Shifting Radically...
I love writing and felt inspired to create a quick post. It has been a few days since I had a strong focus work day at WA. Funny how time waits on no one. As I sit here reflecting on the past few days, it occurred to me that in order for me to stay on course I must shift radically.
Shifting Radically The Way I Work
There are three things I have learned from my inactivity:
1. I can't grow unless I am willing to change.
2. I can't add value to myself unless I am willing to change.
3. I can't surround myself with phenomenal people unless I am willing to change.
Change what you ask?
Change the way I think, work and present myself to the world.
My Shifting Radically Strategy
- Eliminate all things that are not work related during work hours.
- Set specific times to check & respond to emails (M-F 12p & 4pm).
- No more overcommitment to stuff that are wealth blockers.
- Set boundaries with family and friends.
- Use a kitchen timer to stay on track when in the "work zone".
- Learn during the day and rest my mind at night.
- Daily go over my goals as to why I am doing what I am doing.
- Focus! Focus! Focus!
Change begins with me. Time to shift radically!
What changes have you implemented to ensure your success?
Recent Comments
Sonja, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Starting Monday I have going to be setting aside time blocks for my two websites. I will use the timer on my IPhone to keep me on track. Debbie
Kudos to you Debbie! I tried the timer on my phone but became distracted by the text messages and notifications lol! During work hours my phone is on silent and I check during break.
What a great post Sonja! Shift of mindset completely. You should pick up the book Think and Grow Rich and Why People Fail. I think I have the pdf of these someplace. If I do I'll send them your way. Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and a host of others have really changed the way I think. Keep up the great work!
Right on Sonja! My problem is I am tired of writing - did too much in my former life. I enjoy the technical SEO and marketing.....Let me play with HTML code!
And I dread the HTML code lol! It is easy to get burned out on writing. Writing comes so easily to me so my creative juices keep my fingers moving lol!
Hey Sonja, I live on my own so I don't have anyone frequently coming in and out of the house, I'mm pretty much free with my spare time outside of work so I have a lot of spare time on my hands. The biggest change for me is taking time out to exercise and get fresh air to have my body and mind ready for the long road ahead. If I can get up for work, which I'm not completely fond of, then I can get up and go for a walk for myself.
Yes! Self care is so important. February is my month to refocus and rejuvenate. I will begin incorporating exercise as well. I noticed I have better mental focus when I workout. Thanks for your input!
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Wise words Sonja try and keep my self on a schedule to and set my hours to. wish you every success
Thanks Katie! Sticking to a schedule is key!