About mikethediy
Rank 444145
41 followers Joined June 2024
Hi there I'm Mike a Senior Citizen living in Ireland with my wife Catherine in a nice quiet village not far from our capital Dublin.





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Please advise how to access my starred and tagged training videos ?

You are covered here; and please keep us posted :)

Hi - click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and go to Favorites.

Thanks Diane just finding my way around WA ;)

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Starred and tagged videos?

Starred and tagged videos?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Please advise how to access my starred and tagged training videos ?

You are covered here; and please keep us posted :)

Hi - click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and go to Favorites.

Thanks Diane just finding my way around WA ;)

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Is there a quick way to view my recent posts on Community ?

But you have 4 questions that you asked, including this one.

You have none right now here on WA https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/mikethediy/blog/

Since they were questions you go to your profile on click on Questions in the upper left and you'll see your questions and responses Michael.


Thanks Mel ;)

You are most welcome Michael.


According to your profile you have not created any WA posts here.

If you are referring to your website then just log into your backoffice on your website and you can see what posts you have created.
To go to your website you can either click websites at the top menu then select site manage and log in that way or go to hubs you have created and you can log into your back office website there.


Thanks for your reply but I have put a few posts (questions) on Community and have had some replies !

Ok go to your profile and on the left you will see the questions you have asked.

Also note questions are not posts they are two different things just for your information.

At the moment you have asked 4 questions which shows under your profile.

Thanks for that I'm just getting used to WA as a beginner ;)

You are most welcome and no worries that is part of the learning process
Wishing you well

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My recent posts on community?

My recent posts on community?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Is there a quick way to view my recent posts on Community ?

But you have 4 questions that you asked, including this one.

You have none right now here on WA https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/mikethediy/blog/

Since they were questions you go to your profile on click on Questions in the upper left and you'll see your questions and responses Michael.


Thanks Mel ;)

You are most welcome Michael.


According to your profile you have not created any WA posts here.

If you are referring to your website then just log into your backoffice on your website and you can see what posts you have created.
To go to your website you can either click websites at the top menu then select site manage and log in that way or go to hubs you have created and you can log into your back office website there.


Thanks for your reply but I have put a few posts (questions) on Community and have had some replies !

Ok go to your profile and on the left you will see the questions you have asked.

Also note questions are not posts they are two different things just for your information.

At the moment you have asked 4 questions which shows under your profile.

Thanks for that I'm just getting used to WA as a beginner ;)

You are most welcome and no worries that is part of the learning process
Wishing you well

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I first registered with Gravatar then went and added comment on a website and pressed save but it has not shown up as pending or done ?

After submitting a comment, it goes into moderation awaiting webmasters approval :)

It's nothing to worry about. As long as when you left it it said something like "this comment is being moderated for approval" then you've completed everything. The author of the blog will approve it whenever they get to it.

Thanks for your reply but that's the thing it didn't say anything and when I look I have 0 Comments and 0 awaiting approval

Comments pending approval would be comments you have requested for your articles that others have left for you, so that wouldn't apply here, but under Comments Offered if you left a comment for someone via the Site Comments platform you'd see them there.

When you use the Site Comments feature to leave comments for someone else it's important to remember that you need click on the "open website" button to see their post but you don't actually leave the comment directly on their site, you leave it on the Site Comments side where it asks you to, otherwise you're just leaving a comment on their site directly and not via the platform. That could have been what happened.

Hi Eric thanks so much for your detailed response Yes I must have done that so I'll give it another try this time on my laptop as I will be able to see more clearly than on my mobile phone ;)

I managed it on my laptop thanks


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Adding comments to website?

Adding comments to website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I first registered with Gravatar then went and added comment on a website and pressed save but it has not shown up as pending or done ?

After submitting a comment, it goes into moderation awaiting webmasters approval :)

It's nothing to worry about. As long as when you left it it said something like "this comment is being moderated for approval" then you've completed everything. The author of the blog will approve it whenever they get to it.

Thanks for your reply but that's the thing it didn't say anything and when I look I have 0 Comments and 0 awaiting approval

Comments pending approval would be comments you have requested for your articles that others have left for you, so that wouldn't apply here, but under Comments Offered if you left a comment for someone via the Site Comments platform you'd see them there.

When you use the Site Comments feature to leave comments for someone else it's important to remember that you need click on the "open website" button to see their post but you don't actually leave the comment directly on their site, you leave it on the Site Comments side where it asks you to, otherwise you're just leaving a comment on their site directly and not via the platform. That could have been what happened.

Hi Eric thanks so much for your detailed response Yes I must have done that so I'll give it another try this time on my laptop as I will be able to see more clearly than on my mobile phone ;)

I managed it on my laptop thanks


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