Lacking Motivation? Expand Your "Why"


This is something I've struggled with personally for a long time.

A few years ago, the last time I worked for someone else other than myself, I grew to hate my job so much that I worked on my business endlessly.

  • I used a "park and ride" to get to work, so I could work on my business while commuting.
  • I also worked on the way home, after a long day at work.
  • Then I'd get home and finish up my work, usually taking 1-2 hours.
  • And I'd frequently spend the majority of my weekends working as well.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this was healthy. But I frequently cite this as an example when talking to my referrals here at WA, and up until last week, it's probably the hardest I've ever worked in my life.

I was working my a$$ off because I hated every minute of my life while I was at that job, and I didn't care if my spare time was 100% consumed - I just wanted to enjoy my life again.

After several months of this, I was finally making enough to "break free" and work on my internet business full-time, and it was a scary process. Not just because I'd taken the "leap" with no idea whether I'd fall or fly, but because after those exhilarating first few days, the excitement and inspiration just... died.

It was gone, and it's not that my business felt like a "chore". I just enjoyed having full run of my life so much that I severely lacked discipline.

This has been a constant struggle for the past several years, although I've gradually gotten better (but still have a lot of room to grow).

Expand Your "Why"

I started this year with some really ambitious goals, and I knew I needed a bigger "why". I had no idea where to find it or how I'd get there, but I knew I'd need a huge motivator to keep pushing for growth.

Last week, I found a "why" big enough to drive me. For the first time in years, I'm working just as hard as I did when I hated my job, but with a much healthier attitude because I love what I do.

(rowing my wife down the Vltava River in Prague)

My wife and I recently decided that, due to the portability of my internet business and how much it's grown, we'd move to Europe for 2-3 years before we have kids. We visited for a month last July (also only possible because affiliate marketing businesses travel so well) and fell in love, but one month wasn't remotely long enough to see everything we wanted to see.

I have no doubt that 2-3 years won't be long enough either, but at least we'll see a lot more before we settle down and start having kids (although I completely understand this is 100% achievable with kids too, just a little bit trickier).

I now wake up every day invigorated and excited to get to work. We still have 14 months until we're moving (thank goodness because there's so much to do), but I frequently have butterflies in my stomach due to the excitement that this adventure brings me. Every day feels like the trip is right around the corner, inching towards me with every minute I squander.

Feeling Stuck? Evaluate Your "Why?"

I know it can sometimes be hard to work on our businesses, whether we're already profitable or not, or whether we work on them part-time or full-time. I can't count on my fingers and toes how many times I've felt "stuck", and how much I wish I could go back in time and get those moments back now that I feel like I've "cracked the code".

If you're there, or if you find yourself there sometime in the future, challenge yourself with a bigger "why". You don't need to know every step of how you're going to achieve it at this stage - you can plot your course later.

It goes without saying that money doesn't buy happiness, and studies show that most of the time, material things don't buy us anything but temporary happiness. But there are plenty of experiences on this planet that will change you entirely, whether it's sailing around the world, backpacking across Europe or Asia, or living in the most beautiful place you've ever visited.

(my favorite picture from our time in Europe last year - taken outside of Amsterdam while on a bike ride to Dugerdam)

Paint a picture of your life that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning. If you find it wearing off shortly after you've set it, or you feel complacent after achieving it, you likely just need to revisit and adjust your "why".

"Die Empty"

I'm currently reading a book by Todd Henry called "Die Empty" that has been very helpful in planning the steps to get me to the goals I'm aiming to achieve before we move. I highly, highly recommend it if you're reading this post and going, "That's all fine and dandy, Ian, but HOW?!"

That's it from me this month ;) For all of my referrals here at WA - I'm always around for you if you need me, and I catch up with comments/emails here at least once a day.

Best of luck to everyone reading this as you seek to expand your "why", and I'll see you in another blog post towards the end of June!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for sharing your story! Sounds like you're having a great time exploring Europe!

This sort of thing is what brought me to WA. While I've always had decent jobs, I've just grown complacent and tired of the field I'm in, and tired of the corporate politics limiting my potential.

I've always been the type of person that was fine "living the dream" and was resistant to change. But, I'm finally finding myself longing for more, and needing that change in my life.

I may definitely have to read that book you recommended. I have started to see the vision of Why, but I still feel alone in that vision, and can't seem to get to the point of how to make it happen.

Thanks again for sharing!

Wow, very good stuff Ian! I wish you the best on your time in Europe! That will definitely be an exciting time in your life!

I must say that I am getting to the point where you were with a job that you thoroughly hated. Even though I've been with my company for over 4 and a half years and have moved up, I'm really starting to hate my job.

I took my first day of PTO this year yesterday for Memorial Day and it was so good to have a nice 3 day weekend. I can't remember the last time I had a Monday off. It also motivated me very strongly to work on my site which I had slackened off a bit the last month or so.

I'm getting to the point where I really want something to change and I'm starting to get out of my comfort zone and trying different things out. I'm going to question sites and trying to answer questions and be as helpful as I can with the topics/questions I know I can answer.

You've cracked the code, but I certainly haven't yet though I will say I have started to "scratch the surface" a little with just a tiny bit of earnings from AdSense, but I'm wanting so badly to make my very first affiliate sale/commission and I'm now at the point where I want to try different things and get out of my comfort zone a bit more.

I also really want to get full fledged into email marketing. I started to dabble in it a little bit and still have a signup form on my homepage on my website, but I completely stopped doing anything with it even though I still am paying monthly with GetResponse.

I'm also laying the foundations for my second website which I want to get going this summer and I will also be able to promote Wealthy Affiliate with this one.

Alright enough of my rant, lol! I wish you the best Pribs and you've always given me helpful advice when I've needed it and for that I thank you!

Hey man! Glad to see you're still around! And it sounds like you're gearing up for another "hurrah" - a lot of the components for it are in place by the looks of this message. As always, you know I'm here for you man! So don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you Ian. I wish you and your wife the best! You have found your "why" and I have many different "whys," myself. As time goes forward and we experience life, we change so its only natural that our "whys" may as well. Your why will DRASTICALLY change when kids come in the picture! ;) Its definitely something to try to embrace instead of being confounded or lost by it but most all of us stuggle with it at some point to some degree. Gee, Ian...I think you may have sparked something that I may write about! LOL! Anyways, thanks again buddy.

Haha no problem man! Glad you enjoyed the read :)

Awesome post Ian. It's really really hard to stay motivated while you're still not as profitable as you expected, but main motivators are my family and my dream to be financially independent. Thank you for the post. I really needed to read something like this today.

You're very welcome, Rufat!

Great post Ian, and many congrats finding your "why"! :)

Thank you so much! It's so exhilarating :)

Nice article my friend.

I can relate as well. Moving is such a big deal, specially somewhere far from home. I remember my big decision, moving form Europe to Australia. Its like you said, you have to have your "why" in place. Not just for your business life also for your personal growth.

Have a great one!

Kind Regards

Couldn't agree more, my friend! Happy to have you here, and I look forward to seeing you grow as you continue your journey!

Great pics and ideas, thank you :)

Sounds great, Ian, and the pictures are beautiful!

Beauty is always a why. Creativity too........

Finding your WHY is a big boost to your business. Took me a while struggling with that. Now I know and can move forward!

Ian, this definitely hit home for me. I've been through that exact feeling after I achieved my initial success. Your why is definitely a big catalyst. I'm trying to rediscover mine or the spark that I had in the past. Because it definitely does fade. I love your new why and I think it may have inspired mine. So thanks for this one my friend. You get your black card back now. lol

Hahaha YESSSS!!!!! Miss you buddy - I know when what I've written hits home with my fellow super affiliates, I may have finally shared something worth sharing ;)

Miss you too man!

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