of above the fold, see screen print below...

It was long before I noticed that site being punished by Google, and when I checked Google Analytics, I noticed the punishment straight away.

Once I moved that widget with the ad banner down so that it was no longer above the fold... VOILA! The punishment was lifted.

And now, I don't even add a text affiliate link above the fold.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks Triblu, First I'm hearing of the term above the fold but I have come across the concept you have alluded to here and I will actually review my affiliate links position of my blogs in general so that I'm not punished for this issue. Same goes for the banner though I don't think it is above the fold from memory.

You never know until you try! If it doesn't work, take it down and try something else, Femi!


I may well do this - thanks

You're very welcome, Femi! Nothing ventured and nothing gained!


There is a train of thought today that says Google prefers not to have salesy links and banners on every page, especially if it is informational.

In your informational post you can link to your sales funnel page
At the end of your post you can suggest learn9ing more leading to your sales funnel page.

Thanks. I will consider that too.

You said yet, what are you waiting for?

How are you tracking progress?

Ok to clear, I have added the banner to another blog post where it hasn't returned any income (yet - it has been at least 3 weeks or so now). (I have a suspicion that the reason is because maybe the banner is not relevant enough). But my question is whether adding it to my best income generating blog post will have an adverse effect on the income of my said best income generating blog.

Yes I make sure everything on the page is relevant.

However, it is still early to tell. is there some kind of CTA attached or what is or would the purpose of the banner.

What would you want to achieve it from displaying it there.

Because you already said the post is one that is high performing. Has the performance changed higher | lower?

I am bit confused to be honest.

I have DM you because it is easier to provide extra information that way including details of my website wthout being seen to be promoting my site on WA

Okay will get to it,

Thank you.

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asked in
Local Marketing

In late October last year, one of my neighbours discovered my own personal website, and was really impressed with it that he asked me to built a local business website for him!

Go to the Live Events (Left Menu Fourth from top)and type in "Local" you will find many of Jay's Training lessons on Local marketing.

It won't give you a time frame but it will give you the tools you need to get a local business up and showing in the rankings.

Here's a good one to start with:

Thank you Labman. I'll check that resource out.


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How quickly can a new local business website rank on page 1?

How quickly can a new local business website rank on page 1?

asked in
Local Marketing

In late October last year, one of my neighbours discovered my own personal website, and was really impressed with it that he asked me to built a local business website for him!

Go to the Live Events (Left Menu Fourth from top)and type in "Local" you will find many of Jay's Training lessons on Local marketing.

It won't give you a time frame but it will give you the tools you need to get a local business up and showing in the rankings.

Here's a good one to start with:

Thank you Labman. I'll check that resource out.


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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
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