The Importance of Comments in Your Site
As we build our websites, one thing that is highly valuable is content on the pages and posts. We create content everyday that is wisely weaved together around keywords that are expected to rank well on the search engines.
On the pages and posts, we expect to have engagement with customers in form of comments. Both positive and negative comments are important for engagement which is important for SEO.
Importance of Comments
1. High Ranking
When a page or posts attracts many comments, Google and other search engines are likely to rank you higher. It shows that you as a webmaster are meeting people's needs which Google values a lot.
2. More Trust by Search Engines
Though there are other factors that may manipulate trust on your website like age and content, comments also play a key role in this. Ranking higher as discussed above can also be brought about by comments.
3. More Traffic
I couldn't understand this concept a few months ago, but after taking lessons here in WA, I realised how both good content and quality comments brings about traffic to a site.
4. More Revenue
I think you can now begin to figure out how this happens due to comments. It all starts with good choice of keywords, good content, quality comments, high ranking then more revenue.
Each time you create your content, always think about the importance of comments in helping your content to rank better in SEO. Ofcourse it isn't the only sole factor but it is one key among others.
Hope this makes sense to you as it did to me.
What are your thoughts on this?
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I understand that comments are really important.. I also understand that quality content and other factors come into play when talking about rankings.
I wanted to ask something though, what is considered a good amount of comments on a page/post for Google to see that it is engaging?
5, 15, 50, 100, 1000?
I work really hard with my comments.. but very often I see content ranking really high when it has only 2 or 3 comments...
I personally have 2000 comments on my site all across the pages and posts.. and I do have some page 1 rankings and traffic, but would more comments on some of the other lower posts also give these a lift?
Any thoughts?
Honestly, the way comments 'count' is adding length to your posts, so short posts benefit from a greater number of comments than a long post does. Again, it's not the # of comments, per say, it's the total word count. Engagement also counts as shares to social media from your psots as well.
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I see this differently. Comments may be important in some aspects you mentioned but not in all of them. They are absolutely not necessary. I am speaking from my own experience with two sites generating good income and both have just a few comments.
1. High ranking - both sites are with more than 90% of posts on the top page.
2. Trust & Traffic - One has more than 7000 pageviews per day and it is only 8 months old. This site has only 13 comments, only genuine of course, I do not use WA comments thread.
3. More revenue - comments have no much effect on that. Revenue comes from ranking, CTR, on-site click ratio, niche, good keywords, etc.
I have also sites with many comments and they perform worse than the mentioned two. One has more than 1000 comments, half of them collected through WA from the time when I used the Comment thread.
But my case aside - the most successful sites in my niche have millions of visitors per month, can show you examples, and they either have no comments at all or have very few.
So this about comments is just a myth.
Comments may help in the sense that they represent a new content and can help in ranking because they are a part of a post. But I would not stress about them ever.
Yeah this kind of proves my own research here... I always try to acquire comments, but I know full well I have seen page 1 ranking sites without any comments (or very little) .. so you put this one to rest for me... Thanks Jovo .. as always I am grateful for your input.