Determine your traffic

Alright, now we’re going to set up bumpers for how many searches per month we get. Or only one bumper if you want, the sky is the limit. So to the left of “global monthly searches” there is a drop box with a >= (greater than or equal to) selected and a = sign, as you’ve probably figured out, is the filter for what keywords will show up. Only keywords that get above, or the same amount as the number typed in will show up. The number I would recommend is at the very least two thousand searches per month. Let me say this numerically. No less than 2000 searches per month. Now, around 3000 is pretty sweet. Even if Google overestimated by 1000 you’re still safe, and if it underestimated, than you’re going to be pretty dang happy. You can do as high as you like, but the higher it is the more competition there’s likely to be. If you want to filter for 5000 or even 50000 go on ahead.

(Note: if your keyword is a specific name, or an actual product, than you can go much lower than that. People searching for something that specific are almost guaranteed to find your site if you do your SEO right. For training on SEO click this link to my other training modules.

Hopefully these can help.

With specific keywords, you can go as low as you feel comfortable, because those numbers will reflect almost exactly the kind of traffic you’re going to get every month.)
Now, that your filter is set (probably between 2 to 3 thousand) go ahead and type in your idea for your keyword.
Keyword Selection

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jghwebbrand Premium
Thank you for a great post on how to use the Google Keyword Tool. Very concise and helpful. Continue your excellent posts.
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks George! I plan to.
econcepts Premium
Thanks for the training Trevor. I'll be checking out your other trainings above soon and will let you know how it goes.
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks E!
mama2karsten Premium
Very well presented Trevor. You make a Mama proud! :)
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks Mama!
klrrider Premium
Once you have found the keyword(s) that fit your criteria you should check them using only "exact" for a more accurate view of searches and competition.
TrevorSH Premium
That's probably true, but I don't usually go back and recheck after I find my criteria. is that something that you think I should add to the training?
David_S Premium
Exactly, the only way I truly gauge a keyword I am going to use is exact match. Good point.
Interesting & Informative, Thank you.