Hey all,
Now that we have completed our initial website setup (which of course will be revisited and constantly tweaked as your website grows), we are now going to start to think about the content that we want to add to it to drive sales to our MLM program.
In Lesson 6 we discussed website rankings and the importance of getting your content onto the first page of website searches. This lesson builds on that by introducing the importance of keywords.
In terms of your MLM program, let's build on our example from Lesson 3 in regards to niche selection and the weight loss supplements niche for new mothers. Keywords are the terms that these new mothers might search for online in order to assist them in their weight loss endeavours. So, some keywords here might be:
- New mom weight loss.
- Weight loss help new moms.
- Weight loss diet.
See what we mean? These are the terms that people search for meaning we need to incorporate them into our content. On top of that, keywords could also be the name of the company, a specific product or even the MLM program itself.
So how do we know what keywords to use? Well luckily for us there is a tool within WA that can assist us...
Training Outline
So, as I have mentioned above, The training today is going to work you through the process of finding good keywords for your website content. Your training tasks today
1. Complete the "Understanding Keywords, The Start of Your Content" training by clicking on the link below:
2. Use the training to establish a list of keywords relevant to:
- Your MLM program.
- Any sub-niche within it that you plan to target.
MLM Influences
Hopefully as a result of the training above you have a good list of keywords that can be turned into traffic driving content for your website.
So, based on all of that, here are your MLM related tasks for today:
- Record a list of possible keywords to be used as you start to build content for your website
Again, if you need and help or are confused about finding keywords for your program, please do not hesitate to reach out below.
See you at the next lesson where we will revisit the training so far and get ready for phase 2.
See you then
So I'm proceeding forward. I dumped MLM a few years back, and emptying my cupboards, halls and garage of the remnants of my hopeful splurges in promotional products. You know the story...
It appears you found a great answer. wishing you the best of it all!