Vivaaaaa Las Vegas


Now that I've proven that I have at least as much of a grasp of the Spanish language as "the King", let's get on with namedropping and humble bragging.

We picked up exactly where we left off last year with a night full of laughter, sharing recent successes, and far too much alcohol. I even got to meet a really paranoid guy from Brooklyn that was far too nervous about getting his stuff stolen (lookin' at you, V!).

Despite all of the fun and laughter, this trip is about you, the Wealthy Affiliate community. We spend our nights flushing money down the toilet and drinking beer, but we spend the days talking about where our referrals are struggling the most, what can be done to improve the product/community, and maintaining a healthy feedback loop to ensure that Wealthy Affiliate continues to be best internet marketing training online.

Most of you are reading this blog post because you want to be inspired and gain insights that will help you elevate your business, increase your income, and earn free trips as a top affiliate for products like WA (they aren't the only ones that take really good of their affiliates). Here are the best pointers that I can give you:

  1. FOCUS! I can't tell you how many business ventures I've jumped from that would have been successful if I'd just stuck to it and seen the project through. It's so easy to jump from one niche to another, from one training product to another, etc... Stop it. You're doing your business and yourself a disservice and making it much more difficult to succeed.

  2. Only build sites in niches where you can offer incredible value. I couldn't have made it to Vegas without many of you, my referrals here at WA, but my referrals would have never purchased a membership to Wealthy Affiliate without me first demonstrating credibility and offering an immense amount of value. The same is true of every niche - if you can't find a way to add value through your content, insights, and training, you'll likely never succeed in that niche. This is because you'll be competing against more passionate, more knowledgeable people that are likely to produce better content and work much longer/harder than you.

    For example, I was talking with Nathaniell in Vegas about an organic chocolate stout I drank that was delicious, and he was able to name it off of the top of his head! Don't compete against Rick in the beer brewing niche. Don't compete with me in the pen turning niche. Figure out which niche/interest you're most passionate about and become the expert that he and I are in our respective niches (see point #1).

  3. Prioritize helping people over making money. Most people start off doing the opposite of this. They build their first few websites as new affiliate marketers and they REEK of "Buy me! Buy me!" There are ads everywhere you look, the content all tries to direct someone to buy something, etc... I'm going to be painfully honest here (reminding you that I once built sites like this too). These sites suck, ladies and gentlemen, and they'll never make you a living as an affiliate marketer. They don't add value, they don't help people and, as a result, they don't make much money.

    You can typically gauge someone's financial worth by measuring how much value they're offering the world. Focus on helping your website visitors by offering truly valuable, helpful content that they can't find at that level of quality anywhere else. Stick with it, post 2-3x per week minimum if at all possible, and in a few months you'll have enough traffic to start making money. That's the true formula for succeeding in internet marketing - not push-button systems or blowing a site up with banners and ads.

That's all she wrote, y'all (I am from the southern U.S., after all). There aren't any secrets or formulas outside of this. Make the three points above the core of your internet marketing business and, given time and a lot of effort on your part, you'll succeed in whatever niche you enter.

Now back to the namedropping and showing off my beautiful wife:

None of these men are my beautiful wife.

There she is! I know, I know - I "married up".

Kyle and Steve flushing money down the toilet using Kyle's (surprisingly effective) roulette "strategy".

A few of us at the fight.

A few of us at the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef Aquarium.

This is a public service announcement. Do not loan Steve from money, as he will pay you back using old U.S. dollar coins.

To those of you spreading the good word about WA and referring people to the safest internet marketing community online, I hope to meet you next year!

To those of you that aren't, don't feel like this level of success can't be achieved in your niche. You can achieve this level of success in several niches - myself and many others on this trip have. It's just a matter of getting your hands on the right training (which you have here at WA) and keeping the principles above at the core of your business. Vegas or no Vegas, commit to becoming a full-time affiliate in 2015 so that you can have the freedom everyone above has by 2016. You deserve it, you can do it, and Wealthy Affiliate is the best place you can be with that goal in mind.

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Recent Comments


Great encouragement Ian... thank ya'!

You're welcome, Randy!

Looks like you had a great time.

Absolutely. It'd be hard to have a bad time with this group of people.

Ian, you speak the truth and I really want to say thanks for all the help you've given me when I first joined here. You are absolutely right about sticking with it. I've made a commitment this year after so much distraction in the 2nd half of last year to work on my website every day and post content (good, quality content!) as much as I can. I'm already starting to see some improvement in my site health.

This is the year I want to be my breakout year where I first start to earn revenue from my site. I truly believe this will happen with the commitment and goals I've made for myself this year. Also, congratulations to you for making it to Las Vegas! :)

Hey Brian! It's been a while - glad to see you come around here. It's really easy to get distracted so don't beat yourself up too badly - it even still happens to me on occasion. I'm glad you've made a commitment to yourself though and that you continue to keep learning and growing. Thanks for stopping by and updating me a bit on where you're at in your journey, Brian!

Hey Ian, hope to meet you in person one day. Be it in Vegas or not. Thank you for bringing me here, as a part in WA consider a blessing and fortunate that I learn a lot from you and WA members.

Thanks for your guidance, friendship and never turn down any help when I needed.

Great post!

Your buddy

Cena! It's always great to hear from you buddy. No problem at all. I'll continue to be here for you whenever you need me.

Great photos Ian, thanks for sharing

No problem, Robert!

Thanks for sharing Pribs. Good advice...I wrote the 3 pointers down for reference. Glad you enjoyed Vegas. And, yes, you have a cute wife :)
Continual success to you!.

No problem at all, Rosilyn! I hope the three insights I've shared above help you as much as they've helped me since I set them at the center of my internet marketing business years ago.

Very valuable sharing. Thank you. I hope to see myself as an "expert"....or an "authority"...on something someday. I came in WA...with my eyes wide open. I noticed that the one thing that the "top affiliates" have is a skill to write, communicate, and transform...hell even mesmerise the reader !! I want to learn that, but it won't come over night. I enjoyed reading this alot. took me over 20 minutes....just to write this one comment....Duh.
be well and stay well

It all comes with practice, Mark! As you build experience things will get easier and easier until they just feel like second nature. I'm glad you found it helpful!

Hey Ian you and Steve have beautiful wives. :) Glad you had a great time in Vegas. I will be sure not to loan Steve a penny. lol just kidding Steve, you made it to Vegas, I need to borrow some money...Just no coins. lol :) Wish you and your family the best! :)

Thank you, Evelyn! Haha, in all honesty I think he was just as surprised to find out there was a silver dollar in his pocket as I was!

Wow, I didn't know how impressive the roulette strategy looked in action! It looks like we use the computer too much and are trying to type our way to a win.

Another awesome year and it was awesome to hang with you guys again Ian, can't wait to do it again next year and have some fresh new faces there.

It is indeed a healthy feedback loop and gives us some perspectives outside of our own. This is always very helpful and at the same time it holds us accountable of our collective "vision" in the year ahead.

2015, here we go...and 2016 here we come!

Absolutely! Thanks for the great trip and memories, buddy. Looking forward to doing it all over again next year :)

Thank you for the post and the pics. Especially as a newbie, this gives me the desire to get in basic training yesterday. Thanks so much. Jim

No problem at all, Jim! I'm very happy to shed some light and offer a little additional guidance :)

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