Sold my first blog for $28,000 after 13 months

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My site was 13 months old and reflects about 6 months of work due to a period where I totally ignored it because of my other obligations. 13 months ago I had no idea how to sell a blog.

An established competitor in my niche reached out to buy it, and after much deliberation, I decided to sell my blog.

After factoring in my prior income from the blog, I've been paid almost $600 for each article (there were just under 60 total).

If you'd have told me that was my "salary" when writing, it would have been less of a chore!!

I never thought this hobby would be profiable so quickly, nor would I have imagined someone wanting to buy my precious blog so soon. It was flattering to have someone established see that my "real estate" in the niche was valuable.

My mentor tells me to be patient for round 2, take the time to build up authority, and give my content a chance to mature. He's right - this is the process. Even if I do flip my next blog, I'm going to give it more time to increase in alue.

My buyer will benefit from the content that I've written over the last 6 months that isn't yet ranked. It's been interesting to see the changes that they've made to the blog even at this juncture.

At this moment, I can put this $ to good use, and I'm considering using some of it to buy another site that's already established, build it up, and have that "head start" with google.

I was sloppy with this blog in many ways. I didn't do social media, I didn't do guest posts. But I rocked the heck out of getting traffic and keyword ranking. So, I know I can bring these skills to a new project.


Thank you for the outpouring of support for this venture. I may do a WA training on my "methods", as many of you have requested. However, I really did just follow the training on here!!

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Recent Comments


wowsa!! nice!

What an amazing success story! Congratulations!

Wola! this is incredible.
Kindly show us the process of selling it.

Thanks in advance.

hi - could you clarify the process of selling it? I pretty much laid out how it happened. A competitor reached out to me, we agreed on a price, and we went through escrow.

Wow! that sounds more interesting- competitor! Got the point.

Thanks for the reply.

That's great!

Sounds great - congratulations! Would love to see your training. - Shirley

Thank you, Shirley! This is the gist of my training:

Pick a great niche - hair loss, weight loss, and erectile dysfunction/male sexual issues are the holy trinity cash cow gravy train of the internet. Consider one of these for a new project.

I relied heavily on review posts because that's the keyword research I was doing the most. I later switched to general articles about medical conditions hoping to nudge people towards products indirectly.

In order of importance:

Low competition high traffic keywords. Aim for at least 100 traffic and no more than 20 competition

Write long posts, at least 1000 words, 2,000 or 3,000 is better.

Short paragraphs, no more than two sentences. Mobile skimmers don't read real paragraphs.

Good headers that make you want to read on - bulleted lists for anything complicated or lengthy.

Get a lot of comments and freshen up old posts with new comments. This is where the WA community comes in, until the organic comments start coming in.

Brand yourself and your story for instant credibility and authority. People need that personal touch.

Very nice for 6 months work and 7 months aging on what had to be a great domain name selection.

Thanks. It's a great niche. I'm probably going to do another project in it.

Wow! Congratulations! I’m really happy for you! And what you been able to achieve already, surely you can again!

Thank you for the encouragement, Peppino!

What a fantastic and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing!



That’s amazing. A great return on 6 months work.
With Grace and Gratitude

Thank you, Karen!!

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