Vegas Conference Is Coming to an End

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Hi everyone!

We just had a wonderful farewell party and the WA Super Affiliate conference in Vegas is coming to an end.

Take a look at the whole "Vegas squad" below (WA Super Affiliates + some of their spouses)

In the coming days, I'll post here my full "Vegas Conference Post + Takeaways on What I Learned". So, this is going to be a short one...

I want to leave you with 1 thought that came up when discussing often with other affiliates.

Anybody can succeed online.

And anybody can make it also to the Vegas conference.

It's not the matter of whether or not you can. It's the matter of whether or not you will.

Anybody can but not anybody will.

It requires tons of work and persistence but you can definitely make it.

Let me also share what Brian Tracy said.

"Do you know how many times an average person needs to fail until he stops trying?

Less than 1.

Because most people don't even try at all ????

The turning point of my life was when I realized that nothing works at the first time.

If I try something new, it's probably not gonna work at least the first few times.

But the key to success in anything is to keep on trying and getting back until you get it right." -Brian Tracy

Okay, now it's time for me to start packing my bags and start sleeping.

I'm gonna head tomorrow to 10x Growth Conference in Miami. Also super-excited for that. Gonna see several super-successful entrepreneurs and Internet marketers there on stage.

All the best to you my friend!

Roope "Anybody can, but not anybody will" Kiuttu

PS. I know that WA ranking isn't very important. It's more important that you're focusing on building your own site and online business. But just noticed that my WA rank is the highest it has ever been = 4. Seems that I've been quite active within this great community recently :D


Thank you for reading!

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Anybody can succeed online. I guess that includes myself, as well right LoL :)

Well, seriously, congratulation Roope on this great achievement.

I also believe that now you see tons of opportunities for your business.
As we grow, we see more path to succeed.

Have a great trip to Miami and I am also curious about the outcome.

Yep, mind is now full of ideas !

Wow! Thanks for sharing this with us Robert. Quite glad.

Awaiting the 'takeaways'..... great motivation for a whole lot

Yeah, there are many takeaways. I'm gonna share a few most important ones.

This is awesome Roope. I feel some of the excitement at this end too. I can only imagine what it feels to rip the fruits of your labor.
I hope to get there someday soon.

Great post-Roope. Continue to enjoy.

Thanks a lot for sharing and happy for you. Expecting your post on Vegas.

Thanks Paul !


Did a few others from last year's trip not make it this year?

The group's deffo getting bigger though ;)

I'm currently working my ass off as we speak, so Vegas 2020 should look promising.


Yeah, and some guys who made it didn't come because of other responsibilities.

This year I think we were 17 + some spouses.

It's a shame that life gets in the way of rewards sometimes.

Well-said! I won't forget this when I worked on something 'mid-air' and it didn't work to my favor. Tried it again and it didn't work many many times, until it clicked. This may not make sense, but something I can share later in my WA Life, lol.

What a great photo, great group of leaders! Thanks for sharing it!

Sounds like you've got a great story to share there!

Great post and looks like you guys had a great time at the conference. Yes I agree - everyone can be a success online. I think the main issue for most people who join WA then leave, newbies, is that they want to see instant success, which will never happen - there is no such thing. It's all about 3 important aspects - Patience, Time, and Effort (hard work).

Yep! Those 3 things are keys!

I'm so desperate to make it next year!!!

I'd love to see you here in Vegas next year Shrestha!

That's awesome Roope! Can't wait to hear more :)
I hope you've all had an amazing time!

Yeah, more coming soon and I'm sure that other members are gonna tell their stories as well :)

Had a great time!

I will be there one day.


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