Next Surgery, Bulk Writer and a Listicle

blog cover image

Image is a bunch of books in a bulk

Next Surgery

I have the schedule for the next breast cancer surgery. It’s September 12, 2024. This one is more invasive than the first one that just removed the left breast. I’m getting the right breast removed and undergoing the breast expander process. This means surgery on both sides with the drains included.

The first two weeks will be down time for healing. I don’t know if that means I can’t lift my arms to type. I was able to lift my left arm fairly soon, but that was my non-dominate side. So, potentially I may be offline for a few days. I will let you know as soon as I can.

Bulk Writer

I’ve been working with the bulk writer for my fourth website of my name. Since this is a personal website, I have multiple niches or topics within it. So far, I have topics on sailing, horses, and Wealthy Affiliate.

I generated three posts on each topic to make it nine bulk written posts. On each of the posts where you add content details, I added specific prompts requesting data corresponding to the topic. For all of the nine prompts I requested a Q&A section and a People Also Ask section.

Since I went through each bulk post I fund that some of them didn’t execute the asked for data. The second bulk post didn’t give me the a Q&A section and a People Also Ask section, but the third bulk post through the fifth bulk post (I still have four more to do... arrgh!) gave me a great design output for the a Q&A section and a People Also Ask section.

I’m not sure yet how the bulk writer is gong to benefit me that much since I don’t publish these posts without a lot of manipulation by me. Maybe I should just post them as published then do the rewriting later. Only problem with this is I can’t update all of them quickly enough I don’t think. I have too many interruptions and doctor visits right now that I have to do.

What do you think, WA friends? Should I just publish all of the bulk written posts and hope I don’t have to do that many updates? I know that just the images alone take me a lot of time.

Listicle Homework

I’ve been following Jay’s classes on ‘Write Right’. I made a listicle for top 5 bug-out bags (BOB). I may have overdone it, lol. I used a website that ranked at the top for content. I copy/pasted their data into the content area in Hubs. It created a great post but it included the top 5 BOBs plus the top 5 within the top 5, so I got a list of 25 recommendations.

I tried to fix this by selecting the best (what I think) of these 25 recommendations to give me the top 5 overall. I also didn’t have more than one good image to associate with the post, so I used Lasso to make these 5 reviews/recommendations. This gives me images for each one. I did post the link on Jay’s Listicle class video page as he requested for homework, in case you want to check it out.

Anyone have any questions or recommendations or results on using the bulk writer, the content editor or Listicles?



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Best wishes on your next surgery. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

I had never heard of a listicle until your post (at least I don't remember ever hearing of it before!).

I checked out your BOB page. Cool and useful info and great bags!

I will have to watch Jay's training since I would like to know more about this listicle thing!


Hi Karin!

Thanks for the thoughts :)

Be sure to check out Jay's training. There's even more that I haven't done yet that he's teaching.

Like a How to Write a Roundup Article Have fun!


Thanks, Teri!


I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I'm thinking of you in my prayers as you prepare for your surgery. I know this isn’t an easy time, but I want you to know that you’re incredibly strong. You’ve faced challenges before and come out even stronger, and I have no doubt that you'll do the same this time.

Please remember that you’re not alone—We are here for you every step of the way, whether it’s to lend an ear, share a laugh, or help as needed.


Hi Rick!

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement :)


My prayers are with you for a successful outcome with your latest surgery Teri... 🙏🙏

As for the bulk writer... I have given it a go.. but we are unable to ask for individual info to be added to each separate section of an article (unless that has changed in the last week since I last used it)??

I still prefer to get the AI writer to bang out my posts one at a time using the added info I give it... it's still very quick and cuts down on the editorial process in my opinion!

Take care my friend and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!


Thanks, Nick! I think you can add individual info in each section. That is what I did for the 3 different topics.

I did have a problem with the 2nd one it did. After that, it's been ok. I still have 4 more to do from the bulk :)


It must have changed since I used it then Teri!

Take care my friend and keep on moving forward! :-)



Hi Terri,
I seriously and sincerely wish you the best for later this month, my girlfriend in DR has just gone through similar and has just finished her treatment and hoping to grow her hair back.

I have been experimenting with Copilot and dictation with some quite good outcomes, I tried with Windows 10 Pro and access controls but that was a failure.
Windows 21 and 365 have it all built-in, but I can't afford that upgrade yet.
But using the same input mic with Copilot has been quite good. And also on my phone has worked very well and then I can ask Siri for help too.

Just ideas as I love to R&D stuff

Recover fast my dear and use all the positive energy from us all here



Thanks, Rob, for the idea! I'll have to try that. I work better using my 4 fingers (my typing) instead of dictation, but if necessary, I sill try it :)


I would Teri,

Take my dear



Hi Teri!

Best wishes on your surgery!

I agree with you on the AI content editing. The AI creation process is great, but like you I still spend a lot of time editing, adding pictures, adding inbound and outbound links, and personal experiences.

But that's okay. As more goodies are released by the WA team I am sure this will get even faster.

Be well!!

Thanks, Howard!

I'm so glad we have all of these tools to use at WA. Aren't we lucky?

I still couldn't write that fast, lol :)


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