Starting all over again, Any Suggestion?


Hello, Here I am at this junction starting all over again.

I don't want to tell you all the things in this past year that kept me from being successful at this. To some it all up it was a combination of my illness (fibromyalgia), a death in family (hit hard) and lack of money.

But this time there is no turning back. lol. Yeah said that. I thought I could do it alone, I am smart, I can figure this out. WRONG (My other voice screams at me.) lol. So this time I have a different plan. Well an idea to start over again and use whatever I can to get to my over all goal. Yes I do have a goal, well more of a number. 1500 a week.

So back to my title question. Any suggestions?

Maybe a question to get the ball rolling.

Looking back on everybody past experience, what did you learn and what did you change to become better and more productive?

I am sure there are other question I could ask but let me start small and work my way to bigger things. Yes, this is short but I figured this would stir some reply.

Best wishes to all in the coming year.



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Hi Danny, I suggest you just check out both courses. I am quite ok with much of the training from previous experiences, but I still learn things from just going through the lessons, a point here or there that I hadn't thought about. You can move through very quickly if you find you already know the lesson.


Kyle once told me after I asked--should I do Bootcamp or Certification course first. He said if I went through Bootcamp there would be no need to do certification course. I would be able to promote any affiliate program. Do any here that would be the case or do you feel there is a difference between the 2 coarses and you need both?

I think both have their own advantages so play around and give it a chance... Thanks and good luck

I to set off last year with specific time frames, goals etc but I did forget to factor in time for learning, also had a lot of time away due to family emergencies as Sui says life happens , and then there are those who think because you work from home your able to come and go as you please to a certain extent this is true but we do need to do the work and spend time on it to, so just start again and work at it this is a year for action ..

Hey there Katie, I remember you from last year. I lost rack of WA back in June of 2014. Yeah, funny how people think about us whom work from home. I have had people say "Well since you are home all day can you do this for me." Or "Since you have the time could you." LOL you have to laugh about it.
Thanks Katie I will continue to work on goals and time frames to get where I want to go.
Best of luck to you

yeah your right there "since your at home" famous last words eh lol looking forward to the year ahead,just keep at it .

Danny, life happens and it's ok. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I will always believe that. You're already way ahead of the learning curve. I think the most important thing for me is treating it like a job. I found that if I set a "work schedule" even if it's flexible, I get more focused....even if you have to close yourself off. Just be consistent in all that you do -- training, posting, emails. I find I have to set time limits on myself for tasks or I never get anything done too...kind of like deadlines at work.
2015 is THE year!!!! ~Debbi

Thanks Debbi, I am working out a schedule and make myself accountable for the task of the day. Big goals in my head. I know what I have to do, it is now just getting it done. Just getting back and getting my head in the game so to speak. My small goal is to go 1 week with WA then work on two and so forth. Keep you in the loop.
Best wishes to you.

I just have one question. You have been gone for awhile and not very active in WA. You come back and have a Rank of 1660. I have been here all of the time, checking my 40 or 50 emails and commenting on at lease 1/2 of them. I have a Rank of 2633. I don't publish any training here because I don't feel I am capable and I seem too busy to write any kind of interesting blog. It really doesn't bother me that much, just think it is kinda strange! Vel

Hello, Yes good question. The ranking is based on how active you are within WA. I had been very active and ranked as high as 99 at one time. Yes emails are good to reply to but it really has to do with the involvement with in WA. So if you have questions or simply want to write what's in your head I say go for it.
Good luck. I hope your ranking increases.

Just a FYI to you since I started this as you stated I was at 1660. I am now in one day at 1614. So give involved and talk with in WA. Your ranking will increase and you might be able to write a blog or two. Best of luck to you

Hi Danny, If you haven't already I suggest going through the bootcamp training as I am at present.

Do you feel that the Bootcamp training is better than the Certification Course?

I really don't know. I might be doing the wrong one!

Ok thank you

I was told to complete the Certification first so you get a full understanding of what is going on. Then do the boot camp don't try to do both. Remember you can always go back and do the lessons over again so you fully understand the task. I made it to course 3 lesson 10.
Always ask questions and get involved. Good luck to you

Thank you, Good luck to you

Hey Danny,

I'm glad to see you back. Financially if you haven't done it already, it's best to go yearly.

Follow the training and most importantly work when you don't want to. Trust me on this, there are days I'd rather be doing other things, but if you want what you want, you gotta put in the time.

Sorry about your setbacks. I know it's hard and my prayers and thoughts are with you. To a prosperous 2015. :)

Thank you. Yes, I am working on going yearly, should be able to by Feb. Yes, the days I don't want to or my body won't work right are indeed the hardest. I have to battle every day to do the simple things and work my way to being productive in some way. Thanks for the prayers. By working a little every day I shall be able to be productive.
Best wishes to you:)

I'm glad you're thinking about going yearly. I'm sorry about what you're going through. I will always have you in my prayers. :)

Oh good a topic that is not tech related at least not in the first instance- you have no idea it feels to talk like a human for once! You are going to have to be doing this stuff day in day out. It has to be something that inspires you, or you won't be inspiring. It has to be something that your are passionate about or your lukewarm enthusiasm will be evident. In short, you need your own internal Jaaxy, or keyword tool. Ask others about your best qualities, and when they think you are at your happiest if you need a clue trail to get you thinking. Work out your passions, skills, and aptitudes, then cross reference it with what your research on a number of possibles throws up. If you can't see yourself bounding out of bed to do it in a year's time, don't start it. Your challenges are your possible sources of inspiration and how you have overcome them covers your seeds of future success. Evidently not wishing ill on anyone does not stop them from profiting spiritually and practically from overcoming them. When you get given lemons, make a lemonade. Go well!!

Thanks for the advice. You said a lot. Right now I have to get my head back in the game and by taking some small steps will lead to long strides. Best wishes to you. Making lemonade stand now lol.

Nice to have class of 2014 still willing to be a success on-line.
I don't really have any tips for you about how to carry on with more determination.

But I am guessing it might be a case of practice and a couple of years worth of study.

Being happy to continue with learning makes the journey an easy one
Good Luck Nice To See You Back:O))

Thank you, Yes, determination is why I came back and determination will make this work.

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