Chicken or Egg? - Blog or Article

blog cover image

This is for fun! A little information but for fun!

Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg?

No, this post is not going to be about chickens or eggs.

But it is a lighthearted look at blog post versus an article which came first and what is the difference between the two.

Someone asked the other day if a blog post and an article are the same thing. I responded that we tend to use the term interchangeably (and we do mix the terms) and gave a little background on the term blog. I received several responses from people saying that they had wondered about this before.

SO, I thought I'd take a few minutes and give the history of the blog and the differences between a blog and an article and how the technology available plays a big role in this difference. (See, I bet you didn't think I could tie all this together did you?)

It Began With a Diary - Yes a Diary

The first keeping of events by date was in a diary "a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences" and is usually handwritten.

The earliest known example of writings that display many of the characteristics of a diary is Meditations written in Greek by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the second half of the 2nd century AD. (Spoiler alert: I looked this up. I didn't known it. But why is a Roman writing in Greek? That's for another post someday.)

Yes, this is Marcus himself or it's supposed to be.

Of course the best known diary is probably The Diary of Ann Frank. (You can look that up yourself if you need to.)

Okay, what does an ancient Roman Emperor have to do with this? Good question. Old Marcus used the technology of his day, the pen or what passed for pen and ink and whatever they used as paper to write on in those ancient days. It was a technology-based record of thoughts and events. I'm sure the pen and paper technology was an improvement over drawing on cave walls.

Journaling was an evolution of a diary to include more personal thoughts, feelings, and reflections.

Still paper and pen based, the journal took the diary one step further with self-reflection. Remember, journaling became popular in the 1960s when psychology was the rage and self-reflection was a tool of psychological development. (I'm riffing a bit here but if you're old like me I think you'll known what I mean.)

I remember when journaling was a big thing in high school (See there's that age thing again). Our English teachers would give us homework to “journal” two or three times a week. (Two or three times a week. That sound familiar to you?)

Who knows what in the world this means. But it was heavy in the 1960s. Okay you got me. I confess. This was really written in 2017 but you get the idea.

Then, along came computers and the journal evolved into something written (typed?) on the computer and called a “weblog”. Moving the journal to the computer made it possible for us to publish our thoughts and feelings on the Internet so others could read and respond to our writings. (Again technology takes center stage.)

In 1999 Peter Merholz coined the term “blog”, when he broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his weblog.

The term blog is an abbreviated version of word weblog.

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Recent Comments


A good and interesting read Steven.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


Thanks for that Steven, appreciated, very interesting - as usual from you!

Perhaps start the next one with what came first, the Cadbury's Cream Egg or the Factory! Blah blah blah....

Just give me the egg! Lol

Have a wonderful day there!


Unfortunately Easter is over and Cadbury's Cream Eggs are only available around Easter. It will be hard to top that one. May have shot it all in one effort. Oh no!
It did what I thought it would, got my rank under 100. Now back to working on my site.

Thanks Steven. A good read. Gail

Thanks Gail.

Very informative Steven. Your power of research always amazes me. It’s something I need to do more of.
With Grace and Gratitude

Thank you Karen. I had fun writing it

Interesting info, Steve. Wasn't aware of the historical background of the terminology. Another answer to "What have the Romans every done for us".

that was a good one, thanks for the early morning laugh

Thanks Steven, with the word "Weblog" I always have an FB-ish feeling of: Today, my daughter and I went shopping, we bought..., we ate..., we weary our readers...

sounds like you had a great day.

Haha, lol

Weblog means blog.....a journal. Did I miss something?

Steven, thanks for the distinction. I was never good at English.
Here in Hawaii for most is normal.

Sorry, I should speak for myself.

Pigeon English is our first language. lols. Don't laugh everybody, P.E. is getting acceptable as a language. It's true! lols!

Thanks for the clarification my brother, you rock!


Our social media and 255 character conversations are creating a P.E. all of its own. Not good thought.
Thanks, Frank.

Very true. Steve.
BLOG = weblog. Or a journal of entries.
Long ago they just decided to drop the We, and Blog is all that remained.

Well it wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking

Relatively yes, but I consider late 90's long ago by internet standards.

I consider last week long ago. That's what happens when you get old. :(


Great clarification Stephen!

Thank you.

Thanks for sharing Steven.

thank you for reading this.

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