Took The Leap...Upgraded to Yearly


Okay, so I took the leap from monthly to yearly premium membership weekend before last, right before leaving on my week long fishing trip.

It was something I seriously wanted to do, I was just nervous about outlaying the chunk of money but in the end analysis, it was the only sensible thing to do. I knew after my first month here this was the place I needed and wanted to be, so it was just a matter of getting over the fear of laying down that chunk of money. And as soon as I did it, I felt a huge sense of relief that I had gone ahead and done it, that I had taken that big leap of faith, that I had given myself the gift of breathing room from those monthly payments. And saving moolah in the process. Yes, it was the sensible thing to do.

It is definitely something I would recommend other WAer's seriously look into doing if you plan on staying on here for awhile, it will free your mind from the monthly billing aspect, save you some change, and give you some breathing room to get your online business started.

Okay, now that I had my fishing trip and took care of the yearly premium leap, I have no excuses, it is time to hit it, get it, and don't look back! ;)

Jack (wildcatblue2)

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Sweet, Jack. The best motivator is when you paid for something and must make it worthwhile. I believe you will get going and not look back. ^_~

Thanks for believing caylynn, I need that right now because my regular job and life has taken a huge chunk of my time away the last few weeks, hopefully things will slow down soon so that I can get back to work here.

Always love. I've got your back.You can do it! Put that huge job chunkster on the back burner, on real low. ^_~

Well done, Jack. Congrats

it sounds like you have made the right decision for you, for sure Jack, thanks for sharing, Andy

Good for you, I went yearly to gives peace of mind and commitment to the task ahead. hope the fishing trip went well

Hey Jack, congrats on going yearly. I did the same back in early march, and it was, a relief plus also does save quite a bit of money. Catch any fish?

Yes we caught the usual suspects for this time of year, bluegill, crappie, shellcracker, bass, and catfish. Then a heavy cold front came in mid-week and locked them up for a few days! Had a wonderfully relaxing time!
Jack. :)

Yes! Your commitment will be the key to your massive success!

Congrats Jack.

Awesome Jack, I think you are going to really love Premium and going forward and as you work through the training, you are going to make some wonderful progress.

Remember, success is the result of "action" and "hard work". Everything else you have here at WA to facilitate you along the way, and if you add those two items to the mix you are going to do very well! :)

I am so glad for you Jack , i'm glad you are happy with the decision to upgrade yearly today. Keep up the positive attitude, i am expecting a web site soon !

Welcome to the yearly premium club Jack. It is definitely the smart thing to do for two big reasons. 1) You save $205 every year and 2) you don't have to worry about making a payment every month.


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