How to Make Readers Comment on Your Blog More Frequently

Some bloggers now believe that blog commenting is not functional anymore as part of what constitutes search engine rankings. So, they keep missing out on the efficacy of getting better rankings through commenting.

How would you like to engage your audience if not through commenting? What is the possibility of ranking your content in search engines if much engagement is not done with your readers? Would you like to rank your content? Consider learning how you can keep getting more comments to your blog.

Most bloggers thought that they can keep getting more readers to comment on their posts by building up an email list, whereas, this is not real. The number of comments you receive is not directly proportional to the number of readers that visit your blog.

I visit and read blog posts frequently, and I personally observed this realistically. There are so many great blogs out there who do not receive up to the number of comments that little known blogs receive daily. So, it's not certain that even if you're an authority blogger, you'll automatically receive more comments than the little known bloggers. You just need to learn some working strategies that will help you get more comments from day to day.

An indisputable fact is that people still visit, read and comment on posts every time and everywhere. And there are a lot of strategies you can implement to increase the number of comments you can receive daily.

Here are six major strategies you should implement to augment the number of comments you receive on your blog daily:

#1. Ask and encourage readers to leave comments after reading posts

#2. Leave your comments on other bloggers' blog posts

#3. Make your posts more engaging

#4. Respond to comments on time

#5. Quote readers' thoughts/comments in your posts

#6. Make readers subscribe to comments.

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