One Of The Best Values At WA

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We all know that Wealthy Affiliate is a good value, as a startup cost for a home business. One of the things that you might see as a bit of a pain, is actually one of the best parts of WA!

Everyone Should Do THIS DAILY!

If you want to get the most value from the money that you have sunk into a WA Premium membership, you should be doing something every, single day that you log in. What is that thing? Offer site comments to your fellow WA Premium members!

What Does It Do For You?

  1. It gives you exposure to new layouts, new ideas, and the creativity of other people. One of the best ways to learn a new thing, is by immersing yourself in that new thing. If you spend a little time, every day, viewing other people's websites, to either give them feedback, or to give them site comments, you are learning. You may not realize that you are learning, but you are!
  2. It earns you credits. What good are credits? You can SPEND credits on getting comments and feedback on your own site.
  3. Google and the other search engines, like it when you interact with your audience. The search engines like it a LOT, and they are smart about it. If you get a bunch of comments on your site that say something like, "Great post! Thanks for this valuable information!" they are not going to count it. That's the kind of comments that you get when you use the comments thread here at WA. That's thread is for the folks who haven't invested in themselves, by purchasing the Premium Membership. It's second rate.
  4. Buy using the Comments section, by going to Websites, then clicking on the Site Comments selection, shown in the picture above, you are getting the Premium version of getting comments for your site. You have to give high quality comments that are not just a standard, "Great post," type of comment. You have to write more, and better comments... but you RECEIVE better comments too. You receive comments that the search engines like, and will allow you to rank faster and higher.

Don't Settle For the Inferior Service!

Use the Site Comments feature, rather than the blog thread for site comments. You paid for it, so why use the inferior product?!

The more people who use it, the faster those comments will be available to you, when you need comments.

One Site Per Day

If every active member gave one comment, on one site per day through the Site Comments system, we would have a rockin' and rollin' give and take that will help all of us. As it is now, I requested comments yesterday, and I have not received one yet. This is one of the best value products associated with WA, is the ability to access a LARGE pool of people, to leave quality comments on your site. It's one of the reasons to Join WA. So do it! Take advantage of this awesome system!

One site comment per day. Make it a goal! It helps everyone! Most importantly,

  • It helps you!
  • You've already paid for it!
  • You deserve to take advantage of it!

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Recent Comments


Hi, Laurie.
I hope that you are not making a very serious error here.

Actually many of the new people coming on board make this mistake in their hurry to get ranked through site content comments.

I hope that you are not mistaking "site comments" with "site feedback."

"Site feedback" is something that we all need to improve our websites and the platform here allows us to accomplish the same through the many members here. We help each other out through criticism of our work.

"Site Feedback" is another ball of wax.


I found your post a little bit confusing and somewhat misleading.

My .02%

Kindest regards.



Thanks for clarifying the difference between feedback and comments. I was thinking of giving feedback and after reading Windflower's Post I went and gave feedback on two sites.



I don't understand why you are confused.

WA has two different ways that you can earn credits. One is by leaving Site Feedback. That is where you can discuss the layout of the site, the colors, the construction of the site, etc.

The other way to earn credits is by leaving Site Comments. You leave the comments about the actual article written, through the system, but they APPEAR on the recipients website, under the article.

By doing either, you learn. By doing either, you earn credit. Site COMMENTS are the most valuable. Why? Because Google doesn't give a rat's butt about your color scheme. It DOES care if you interact with your readers.

Thanks for clarifying.
I finally figured it out.



Keep on rockin' it, Laurie.

It's a great idea and was doing it, but after reading some of the debate about what comments were unacceptable I got a little gun shy and stopped. I figured I just didn't have enough knowledge and experience to make acceptable, worthwhile comments.

I will try again - today!

As long as you leave comments on the article, and not the website, you'll be fine. Just pretend that you stumbled upon the article while doing a google search, and you READ the article, and had an opinion about the subject matter. If you don't know anything about the subject matter, and you don't want to know anything about it, then don't leave comments on that one, and click through the system to the next article that comes up.

I agree with Laurie- It really is worth a visit every day
Thanks for sharing this

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