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Well here I go again.....I have done this many times with different programs and nothing works. I am age 74 married and even still





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asked in
Getting Started

Got this message today about needing Product Advertising API as an associate on Amazon. At this point it looks very intimidating to me so if I don't upgrade to it am I locked

The Amazon Product Advertising API is a free method of gaining access to, and utilizing Amazon's huge database of information. It's something used by programmers who create things like Amazon plugins or other functionality.

You may have gotten a notice about version 5.0 being released recently.



Thanks Michael for your response....at this point I don't think this will affect me or my site....am I wrong?

No, it should not.

Maybe this will help by Fleeky: Cheers!

Thanks a lot

Thanks for the info

Welcome, Jim! 🎯😎👍🆗✨🔥🎯

Hello everyone I am curious as well.

I will be waiting for the answer to this one as I also want to know.
Good question.

Thanks for your reply....seems like a quick notice and compliance required to me

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Amazon product advertising api.what is it?

Amazon product advertising api.what is it?

asked in
Getting Started

Got this message today about needing Product Advertising API as an associate on Amazon. At this point it looks very intimidating to me so if I don't upgrade to it am I locked

The Amazon Product Advertising API is a free method of gaining access to, and utilizing Amazon's huge database of information. It's something used by programmers who create things like Amazon plugins or other functionality.

You may have gotten a notice about version 5.0 being released recently.



Thanks Michael for your response....at this point I don't think this will affect me or my site....am I wrong?

No, it should not.

Maybe this will help by Fleeky: Cheers!

Thanks a lot

Thanks for the info

Welcome, Jim! 🎯😎👍🆗✨🔥🎯

Hello everyone I am curious as well.

I will be waiting for the answer to this one as I also want to know.
Good question.

Thanks for your reply....seems like a quick notice and compliance required to me

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Google Search Console has 8 of my posts with breadcrumb problems but I have no idea after reading how to fix on what to do to fix them...HELP

I just got a reply from support for my theme and they say Google will not penalize sites for this issue until April 6 2020 and updates are on their way.

Hey Jim,

Seeing as you seem to have already received an answer...

So you will know in the future, you can Google search any prompt you receive, by simply copying and pasting the EXACT prompt into Google that you get from your Google Search Console, in order to find posts to help discover how to fix any errors you may be prompted with.

Hope you find this helpful.

This has to do with a recent Google update. -they stopped support for breacrumbs but all-in-one-seo andyoast still use them. I get the errors too but I read at least yoast is going to fix it in an update.

Thanks for your reply

I typed "breadcrumbs" into the search box above and there were quite a few articles on this. I think the most relevant might be:

Thanks for your response

This is technical so I suggest opening a ticket with Site Support to fix it.

Hi Stanley
Thanks for your response and suggestion....I will do that

I have the similar issue with two of my posts. I took it up with site support they couldn't help and advised me to address the issue with the theme developer. Maybe your kind of breadcrumb(s)is different from mine. Site support might help resolve the issue. Let me know what transpires.

Hi Maggie
I got a similar response from site support that my problem is with my theme.
I contacted my theme developer and they advised me that they are aware of the problem and are updating all their themes to resolve this problem. As soon as my theme has an update it should resolve my problem.
Check with your theme supplier

I did unfortunately for me I didn't get the same response but I have recently updated the theme hopefully the issue will be resolved.

Im still waiting on my update

It seems like I'm going to do a theme switch. Although I love the current theme. It has a nice design and/or layout etc, and also that it's compatible to most of my plugins. I'm not getting joy with the breadcrumbs especially since I'm not getting a response from the supplier to help resolve the issue. Google mentioned that it affects the search results and I can't risk it any further. I'm currently doing some shopping around and once I decide on which one to go with. I'll start switching.

Hi Maggie
sounds like a good plan. My supplier has responded and I will wait a little longer as I really like my theme. Good luck

Good for you Jim. All the best...

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Breadcrumb problems.what do I do to fix?

Breadcrumb problems.what do I do to fix?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Google Search Console has 8 of my posts with breadcrumb problems but I have no idea after reading how to fix on what to do to fix them...HELP

I just got a reply from support for my theme and they say Google will not penalize sites for this issue until April 6 2020 and updates are on their way.

Hey Jim,

Seeing as you seem to have already received an answer...

So you will know in the future, you can Google search any prompt you receive, by simply copying and pasting the EXACT prompt into Google that you get from your Google Search Console, in order to find posts to help discover how to fix any errors you may be prompted with.

Hope you find this helpful.

This has to do with a recent Google update. -they stopped support for breacrumbs but all-in-one-seo andyoast still use them. I get the errors too but I read at least yoast is going to fix it in an update.

Thanks for your reply

I typed "breadcrumbs" into the search box above and there were quite a few articles on this. I think the most relevant might be:

Thanks for your response

This is technical so I suggest opening a ticket with Site Support to fix it.

Hi Stanley
Thanks for your response and suggestion....I will do that

I have the similar issue with two of my posts. I took it up with site support they couldn't help and advised me to address the issue with the theme developer. Maybe your kind of breadcrumb(s)is different from mine. Site support might help resolve the issue. Let me know what transpires.

Hi Maggie
I got a similar response from site support that my problem is with my theme.
I contacted my theme developer and they advised me that they are aware of the problem and are updating all their themes to resolve this problem. As soon as my theme has an update it should resolve my problem.
Check with your theme supplier

I did unfortunately for me I didn't get the same response but I have recently updated the theme hopefully the issue will be resolved.

Im still waiting on my update

It seems like I'm going to do a theme switch. Although I love the current theme. It has a nice design and/or layout etc, and also that it's compatible to most of my plugins. I'm not getting joy with the breadcrumbs especially since I'm not getting a response from the supplier to help resolve the issue. Google mentioned that it affects the search results and I can't risk it any further. I'm currently doing some shopping around and once I decide on which one to go with. I'll start switching.

Hi Maggie
sounds like a good plan. My supplier has responded and I will wait a little longer as I really like my theme. Good luck

Good for you Jim. All the best...

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I need some expert help here. I just ran SEO Analyzer on both google and bing and they both produce problems with HTTP code 200 and 301
Can someone help me resolve these is

It looks like you got the help you needed.

well not exactly because the suggestions were in place for several months before I ran the test today

Hey Jim,

Providing screen prints as to what you are referring to would be most helpful in assisting you.

Here's how you can update your question with screen prints: If you are not sure how to create screen prints, please refer to the screen print below to find training on that...

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Triblu
here is the screen shot

If your website is hosted on WA server, you need to turn on your SSL certificate: and make sure your site is secure by following this tutorial: And then you will need to re-verify your website in Bing, Google and any other search engine that you may have a webmaster account with.

You also need to turn on the cache: for your website.

Adding this new character... the s to http, makes this a whole new website, so you will need to setup Bing and Google in your analytics account too: Following Kyle's training is very important. Skipping over the training will only lead to issues like this, as you should have had the SSL certificate working before adding your site to Google analytics and Bing.

Hope you find this helpful.

SSL has been turned on like forever and Site Speed is set to Extreme for a long time

Look at the screen print you showed me... it clearly is NOT displaying the "s" in your URL.You may need to re-verify, and add your site to the analytics as shown in the tutorials linked above.

Not sure what happened however all my posts and pages contain 's'.....now my page speed has a rate of 99 and no errors.
I am lost here...I did not change anything

Have you reviewed the tutorials I provided in links... especially the following: AND


Then why are you looking at the http version of your website in Bing and Google?

lol,,very good question....I think when I typed in my site url it automatically inserted http and did not include the 's'....I think

So... problem solved in that there is no problem then, correct?

i guess lol....thanks for your time

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Seo analyzer .can you help?

Seo analyzer .can you help?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I need some expert help here. I just ran SEO Analyzer on both google and bing and they both produce problems with HTTP code 200 and 301
Can someone help me resolve these is

It looks like you got the help you needed.

well not exactly because the suggestions were in place for several months before I ran the test today

Hey Jim,

Providing screen prints as to what you are referring to would be most helpful in assisting you.

Here's how you can update your question with screen prints: If you are not sure how to create screen prints, please refer to the screen print below to find training on that...

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Triblu
here is the screen shot

If your website is hosted on WA server, you need to turn on your SSL certificate: and make sure your site is secure by following this tutorial: And then you will need to re-verify your website in Bing, Google and any other search engine that you may have a webmaster account with.

You also need to turn on the cache: for your website.

Adding this new character... the s to http, makes this a whole new website, so you will need to setup Bing and Google in your analytics account too: Following Kyle's training is very important. Skipping over the training will only lead to issues like this, as you should have had the SSL certificate working before adding your site to Google analytics and Bing.

Hope you find this helpful.

SSL has been turned on like forever and Site Speed is set to Extreme for a long time

Look at the screen print you showed me... it clearly is NOT displaying the "s" in your URL.You may need to re-verify, and add your site to the analytics as shown in the tutorials linked above.

Not sure what happened however all my posts and pages contain 's'.....now my page speed has a rate of 99 and no errors.
I am lost here...I did not change anything

Have you reviewed the tutorials I provided in links... especially the following: AND


Then why are you looking at the http version of your website in Bing and Google?

lol,,very good question....I think when I typed in my site url it automatically inserted http and did not include the 's'....I think

So... problem solved in that there is no problem then, correct?

i guess lol....thanks for your time

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am looking to create a post that will attempt to answer questions about my niche that will be quite extensive. Am I right in thinking that the main post would say contain th

I myself do not like very long Q&A's. Because of this, I would break it down as it relates to a specific post and link to that. this way the reader only reads one post, not a long Q& A.

You still should have the answer below the Question though.

I get what you are saying. What I am doing is one post of various questions that are linked to a page for each answer.

I definitely think you need to break it up into separate question and answer posts. One question, one answer. With an internal link to the next question. Have a comment section below each post where your reader can add their views or ask for more.

Lily 🤔🎶

Hi and thanks for your comment

You are welcome Jim.
We are here to help.

Lily 😁🎶

I always appreciate help

Hi! First, write the Q and then answer. for each question put a numerical value before the sentence! Cheers!

Hi megawinner
Thanks for your response
I am considering making the question it self a hot link to the post for the answer. Which in some cases will have a term the will link to another post for the answer.

A smart way to get more readers to all your blogs!

You can start by researching the keywords for the questions in Jaaxy. Breakdown the many questions into individual posts. You would have a list of content for your niche there.

Hi Stanley
Thanks for your comment.
I was just unsure about the structure of this post as it will be very large and the number of linked post to answer questions will be huge

Yes, therefore you make each question a post separately. It really depends on your audience. In some niches, the audience can read post 7,000 word long. Many just don't have the patience.

You can organize an overview or summary post, followed by individual posts with more details. So, you can be creative how you want to organize it.

Thanks Stanley for your advice...much appreciated

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How do I structure a post for questions and answer format?

How do I structure a post for questions and answer format?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am looking to create a post that will attempt to answer questions about my niche that will be quite extensive. Am I right in thinking that the main post would say contain th

I myself do not like very long Q&A's. Because of this, I would break it down as it relates to a specific post and link to that. this way the reader only reads one post, not a long Q& A.

You still should have the answer below the Question though.

I get what you are saying. What I am doing is one post of various questions that are linked to a page for each answer.

I definitely think you need to break it up into separate question and answer posts. One question, one answer. With an internal link to the next question. Have a comment section below each post where your reader can add their views or ask for more.

Lily 🤔🎶

Hi and thanks for your comment

You are welcome Jim.
We are here to help.

Lily 😁🎶

I always appreciate help

Hi! First, write the Q and then answer. for each question put a numerical value before the sentence! Cheers!

Hi megawinner
Thanks for your response
I am considering making the question it self a hot link to the post for the answer. Which in some cases will have a term the will link to another post for the answer.

A smart way to get more readers to all your blogs!

You can start by researching the keywords for the questions in Jaaxy. Breakdown the many questions into individual posts. You would have a list of content for your niche there.

Hi Stanley
Thanks for your comment.
I was just unsure about the structure of this post as it will be very large and the number of linked post to answer questions will be huge

Yes, therefore you make each question a post separately. It really depends on your audience. In some niches, the audience can read post 7,000 word long. Many just don't have the patience.

You can organize an overview or summary post, followed by individual posts with more details. So, you can be creative how you want to organize it.

Thanks Stanley for your advice...much appreciated

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was checking out some YouTube sites and ran accross a Wordpress autoblogging plugin review and wonder if anyone has knowledge of this, is it legal and can we use it here?

Generally speaking YES.

Dave has it correct. Something you want to stay away from.

Lily 😁🎶

Hi Lily
My thought exactly...I was just raising the issue to maybe help others.

A nice thing to do Jim.😁

Yes, they are legal. They try to cut down on your blogging needs by, they say, copying bits and pieces from other blogs to one for yourself.

The idea is you can then modify the blog more quickly than write up your own original content.

Usually, the result of these autoblogging plugins is what they generate as fragments of other blogs is not very coherent. You will not come off as much of an authority to readers contemplating buying anything through your website.

You will find yourself having to essentially rewrite the entire blog.

If Google catches you your site will be blacklisted.

You also have to be concerned about SEO and having keywords in your content that the autoblogger will not generate.

To me, there are more negatives than positives with these things. They have been around awhile along with spinners which attempt to rewrite a copied site.


Hi Dave
Thanks for your reply. I had the feeling as you expressed about them but wanted some responses from someone that knows the facts...might just help someone here to not make that mistake.
Thanks again

Good question, but I have no idea. Sorry Jim. Have you asked your question up in the Need Help box up at the top by the big WA logo? You might find your answer there.

Take care

Hi and thanks for the suggestion.

I'm glad I could help.

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Can we use a wordpress autoblogging plugin?

Can we use a wordpress autoblogging plugin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I was checking out some YouTube sites and ran accross a Wordpress autoblogging plugin review and wonder if anyone has knowledge of this, is it legal and can we use it here?

Generally speaking YES.

Dave has it correct. Something you want to stay away from.

Lily 😁🎶

Hi Lily
My thought exactly...I was just raising the issue to maybe help others.

A nice thing to do Jim.😁

Yes, they are legal. They try to cut down on your blogging needs by, they say, copying bits and pieces from other blogs to one for yourself.

The idea is you can then modify the blog more quickly than write up your own original content.

Usually, the result of these autoblogging plugins is what they generate as fragments of other blogs is not very coherent. You will not come off as much of an authority to readers contemplating buying anything through your website.

You will find yourself having to essentially rewrite the entire blog.

If Google catches you your site will be blacklisted.

You also have to be concerned about SEO and having keywords in your content that the autoblogger will not generate.

To me, there are more negatives than positives with these things. They have been around awhile along with spinners which attempt to rewrite a copied site.


Hi Dave
Thanks for your reply. I had the feeling as you expressed about them but wanted some responses from someone that knows the facts...might just help someone here to not make that mistake.
Thanks again

Good question, but I have no idea. Sorry Jim. Have you asked your question up in the Need Help box up at the top by the big WA logo? You might find your answer there.

Take care

Hi and thanks for the suggestion.

I'm glad I could help.

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