About dcasa14
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1,884 followers Joined December 2016
I have over 20 years experience in trade shows and corporate events. I have worked in all major USA trade show venues and several





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asked in
Getting Started

Last email received was on June 21. Typically I received a dozen or more emails per day.

Many great responses, you well covered here with some excellent advice, and guidance.

Please let us know if you still have any questions.


It could be related to your payments (i.e. credit card expiration) or just some glitch. Hopefully it's resolved for you, judging from below comments.

It seems to be corrected, but thank you for your comments.

Inactivity Dave :)

I would set it up again and see it working.

I got the email that notifies me that you replied to my question, so perhaps I good again. I will reset to be sure.
Thank you!

That’s awesome Dave and super welcome :) Enjoy your day and good to see you.

There may be a gliche in the system perhaps try to clear your cache and refresh your browser and refresh your email account as well

I got the email of notice that you replied to my question, so maybe I back, but I will check the items you suggest.

Thank you!

Good to hear

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Can anyone tell me why I am not receiving wa email from other wa associates?

Can anyone tell me why I am not receiving wa email from other wa associates?

asked in
Getting Started

Last email received was on June 21. Typically I received a dozen or more emails per day.

Many great responses, you well covered here with some excellent advice, and guidance.

Please let us know if you still have any questions.


It could be related to your payments (i.e. credit card expiration) or just some glitch. Hopefully it's resolved for you, judging from below comments.

It seems to be corrected, but thank you for your comments.

Inactivity Dave :)

I would set it up again and see it working.

I got the email that notifies me that you replied to my question, so perhaps I good again. I will reset to be sure.
Thank you!

That’s awesome Dave and super welcome :) Enjoy your day and good to see you.

There may be a gliche in the system perhaps try to clear your cache and refresh your browser and refresh your email account as well

I got the email of notice that you replied to my question, so maybe I back, but I will check the items you suggest.

Thank you!

Good to hear

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have been working on websites and adding posts. Can someone tell me the difference between categories and tags?

Hi Dave
Categories >>>
Categories are used to identify broadly defined groups of posts on a similar subject. Using Categories is compulsory really because WordPress automatically marks posts as Uncategorised by default until you allocate a specific Category to a post.

It's good practice anyway because it makes it easier for visitors to find posts on the subject they want and it also helps Google to figure out what a website is about. In addition, it's easy to create menu labels for Categories which when clicked by a visitor show a blogroll for that particular category.

Tags >>>
are more detailed. They are mostly used to cross-reference subjects across posts. They aren't compulsory.

An example of their use might be if you have a blog on sewing for instance where you mention different types, shapes and sizes of needles in different posts. You could set up a tag called Needles which you use in every post that mentions needles.

The benefits are similar to categories; they help visitors and google understand your site better. They are usually set up for subjects that are mentioned in more than one post.

I hope this helps. Any questions?

Thank you. Very good explanation of the differences. Going back to my websites to modify now that I know.

An excellent description, Richard! Thanks for stating this so well.


You're welcome Dave...

A couple of other points...

Categories are excellent for building Menus... if you add a category to a menu it automatically uses the posts in that Category in a blogroll...
If you want to know more, feel free to ask...

Also, google spokesmen have suggested that so long as there's a good Category and Sub-category structure, Tags don't have a great deal of effect in most blog posts because visitors rarely click them except for some reason for shop product listings.

Here's an interesting article on the subject:

So for most of us, Categories are important and Tags might be a waste of time.

Thank you Rudy :-)

You may also read my comment on the first link.
Kindly let us know how you get on.

Thank you for the prompt response. You are very organized in being able to respond with just the right answers.

Always a pleasure to be of assistance.
And you're very welcome!

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What is the difference - categories and tags?

What is the difference - categories and tags?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have been working on websites and adding posts. Can someone tell me the difference between categories and tags?

Hi Dave
Categories >>>
Categories are used to identify broadly defined groups of posts on a similar subject. Using Categories is compulsory really because WordPress automatically marks posts as Uncategorised by default until you allocate a specific Category to a post.

It's good practice anyway because it makes it easier for visitors to find posts on the subject they want and it also helps Google to figure out what a website is about. In addition, it's easy to create menu labels for Categories which when clicked by a visitor show a blogroll for that particular category.

Tags >>>
are more detailed. They are mostly used to cross-reference subjects across posts. They aren't compulsory.

An example of their use might be if you have a blog on sewing for instance where you mention different types, shapes and sizes of needles in different posts. You could set up a tag called Needles which you use in every post that mentions needles.

The benefits are similar to categories; they help visitors and google understand your site better. They are usually set up for subjects that are mentioned in more than one post.

I hope this helps. Any questions?

Thank you. Very good explanation of the differences. Going back to my websites to modify now that I know.

An excellent description, Richard! Thanks for stating this so well.


You're welcome Dave...

A couple of other points...

Categories are excellent for building Menus... if you add a category to a menu it automatically uses the posts in that Category in a blogroll...
If you want to know more, feel free to ask...

Also, google spokesmen have suggested that so long as there's a good Category and Sub-category structure, Tags don't have a great deal of effect in most blog posts because visitors rarely click them except for some reason for shop product listings.

Here's an interesting article on the subject:

So for most of us, Categories are important and Tags might be a waste of time.

Thank you Rudy :-)

You may also read my comment on the first link.
Kindly let us know how you get on.

Thank you for the prompt response. You are very organized in being able to respond with just the right answers.

Always a pleasure to be of assistance.
And you're very welcome!

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have suggested to some companies that they sell through affiliate marketing and they were interested. I need help in my follow-up to them as to how I can set up an affiliate

I'm with Awin and ShareASale, so I could help both you and them. ShareASale even has a referral program, so if they did launch an affiliate program you would earn a commission.

ShareASale is also by far the best value for first time programs. It's the lowest start up fee, override and monthly minimum. Send me a message and I'll share some details with you.

The company may also want to consider asking a third party affiliate network to manage their program. There are so many good ones.: AWIN, ShareASale, Rakuten. They may also wish to sell their products on Amazon.

There is a lot to set up when creating an affiliate program to maintain accurate reporting. We see you have a link provided already.

This may be helpful, as it speaks directly to your question:



Thank you for the reply and link. The title sounds like what I am looking for.
Appreciate your help and I will check out the link soon.

Hi Dave

I take it you want to create these companies their own affiliate program.


Thank you for the prompt response. Yes, you are correct, their own affiliate programs, but I would in some form want to be their administrator (if that's the right term).
I'll check out your resource later today or in the AM. Have company coming now.

You would like to build and mange the program as well.

That's fine, kindly let us know how it goes for you.
Always a pleasure to be of assistance.

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Setting up an affiliate program?

Setting up an affiliate program?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have suggested to some companies that they sell through affiliate marketing and they were interested. I need help in my follow-up to them as to how I can set up an affiliate

I'm with Awin and ShareASale, so I could help both you and them. ShareASale even has a referral program, so if they did launch an affiliate program you would earn a commission.

ShareASale is also by far the best value for first time programs. It's the lowest start up fee, override and monthly minimum. Send me a message and I'll share some details with you.

The company may also want to consider asking a third party affiliate network to manage their program. There are so many good ones.: AWIN, ShareASale, Rakuten. They may also wish to sell their products on Amazon.

There is a lot to set up when creating an affiliate program to maintain accurate reporting. We see you have a link provided already.

This may be helpful, as it speaks directly to your question:



Thank you for the reply and link. The title sounds like what I am looking for.
Appreciate your help and I will check out the link soon.

Hi Dave

I take it you want to create these companies their own affiliate program.


Thank you for the prompt response. Yes, you are correct, their own affiliate programs, but I would in some form want to be their administrator (if that's the right term).
I'll check out your resource later today or in the AM. Have company coming now.

You would like to build and mange the program as well.

That's fine, kindly let us know how it goes for you.
Always a pleasure to be of assistance.

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