3. Reward Yourself!

I am sure you know the feeling when someone praises/compliments you for your hard work.

It motivates and gives you more energy to keep up the good work. And you should be the first person to do that.

Rewarding yourself is an important thing to do.

Make a deadline for which a particular task should be completed, and promise yourself something nice in return for the work being done on time.

For example, you could reward yourself with a take-out from a favourite restaurant, a nice bath time with a book, or going to a spa. Whatever works best for you.

If you don't complete an a task by your deadline, you could create a little "punishment" to discipline yourself.

For example, not rewarding yourself with your favourite TV show in the evening. (However, don't be TOO strict with yourself!)

NEXT: Make Use of Jealousy

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dunbar Premium
Hi thanks for sharing I am guilty as charged but I call it procrastination. will try your tips cheers Helen
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Helen,
We all are guilty with procrastination at times, it's just a matter of getting ourselves together and getting work done faster without letting procrastination go on forever.
When you try these tips, let me know if it worked for you :)
dunbar Premium
thanks I will
Zarina Premium Plus
Good luck!
ChrisByrne1 Premium
Excellent work, well done
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Chris,
Thank you :)
StuartI Premium
This is an excellent post! Great work!
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Stuart,
I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you! :)
WestBay Premium
Well done and good ideas, I like the images...!
Zarina Premium Plus
Thank you, Patrick! I've been working on this tutorial for a few days to provide WA members with a quality training and images :)
See you around!
stephhill Premium Plus
Great tutorial. I like the imagery.
Zarina Premium Plus
Thanks Steph!
I like to create training with visually appealing pictures :)
stephhill Premium Plus
I can see that and visualization is so important
Zarina Premium Plus
Definitely! I constantly emphasize on this in most of my training tutorials and blog posts. Thanks for stopping by :)