Hey There and Welcome

Over the years I have worked in both the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and Affiliate Marketing fields and found one thing to be true:

Those that write solid problem solving content outlining the benefits of their products can succeed regardless of where your operations lie.

There are many different opinions out there as to whether MLM is viable or not. I am going to leve that debate for another time however as I have written this training to assit those of you who are working within the MLM space to funnel increases sales into your MLM down line and potentially recruit new members as well.

This first part of the training will discuss with you the processes requried in setting up your own MLM based website with an introduction to some of the key proceses involved with online marketing to ensure that your process is a successful one.

So, that's it to start with... Grab yourself a drink and let's get you started. Tick the tasks to the right and then let's move on to our first lesson.

Oh, but before you do, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions or need anything to get you started.


Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Read the Introduction
2. Move to Lesson 1

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SHeisey1 Premium
Very intrersting concept. I was burned (as in cremated) several times in several MLM's - good companies. I was not MLM material. USANA, ACN, my last two attempts. I am happy to grow in WA, feeling it is better for my skills and personality. IF I can get the handle on creating menus. It makes sense to me in the training. As soon as I face the workspace, I lose focus and end of with "garbage output."
So I'm proceeding forward. I dumped MLM a few years back, and emptying my cupboards, halls and garage of the remnants of my hopeful splurges in promotional products. You know the story...

It appears you found a great answer. wishing you the best of it all!
Chinthaka5 Premium
wow good conceps comming.strictly folloe if possible in my site.nice phylosophy
PaulWatson Premium Plus
Thanks Chinthaka - appreciated
