What is the best time to publish your blog post?


An effective method to improve the impact of your online business is to publish your blog posts on the best time and day of the week to the attractive most targeted crowd.

Monday is the day when people are getting back to work. There will be workloads to settle after a long weekend. Most people will be too busy to check up their emails and social media stuff which is less important to them. So it is unlikely you are going to get higher traffic on such a day.

Statistic show that Tuesday to Thursday, Time: Morning 6.00 am -1 pm; Evening 6.00pm -12.00am are the likeable period when people browse through their Internet for Information.

Most traffic seem to start from 10 am - 1 pm with 11.00am at its highest point.

A large number of bloggers like to schedule their Blog Posts during 3.00 pm EST as it appear to attract the most audience during that time too.

Friday to Sunday seen quiet and you would receive less response. However, Online Shopping tends to grow during this period as people get into a buying mode over the weekend.

It is important to note that different niche products and posts do attract people of interest at different time slots. So you might need to play around the time and date to monitor.

Using your Google Analytic, you will be able to study on the traffic flow. This serve as a guideline for you to schedule your Google or Facebook Ads to get maximum results as well.

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Great information


Thanks Percy

I've been thinking about this lately. Great timing and thanks for the info Sadie.

Hi Gary, My pleasure to help.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Luna

Thanks for sharing

Thanks Jonathan

Excellent, thank you.

Thanks Anne.

Thank you for this information, Sadie, really useful for all of us bloggers:-))Steph

Thanks Steph. Glad it helps you :)

You must have picked a right time as I am reading your post. I have a tendency to post at 3am local as I happen to be up all hours. Not so much the time but the content.

Thanks, Larry. Interesting, as I don't usually end up publishing this post at late night Sg Time.

Thanks, Sadie. Great information. I agree that the timing is critical and your information certainly makes sense.



Yes, Not easy, though, as we need to plan the date and write our post in advance.

Thanks for sharing this useful info, Sadie!

Thanks Rebecca.

The trouble is ate you talking about the US as the web is world wide and does not understand time!

Hi, Paul, you can check on when 3.00 EST is on the world wide web, here in the UK it is 8.00 in the morning. Try to google it and it will tell you when it is 3.00 EST where you are. I think you may have to get up a little early;-))Steph

I have tried different times but I think that for me in Lithuania to post the very late evening and the very early morning works best but then it also depends on the days!

It is good that you have tried this Paul, I haven't, but I will in future thanks to this post from Sadie, I think the days are probably quite important too:-))Steph

Days yes definitely

Hi Paul, There is a software program for IMer to set at the same time at that other parts of the world.

Hi again and thanks for the info but I somehow feel to just go with the gut - when I blog and when I post but that is just me - old school!!!

Honestly, I feel difficult to break that habit too.

we are the same

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