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HONU VERITIES: 1. The Creative has no limits and I am a conduit for the power of the Creative. 2. Freedom is the basis of the Universe. 3.





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training
asked in
Getting Started

Hi. My mother, who owns lifebuiltpoems.com, passed away last week. I've been able to login into her Wordpress admin portal and am able to manage her website. I'd like to unders

Hi Darlene! I'm very sorry to hear about your mother's passing.

Wealthy Affiliate is primarily a platform for affiliate marketing training and community support, but it also offers web hosting services, including WordPress sites. If your mother’s website is hosted with Wealthy Affiliate, moving it to another host should be straightforward. Before proceeding, ensure you have a full website backup, site support can help with this by clicking on the help tab and submitting a ticket. This will help you restore the site on your preferred hosting service without losing data or functionality. Best of luck and all the best.


Hey Darlene,

If you intend on keeping the content on your mother's website, and if you do not know how to move the completed site over to your hosting, PLEASE speak with SiteSupport BEFORE doing ANYTHING so that you won't lose all of the content.

My sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother.

Hope you find this helpful.

I'm sorry for your loss, I recently went through the same. In a quick and basic explanation, it is a learning platform for affiliate marketing, and you can earn commissions as an affilaite.

I would check to see if she was getting income from referrals. You can click on the black circle with the dollar sign and then click on my referrals/ my stats, which I think is the easiest way to see.

If you click the profile picture on the top right, you will be able to see all her information, account settings, etc.

I hope this answers some of your questions; and again I'm sorry for your loss.

So sorry about your mother. There is no reason you cannot move your mothers' site to your hosting. You know you have to change the dns settings to your host
then once the site is transferred you need to cancel billing, I am sure you know all this but I am going to tell you anyway, as you have a lot on your mind

Cancel here https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account/subscription
And then click cancel billing.

It may be that the payment has to be canceled in Paypal as well.

Log into your mothers' PayPal account. Now click on her name at the top right of menu, and in that dropdown menu click Account Settings.
In the left hand menu click on Money, Banks, and Cards. Once on that page, you'll see Preapproved Payments. You will also see a small link highlighted in blue that says Manage Preapproved Payments, click on that.

Here you will see the list of Active Payments. In the list locate Wealthy Affiliate, click on it, and a page will open, allowing you to cancel the recurring payment.

Now you will not be rebilled through PayPal.

Please be aware you will keep being charged until you cancel yourself

If you need help then contact https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Hope this helps

If there are referrals in her mothers Wealthy Affiliate account, she will lose the monthly referral income that the family might need to pay for the funeral.

Only close the Wealthy Affiliate account if there are no referrals being paid into the Wealthy Affiliate account on a monthly basis.

All you need to do is change the PayPal email address (email address that you use to log into paypal) so if there are monthly referral commissions these can then be paid into Darlenes PayPal account.



Absolutely Brian but I knew her mother and I am pretty sure she didn't promote WA. However it was remiss of mm not to mention it

Hi Darlene,

Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother, I personally did not know your mother or have even communicated with her through Wealthy Affiliate, although I just followed her when I saw your message.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform where you learn quite a lot about affiliate marketing, before you think about closing her account or moving anything to a new hosting provider, I would like you to check something first.

Go to the $ sign in the top right hand corner and click on stats, if your mother has been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2016 its highly likely that she has referrals added to her account?

Referrals are people that have joined Wealthy Affiliate and your mother would receive commissions every month that is paid into her PayPal account on the first of every month, which brings in a monthly income, if you close this account you will lose the monthly income that your mother would have built up over the years.

Just something to bear in mind, go and have a look and see what you see.



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How does wealthy affiliates work?

How does wealthy affiliates work?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi. My mother, who owns lifebuiltpoems.com, passed away last week. I've been able to login into her Wordpress admin portal and am able to manage her website. I'd like to unders

Hi Darlene! I'm very sorry to hear about your mother's passing.

Wealthy Affiliate is primarily a platform for affiliate marketing training and community support, but it also offers web hosting services, including WordPress sites. If your mother’s website is hosted with Wealthy Affiliate, moving it to another host should be straightforward. Before proceeding, ensure you have a full website backup, site support can help with this by clicking on the help tab and submitting a ticket. This will help you restore the site on your preferred hosting service without losing data or functionality. Best of luck and all the best.


Hey Darlene,

If you intend on keeping the content on your mother's website, and if you do not know how to move the completed site over to your hosting, PLEASE speak with SiteSupport BEFORE doing ANYTHING so that you won't lose all of the content.

My sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother.

Hope you find this helpful.

I'm sorry for your loss, I recently went through the same. In a quick and basic explanation, it is a learning platform for affiliate marketing, and you can earn commissions as an affilaite.

I would check to see if she was getting income from referrals. You can click on the black circle with the dollar sign and then click on my referrals/ my stats, which I think is the easiest way to see.

If you click the profile picture on the top right, you will be able to see all her information, account settings, etc.

I hope this answers some of your questions; and again I'm sorry for your loss.

So sorry about your mother. There is no reason you cannot move your mothers' site to your hosting. You know you have to change the dns settings to your host
then once the site is transferred you need to cancel billing, I am sure you know all this but I am going to tell you anyway, as you have a lot on your mind

Cancel here https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account/subscription
And then click cancel billing.

It may be that the payment has to be canceled in Paypal as well.

Log into your mothers' PayPal account. Now click on her name at the top right of menu, and in that dropdown menu click Account Settings.
In the left hand menu click on Money, Banks, and Cards. Once on that page, you'll see Preapproved Payments. You will also see a small link highlighted in blue that says Manage Preapproved Payments, click on that.

Here you will see the list of Active Payments. In the list locate Wealthy Affiliate, click on it, and a page will open, allowing you to cancel the recurring payment.

Now you will not be rebilled through PayPal.

Please be aware you will keep being charged until you cancel yourself

If you need help then contact https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Hope this helps

If there are referrals in her mothers Wealthy Affiliate account, she will lose the monthly referral income that the family might need to pay for the funeral.

Only close the Wealthy Affiliate account if there are no referrals being paid into the Wealthy Affiliate account on a monthly basis.

All you need to do is change the PayPal email address (email address that you use to log into paypal) so if there are monthly referral commissions these can then be paid into Darlenes PayPal account.



Absolutely Brian but I knew her mother and I am pretty sure she didn't promote WA. However it was remiss of mm not to mention it

Hi Darlene,

Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother, I personally did not know your mother or have even communicated with her through Wealthy Affiliate, although I just followed her when I saw your message.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform where you learn quite a lot about affiliate marketing, before you think about closing her account or moving anything to a new hosting provider, I would like you to check something first.

Go to the $ sign in the top right hand corner and click on stats, if your mother has been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2016 its highly likely that she has referrals added to her account?

Referrals are people that have joined Wealthy Affiliate and your mother would receive commissions every month that is paid into her PayPal account on the first of every month, which brings in a monthly income, if you close this account you will lose the monthly income that your mother would have built up over the years.

Just something to bear in mind, go and have a look and see what you see.



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Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training