Too Many Surgeries. Not Enough Time. Happy Thanksgiving Anyway!

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Many of you already know about my breast cancer surgery journey that I have been dealing with since May 2024. I will have my final reconstructive surgery on December 5, 2024. I have been lucky that I didn’t have to have radiation or chemo. But I have been doing the expander process, so that’s a weekly visit.

My left side got a minor infection, which required a round of antibiotics. Hopefully, it will be healed enough to proceed with the final surgery, or another must be planned.

dentist's chair waiting for an implant

On top of this, I’ve been going through a tooth implant preparation process, which did not go well. When we finally got that area ready for the actual tooth implant, after 3 weeks of a lot of 7-8 level pain, the implant was removed a couple of days ago.

Finally, no more pain! Tooth pain is the worst. You can’t do much. You can't think. You get migraines. It’s the pits.

That's why I haven't been online that much. I have felt too horrible to interact with anyone. I've also had back-to-back appointments. Each appointment encompasses the whole day since we live way out in the country.

I’m slowly working my way back to getting stuff done. I was able to post some articles online, and I was active in a couple of Friday classes with Jay, although I missed last night (it was too close to the mouth surgery).

Next weekend is Thanksgiving, and I will be cooking—all of it! I love to eat my turkey, dressing, green beans, pecan pie, etc., so I cook it. I'm so glad I feel well enough to cook :)

Have any of you had issues with dental implant surgery? What happened? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Are you having people over, or are you going somewhere? What's your favorite to eat or cook? Let us know in the comments area :)

Have a great one, everybody!

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Hi Terri,

It's good to hear from you again.

I pray the forth-coming surgery will be the last for you, forgetting about that phase of life completely, and live in good health and happiness.

I'm sorry about the tooth pain; I can't just imagine all you went through.

You are a miracle.

Please enjoy the up-coming Thanksgiving with the family.


- Makinde

Hi Makinde!

Thanks for the good wishes :)

I appreciate you.


You are welcome, Teri.

GOD bless.


- Makinde

I am sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thanks, Eric!

I appreciate you :)


I hear you about the tooth pain Terri... it has been a serious pain in my.... well teeth.. for as long as I can remember!!

But... saying that, the pain in my back feels much worse than it ever has right now....

Eating or even drinking hurts so much....

A bit better today though....

Take care of yourself my dear friend ..


Awww, Nick!

I can relate so much, lol. I have low back pain, too. I've been on pain management for it since 2013...

Kinda the pits, huh?😘


I need to get myself back into some pain management therapy as well Terri....

Red wine has been doing the trick for a while but.... I believe something a little stronger is required!!


Hi, Teri.

You must be feeling like a pinball trying to meet the demands of your schedule. I hope your trials ultimately bring you success, peace, and relief from all the testing and trial and error.

It's great to hear that you can enjoy Thanksgiving with the family.

Dental pain certainly can ruin a day.

Have a good day!


Thanks, Dave!

It's 5:30pm and I still feel sleepy today... bummer.

I'm finishing a post I had done yesterday. All is slow going.

Can't wait to get new glasses in December, lol. So, it's that too.

I just go along slowly but surely :)


Haha, I hear you! I go with my feelings, so I don't push myself too far. When I'm sleepy, it's bedtime, whether at 6:00 or 10:00. I feel better for listening to myself.

I used to read a Disney story to my kids. It was Goofy's Big Race. During the race, Goofy said, "Slow and steady, steady and slow. That's the way I always go!" Goofy was a Tortoise and Hare fan. Of course, Donald napped under a shady tree and lost the race.

I always thought it would be better to be a wiser Donald or hare than to plod along, but the older I get, the less hare-like I am, so again, I must go with my feelings.

Ah, yes, December is almost here again. Where does the time go? I hope your holiday season is full of cheer and good company.


Thanks, Dave!

I always enjoy your words of wisdom :)

My mind can be like the hare, but my body moves more like the tortoise as I age, lol.


Copy that!!

Hi Teri,
Good to hear from you again.

I went through many surgeries too when I dealt with cancer. Thankfully, now I am cancer free. Are you declared cancer free?

I have dental implants. The surgery is not too painful. Just have to be in the chair for a long time. After that, it is so nice to have teeth and be able to chew foods again.

I wish you good health.


Hi Tim!

I'm supposed to be cancer-free, but that's not really true since only 1 cell is all that's needed.

My cancer was only 70cm, but the fact that I have a low-grade infection in my right breast and my body rejected the tooth implant, so I had to go with the bridge instead worries me.


Hi Teri,

Ah, I see. My past cancer was large. Surgeon was concerned. But that's all in the past. It's removed. I am good and healthy now :)

I have a bridge too. It's not too bad. Not much pain to install.

Had to take out 3 front teeth. Dentist fixed a temporary bridge while the permanent one was being made. When the permanent one was ready, I had to sit in the chair for quite a while to remove the temporary one and fixed the new and permanent one.

It's been years and all good. No regrets.
Just be careful not to bite on food that's too hard.
And there is the regular deep flossing required. This is to clear the food between the bridge and gums, so that there is no food decay and infection. Or inflammation.

Please take care.

I wish you good health.


Thanks for the bridge details, Tim! I had heard of some, but now I better understand the flossing part.

I already have crowns on the side teeth. They will have to be removed and replaced by new abutment crowns.

Back at ya' for the good health :)


You're welcome :)

It all sounds good. :)


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