1. Launch your blog

In making money online genuinely, the first basic step should be on setting up your personal blog. And this must be your maiden step prior to launching the blog.

Setting up a personal blog entails some technicalities. And a lot of useful tips have been published out there by several bloggers.

Literally, setting up a personal blog is in processes. And these include securing a custom domain along with getting a hosting account package, choosing a strong blogging platform, configuring your blog as well as designing the blog. All these setup processes must be completed first before you can start creating content.

But for a WA member starting up a personal blog, all these setup technicalities are automatically handled so that only what matters (Which is building out your blog and making money) can be focused upon.

As for the securing of hosting account packages which is a required step in the setup, the WA Site Builder performs more wonders as it offers a better hosting package (Managed WordPress Hosting), which is pretty much more than the third-tier $250 monthly hosting package you can ever get elsewhere, for just a token amount here at WA.

Kyle has the "Getting Started" course for all newbies who are just joining the community. So, you're going to save a lot of money and time setting up a personal blog. The domain is at a token charge as it comes with free SSL, free site privacy and protection, WHOIS registration, free site speed, free unlimited email accounts and many more.

While setting up your personal blog, bear these in mind:

  1. Choose a domain name that is relevant to your niche
  2. Choose a search engine optimized blogging platform like wordpress.com, wordpress.org...
  3. Prepare to create quality content only (Not quantity)

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CKone Premium
Thank you for this training, it has been really informative.
Israel17 Premium
You are much welcome, CKone. Your blog is multiple streams of income for you so far you understand the blogging principles explained here in the tutorial and you would be an action taker. Thanks for the visit!

You can access all of my training resources here:

Or you can get a quick overview of my training resources through the links below:
ElaineSmith1 Premium
This is informative training Israel. I have been really thinking about personal blogging.

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for the engagement and commitment so far, Smith! Much grateful! You will make money genuinely in as much as you're willing to work the techniques with the right energy. Thanks for the lovely visit, my friend! Have you checked out today's publication?
JamesHarvey1 Premium
Hello Isreal.
I have been wondering about the blog
meaning. What is it and what is the purpose.
I watched until you stopped. I must begin following
all the teachers in order to learn some of the
computer language . That is where my lack of
getting something going comes into the picture, I
just do not understand what many of the directions
point to. I do not understand where things like
word press comes into the picture. What a plug in is
and so many words that mean nothing to me.
Hopefully my great grand daughter has said she
will come by once or twice to help me.. I am really
looking forward to that. I have noticed also
that quite often some cost information comes
into the teaching. That is just some of the things
I need help with. I am about out of money. I desperately
need to get something going that will bring in a,
few bucks. Just to show them that say" will not work"
friends and family members that it can be done.
I am ready to say I told you it works.
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work
that you do in trying to help us see the larger
picture. It sure does help a person like me.
Gratefully yours,
PS; My Son has said he will fill in the blanks for
me when I get my niche up and running. He is
an expert in what I am thinking of using.. Only
problem is he lives a hundred miles from me.
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for sharing your thought here, James! As you can see, you are not alone here. We are many here that are willing to help you achieve your blogging goal soonest though you need to be an action taker in order for things to work out perfectly for you in your blogging business.

The success journey can only take a long time for those who are not willing to implement working strategies, but for those, who want to start earning as soon as possible, a lot of blogging strategies like what I am teaching here must be implemented.

Thanks for the visit!
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Hello bigrog, thanks for the reading! Much appreciated! To move your blogging game to the next level, you must build on the basics as taught in the training. Have you checked out today's publication?