About SallieD
Rank 46374
124 followers Joined July 2016
Hi, my name is Sallie. I live in the state of Texas. I moved from N. C. to Texas almost 8 years ago with





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am still writing content for my pages, but I need to know if I'm heading in the right direction. could someone go to my web page and let me know if there is something else I

Hi Sallie. Get out of your comfort zone and post frequently, one post per week is a minimum. All the best !

It's looking good so far! I would use at least 1-2 large pictures per post. I also noticed that your menu items have blank pages - those need to have content/articles on them!

But your about-me page was perfect. Really explained what your site is about and why you're passionate about the topic!

Good page. Great idea. Maybe little bit more pictures. At least I love see pages with some pages. More colorful. But direction is amazing!

Am I headed in the right direction?

Am I headed in the right direction?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am still writing content for my pages, but I need to know if I'm heading in the right direction. could someone go to my web page and let me know if there is something else I

Hi Sallie. Get out of your comfort zone and post frequently, one post per week is a minimum. All the best !

It's looking good so far! I would use at least 1-2 large pictures per post. I also noticed that your menu items have blank pages - those need to have content/articles on them!

But your about-me page was perfect. Really explained what your site is about and why you're passionate about the topic!

Good page. Great idea. Maybe little bit more pictures. At least I love see pages with some pages. More colorful. But direction is amazing!

asked in
Everything Wordpress

since I went premium I am having problems of where and how to begin, I have asked for help in the conversations but haven't received any feedback, I got more feed back in the b

Are you following the lessons step by step? Which lesson are you on and which task are you trying to complete? Let me know and I can definitely help you get through this lesson and move on to the next :)

Hi Nathaniell, yes I am following the lessons step by step, I am on Course 2 lesson 2, writing the content

My thing is what to write? Do I look up my niche and find information on it, do I go into full detail....what information am I suppose to be giving my viewers?

Are you doing keyword research yet? Kyle had you create 3 initial posts, correct?

Lesson 4 Level 2 asks you to create more content, so Kyle will show you more there: Have you seen this video yet? It helps with keyword ideas: I also have this training I think will be useful: Let me know if that helps!

You post content in your WordPress website on pages and posts


I am a Wordpress web designer and a WP blogger let me know if I can help you at any time

sure thing, thank you

Hi Sallie the content you write will be based on what your website is about. If you are following the training you should already have a foundation of what your website or niche is going to be about. What is your website going to be about and what are the keywords you are trying to target for?

Here's training on writing out content: Hope this helps.

Thanks Crod, I'm getting a better understanding, my website is howtogrowthickerlongerhair.com and my confusion is how should I start this out, and do I post this content on the first page that was done

I have not understood the problem

I am stuck as far as writing my content, this is my next step as I'm going through the courses, it seems since I went premium things are a little confusing to me, I know I'm on the right track, where do i write the content and how do I post it on my page, I've been searching tutorials to see if maybe i could find something, this is all new to me so please forgive me I am a beginner
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Hi Sallie. can you be a little more specific on what you need help with?

I am stuck as far as writing my content, this is my next step as I'm going through the courses, it seems since I went premium things are a little confusing to me, I know I'm on the right track, where do i write the content and how do I post it on my page, I've been searching tutorials to see if maybe i could find something, this is all new to me so please forgive me I am a biginner

Hi SallieD,
SallieD you are not alone in this. From your website , i see you are just starting to build your website. it takes time to master all needed to have a successful online business.

Try and research all about content creation for different niches one at time. i'm sure the answers you will find to your question here in WA will be helpful to some extent but will not be sufficient to resolve the issues of content creation. You have to do the work!

Content creation is not that hard. it's more or less similar as to how you have already discussed in your website " about" page. Similarly, Learn about the niche that your are interested , gather facts all about the niche and put it as a post in your website, then move to the next niche/ post.

There are plenty of tips , and helpful materials you can find within the WA. just type on top ( at the "activity dashboard") , the word needed to research , i.e. content. under-this you will find trainings , and Questions/answers. The link below is a sample of training by Kyle Hope this helps :)

thank you

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Can someone please help me?

Can someone please help me?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

since I went premium I am having problems of where and how to begin, I have asked for help in the conversations but haven't received any feedback, I got more feed back in the b

Are you following the lessons step by step? Which lesson are you on and which task are you trying to complete? Let me know and I can definitely help you get through this lesson and move on to the next :)

Hi Nathaniell, yes I am following the lessons step by step, I am on Course 2 lesson 2, writing the content

My thing is what to write? Do I look up my niche and find information on it, do I go into full detail....what information am I suppose to be giving my viewers?

Are you doing keyword research yet? Kyle had you create 3 initial posts, correct?

Lesson 4 Level 2 asks you to create more content, so Kyle will show you more there: Have you seen this video yet? It helps with keyword ideas: I also have this training I think will be useful: Let me know if that helps!

You post content in your WordPress website on pages and posts


I am a Wordpress web designer and a WP blogger let me know if I can help you at any time

sure thing, thank you

Hi Sallie the content you write will be based on what your website is about. If you are following the training you should already have a foundation of what your website or niche is going to be about. What is your website going to be about and what are the keywords you are trying to target for?

Here's training on writing out content: Hope this helps.

Thanks Crod, I'm getting a better understanding, my website is howtogrowthickerlongerhair.com and my confusion is how should I start this out, and do I post this content on the first page that was done

I have not understood the problem

I am stuck as far as writing my content, this is my next step as I'm going through the courses, it seems since I went premium things are a little confusing to me, I know I'm on the right track, where do i write the content and how do I post it on my page, I've been searching tutorials to see if maybe i could find something, this is all new to me so please forgive me I am a beginner
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Hi Sallie. can you be a little more specific on what you need help with?

I am stuck as far as writing my content, this is my next step as I'm going through the courses, it seems since I went premium things are a little confusing to me, I know I'm on the right track, where do i write the content and how do I post it on my page, I've been searching tutorials to see if maybe i could find something, this is all new to me so please forgive me I am a biginner

Hi SallieD,
SallieD you are not alone in this. From your website , i see you are just starting to build your website. it takes time to master all needed to have a successful online business.

Try and research all about content creation for different niches one at time. i'm sure the answers you will find to your question here in WA will be helpful to some extent but will not be sufficient to resolve the issues of content creation. You have to do the work!

Content creation is not that hard. it's more or less similar as to how you have already discussed in your website " about" page. Similarly, Learn about the niche that your are interested , gather facts all about the niche and put it as a post in your website, then move to the next niche/ post.

There are plenty of tips , and helpful materials you can find within the WA. just type on top ( at the "activity dashboard") , the word needed to research , i.e. content. under-this you will find trainings , and Questions/answers. The link below is a sample of training by Kyle Hope this helps :)

thank you

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