Case Study: 10%+ Conversion Rates Following Relevancy Principals


In this short vlog I want to talk about increasing your conversion rates by following the simple principals of relevancy, which is a concept that involves (in the online business world) creating super relevant funnels to attract the best kinds of audiences, most likely to turn into sales/conversions.

In this example I am following a simple principal of taking a post on my site (The Nature Seeker) that's getting visitors (Red River Gorge) and putting up affiliate links for related offers. The relevancy part is that people who are landing on this page are already looking to visit the area, possibly for 1 or more nights, so it makes sense in this case to promote relevant attractions and hotels. Luckily in this case, I found 1 affiliate program to do all of that: TripAdvisor which is connected to

You can find many more of my videos and Premium Plus classes on the topic of relevancy (or just searching it up) for more info.

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Recent Comments


How do you work with social media? Do you have a paid version of Instagram? Do you pay to promote your posts on Facebook or Pinterest? Or you just follow same strategy. Thank you.

I'm currently testing ppc on Facebook to drive just traffic to a site that runs ads, no major news yet. I mainly use Pinterest for socially sharing my nature content and that's slowly building up traffic. The key to that is picking a good visual niche and pinning at least 10 pins a day.

Great stuff as always Vitaliy! Always appreciate your fantastic insights about how to do things well!

Wouldn't worry too much about the previous members comment though...

He seems to be spamming the platform with completely irrelevant comments and blogs in recent days!!

Take care buddy and enjoy a wonderful weekend! :-)

Thanks Nick. And no worries about that other thing. Sometimes you just gotta let people know. I have no problems doing that. Have a great weekend too my friend, always appreciate you dropping by these posts :)

Cheers Vitaliy and I always appreciate the quality content and great advice you give in these posts!

Keep them coming my friend! :-)

Will do! Have a great Sunday!

You as well buddy! :-)

Hi Vitally, you are doing a great job.
But is it too great?
I at this time have no interest in my conversion rates.
You are doing great.
Keep it going.
I have very little interest in your videos because I seem to see you as self serving and the videos actually do not help. I mean no harm.

Your comment is not making any sense Paul. If you don't find my content worth it, no one is forcing you to watch it. You're literally congratulating me in one sentence, but then doing the opposite in the other. If you actually have some constructive criticism to share, I'm fine with that, but this current statement is literally redundant.

Also my argument is backed up by your inappropriate comments to Abie (the one you left on this post which I deleted, but the screenshot is still there).

Please do not take the wrong way.
I might have said wrong.
I have loved and admired you almost for a decade,
I like what you are doing.
Would you consider adding some food to it now and then.

I am the forensic affiliate and also the frugal retiree.

I google Vitaly G and get the following:

am I googling the wrong thing?

Vitally, I have been in good contact with you, Kyle, and Carson for going on nine years now.

Did I cause a problem somewhere? It was not intentional.
Your work, especially now is commendable. You do very good stuff.

I will continue to promote you.

Sorry, something happened the wrong way/,
It was not intentional from my side.

Continue to be awesome.

Kind regards from my side.

The only acceptable excuse here is that there is a language barrier and you mispoke, but based on what you've said to me and other members here, I'm currently not believing that.

I also don't need you to promote me. That Google search also didn't bring up anything about me either. You can find pretty much everything about me in this business within WA here.

I also don't need you to gaslight me with this explanation since you've already said completely opposite stuff either, so save the excuses and unless you have some real constructive and polite arguments to share, keep that to yourself.

Finally if you do have some issues that are warranted, you could have easily contacted me privately and shared them. Instead you say this nonsense publicly. Says a lot in my opinion, but hey I didn't start this.

you are correct.

Thank you for this post, i plan to do more of this as I market my sites. Thanks again for this reminder. m

Keep us posted Mollie!

That's what I do. I put myself in the shoes of my visitor and explain how to get the best out of a travel experience or route, and I do it very genuinely. Some folks want to follow the tourist side; others want to follow the local style... the latter is my specialty. I want to immerse myself in and experience new places as a local vs. tourist, so I highlight those points in my content. Sometimes, I have the challenge of getting the article designer here to walk with me, but it doesn't - so I have to edit a lot. But it makes sense to be genuine and transparent and give them the best you can. By visitors seeing and feeling your genuineness, I have a chance to be rewarded for my efforts. We are in the business of helping vs. selling - the merchants do the selling bit.

There's the editing option with the AI writer but you can also incorporate chat gpt to help with other parts like writing up a quick report on the location in question. It merges well with the AI writer here Abie and I often use it on my train site.

Okay, thanks! I'll try that... I appreciate your response here :)

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