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I am 63 years old. I like to do a lot of things. For example, I like to read, try out new recipes, and listen





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asked in
Getting Started

I am setting us my website using Generate Press theme. My About Me Post showed completely as I had written it. However, my Privacy Policy which I used the template suggested to

WordPress comes with a default one, that you will want to delete first. Do you want to take a screenshot of your Pages/Posts, so that we can see what you have configured. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to upload them here.

Ok I will PM you.

Hi - is it definitely the one you published? Or did the theme come with its own version that needs to be deleted? So, in other words, do you have two Privacy Policies?

No, it is the one I published. After I went over the training the second time and checked something that I had failed to do the first time. I published it again.


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Privacy policy not complete on my website. why?

Privacy policy not complete on my website. why?

asked in
Getting Started

I am setting us my website using Generate Press theme. My About Me Post showed completely as I had written it. However, my Privacy Policy which I used the template suggested to

WordPress comes with a default one, that you will want to delete first. Do you want to take a screenshot of your Pages/Posts, so that we can see what you have configured. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to upload them here.

Ok I will PM you.

Hi - is it definitely the one you published? Or did the theme come with its own version that needs to be deleted? So, in other words, do you have two Privacy Policies?

No, it is the one I published. After I went over the training the second time and checked something that I had failed to do the first time. I published it again.


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