How to Succeed With Your Niche Website if You Don't Have Passion/Experience in it


While passion and experience are key factors in creating genuine, high quality content, even if you are currently in a position where you're building a niche website and don't have these elements, it's OK.

No one starts as an expert in anything out of the gate. That comes through time/experience and you can totally build a successful niche website without these elements (at first). As it grows through the tips I've provided you with in this video, that genuine experience/passion will come naturally, thereby helping you grow into it.

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I have one niche website currently that I know very little about. It has to do with horse training. I know a lot of people in the horse industry and my ex is active in the horse shows. That is what got me going with it. I do have the AI writer at WA write much of the content and my ex checks it for accuracy. I also create many of the images using DALL-E 2 which does a fairly decent job.

I like horses, but I know very little about them. I think by reading my website, though, most people would not know that about me! It is true, you can become an expert in nearly anything as long as you put the time, research and energy into it. I may not have been passionate about horse training before I started, but now I am thinking I want to get a horse!

Thanks again for a great video!


Always happy to help and good luck on your site!

Great stuff, Vitaliy!

I guess this particular niche has also a huge potential for YouTube.
I mean once it gets to a certain level (revenue-wise) you can start creating videos and eventually make "business trips" all over the world!

Thanks a lot for the tip!

Have a great weekend

Thanks Mike, hope you have a great weekend as well. I did have that idea but it'll likely be WAY out into the future. For now, I'm just enjoying the incremental growth and we'll see what destiny has in store for this and follow the signs :)

This is great. I use AI all the time. Some raw posts are pretty good out of the box, while others need a massive overhaul. Anyway, this post inspires me to think more about firing up a niche I was considering but shelved due to a lack of knowledge about the topic. Thanks, Vitaly.

You got it Dave, happy it helped :)

Thank you so much Vitaly.


How often should we be posting blog posts? And how long do they take to Rise in the SERPs? I made a website in the affiliate marketing strategies niche to promote Wealthy Affiliate as well as other related products. I'm passionate on the subject but not an expert yet. I have about 15 or more blog posts but get hardly any traffic, only about 50 a month. What can I do to improve that?

More posts and giving the site more time to develop/grow in Google would do it Matthew. As for posting frequency, there's no limit. I've done up to 5 posts a day on that site above in some cases, BUT I would say 1 a day is perfectly fine.

Thanks for that information Do you expect to earn any commission on this website?

Yeah down the line, but for now I'm just experimenting with it. The idea is affiliate marketing or perhaps putting up ads on the site in the near future. I just wanted to see it get to consistent traffic levels first and it appears to be moving in that direction.

Thanks and glad to hear you are getting consistent traffic
Can you tell me how to access the AI writer on WA ?

Hi Michael you have several ways to access it but here is the most direct one:

You can select the article writer on that list and it'll ask you what you want to write about, followed by if you want to use the AI writer to do it.

Thanks so much for the link and speedy response ;)


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