The Most Valuable Piece of Real Estate On The WA Website

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Valuable Real Estate

When you hear the words valuable real estate what do you think of? A big house maybe.

Or you might think of a skyscraper in a large city.

Some people might think of a business location on a busy street.

But when you think of the WA website what would you call the most valuable real estate? Is it the chat or the training areas where we spend so much time each day?

Some people might consider the little airplane icon because it shows how many sales are left to reach the magic number of 300.

Not me. I have a special place on the WA website that I find of particular value.

A Little Corner Of The WA Website

There is a little corner of the website. It is tucked safely away in the lower right side of the My Profile Page. You may have overlooked it. Many people do not take advantage of it. Yet it's one area that I keep returning to learn what others are doing and learn from their work. What is this special oasis? It is the Follow Me On links space.

Follow Me On

Am I overstating this by calling it the most valuable area on the WA website? I don't think so.

Yes the blogs we all write and publish are encouraging and helpful. The training, Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp, are essential for us to build and grow our online presence. Jaxxy is a unique tool to help us find valuable keywords for writing prompts.

The WA rules; however, prevent us from putting our website and other links in our posts. True no one wants spam. There is enough spam in the world and none of us wants to add to it.

So, unless a member sends a website URL in a PM or by helping others through Site Feedback or Comments their is only one place, a small corner of the WA website, where we can go to find out what our fellow WA members are doing on the web.

This should go without saying but let me be clear. I am not suggesting copying anyone else's work. Or even getting ideas for our own work. I know for me looking at other websites sets a bar and often a high bar for my own goals and objectives.

In my experience I have found many people do not share their website or social media links in this area and they should. When someone interests me with their blogs or the help they offer in a training post, this is one of the first places I go to see what they are doing on the web and how to contact them via social media.

I think this is a natural curiosity to know someone by their work and not just by their blogs. What do you think? Do you use the Follow Me On area?

Final note. This is day 84 of the 90-Day plan.

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Definitely Steve, you are RIGHT more peeps need to be using this area to post!
However, I've never had any problem with shameless self-promotion!

why does that not surprise me

Ha! Why should it!

Great post Steven. Why is it that so few people use that "Follow Me On" real estate though?

~Mark :)

I not sure. It is in the training. I'm sure some people don't remember it because there is so much to learn and retain.

I am surprised at the number of people who do not list their website URL.

Thanks, Mark.
Steve :)

Hey Steve, I have to be honest. I completely forgot about that little gem. Thanks for the reminder!

You are welcome. It is very helpful to look at other websites.

Hi Steve,

First, up congratulations on you self-challenge, an awesome way to create some personal growth and knowledge much respect.

I guess that networking aspect is something that we should not underestimate, especially if we associate with folks that are on the same journey as us, a really valuable asset in the making, something that we could all do better at for sure.

For me, I look at every aspect of Wealthy Affiliate as being super valuable it is like being in the that best online suburb in the industry and by the looks of things, that are being signaled with the release of the new UX we are all going to a whole new level in our abilities to create some valuable online real estate.


I agree about WA and I am really looking forward to the UX upgrade.

The 90 day plan wasn't as much of a challenge as a way to be self-reflective. To understand what I had completed and what I needed to do next. Clearly, I am not as far along as I would like to be but it has helped me define daily and weekly objectives.

I find it takes me much longer to write an article than the hour or two some say it should take. I wonder at those who say they can rip off 2 or 3 posts in a day. Maybe I should do less, I don't know. Maybe it would be easier if I were focused on a niche like pet care or something.

Regardless, it is all good training and in the end I believe all of it will be valuable.

If I am being honest I don't know how some folks do it, they are all over WA for what seems 24/7 and then they can pump out content at an extraordinary rate, that would put most authors to shame.

The key is to keep focusing on what you are doing because if you look sideways sometimes you would just about want to pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and trudge off home.

I think a lot of us struggle with the production of consistently high-quality content. So you are not alone in this aspect, to research and write a good piece can take time.

I think that you will of learned heaps by working through this process Steve, developing those areas where we are not proficient can help us to really increase or experience and strengths.

Best wishes.

Thank Alex. I spent a lot of time figuring out the structure of the website - how to organize the content. Even changed it again a little today.

What is now the eBook was my working through the organization of the site and then I cut it into 4 parts. Each part became the top content article of that menu heading. This 6,600 word article took about a week.

Then taking the entire 6,600 word article and turning it into a more formal eBook format was another week. It is just about complete now. I just have to try and add some personal comments throughout as Ariel suggested.

The last few articles took me about 6 hours or so and I did guest author an article for Karen's website. So, I think I am getting that under control and can continue to write to flush out the structure.

I spent most of last week optimizing my posts using Squirrly. I got my audit score up from 53 to 65 this week and need to be around 80. What's holding me down is the lack of comments and social media engagement. Now I am trying to get comments (started today) and understand and control the social media aspects (FB and G+).

There is just so much to do that even 24/7 is not enough. But I know what you mean about how some people seem to be churning it out at an unbelievable rate.

Good idea to point this out. As a newbie, there is so much going on here at WA, it's a challenge to understand everything that is available to us. Thanks for sharing!

Welcome and I hope it helps

Good post, full of good advice and I agree with the sentiments. I personally do this, I read a blog post, like the blog post, then go straight to the bottom right hand side of peoples profile and follow their social profiles and also read their blog/s

Now the reason I follow people on their social profiles, is this...

Each person is a seperate network, with seperate connections, who will not, know us and interests, so they would find comments and such like interesting, which makes this corner

Valuable Real Estate and I can't imagine for one moment, why people would not want to put their profiles down. I have heard lots of reasons today and previously why they don't, but personally speaking I think it is ignoring and passing up other ;good organic traffic'

Thanks for the comment. I agree with you.

Your welcome, its a no brainer in my book, as I am sure it is in yours/

Hi Steven, I quite recently started paying more attention to this little treasure trove after one of the GoGetters trainings. It's a massive encouragement to see how incredibly well people are doing.

It's an invitation to visit someone in their online home really and I love it.

All the best,


Hey hey Steven how are you. I share my links at the bottom of my profile I think we are on each others fb's as it goes.

Thats where I work my Websites too. I share my ideas with others too.

It would be nice if more of the successful ones shared a little more but thats up to them if they want to or not I suppose.

Although some do share quite a lot already. Anyways a great post and my fb's and my Instagram are all at the bottom of my profile.

Great post and I shall go and see if we are connected lol
Have a good day Steven and have great success too.

Your friend
Debs :)

Thank you Debs. Always good to hear from you.

Your welcome Steve. :))

I have been using it as it is a great tool. I found with putting together our Mastermind group that it comes in real handy. Thanks for posting this every one needs to know about it.

Thanks. I need to get a mastermind group going as well.

I have had curiosity on what other people are doing when they comment on post. But personally I haven’t used the follow me on social media. On the other hand, I can see the benefits. Thank you for sharing.


It is great to see what others are doing. Try it, you'll like it.

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