About ChrisTowers
Rank 301
4,381 followers Joined October 2014
I'm 53 and i'm English/American but I reside in Greece now .. where the sun shines. All i need is the security to enjoy it





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

When I am trying to sign in I keep getting a red warning message saying they are experiencing a Server error.. this has been the same for 48 hours when trying to get in...

I just logged in without an issue. Silly question and maybe it's been already mentioned but have you tried clearing your cache?

Yeah I tried that.. still the same thing happening

Hmm OK, I'm sorry I'm not sure what else it could be.

Hey Chris,

As I write this I am logged into 3 different Reddit accounts via 3 different browsers, hahaha!! I had to be different.

Best thing to try is to open an incognito tab and attempt to login from there.

Admittedly, the message you're receving was quite common in Septmber/October 2023 when Reddit received a massive boost in authority, search appearance, and rankings (when you're getting close to 1 Billion visitors per month you can expect certain server issues every now and then), but I've not seen it recently.

As I say, check via an incognito tab first, if that works, then clear your browsing history on your computer.

The only other thing I can think of is your location, but I don't see that as an issue.


Yeah thanks Partha.. Even in an Incognito window I get the same message... We Had A Server Error... weird

Just read about this on Reddit (I would share the link here, but you probably won't be able to read it, LOL).

But, there's been quite a few people saying the same, but all have found that it eventually resolves itself, usually somewhere between 2-7 days.

My guess, as Reddit has pretty much owned the rankings for the last 8 months they get massive spikes in traffic, so this will cause server outages every now and then.

The only other thing you could try is to open a new Reddit account (via a different email address<---- I know most people know I do things by scale, but I have over 100 Reddits accounts, so no problem opening new ones), and then seeing if you're getting the same message.

If so, this would be a location-based thing, and unfortunately you'll just have to wait it out.

But, as I say, I've found about 20 threads all from the last 3 months, so at a guess this will be the massive amount of traffic that Reddit has been getting recently!!

Ok thank you.. I will give it a few days and see if it sorts itself out... I appreciate your advice my friend!


It works fine for me. I just signed in, and it's no problem. I hope yours will work shortly.

Ok thanks for letting me know :)

I don't use Reddit but I just went into reddit.com with no problem. It came up fast and clean.

ok thanks Phil... maybe an issue on my side then!!

Much appreciated


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Is anyone else having issues signing into reddit?

Is anyone else having issues signing into reddit?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

When I am trying to sign in I keep getting a red warning message saying they are experiencing a Server error.. this has been the same for 48 hours when trying to get in...

I just logged in without an issue. Silly question and maybe it's been already mentioned but have you tried clearing your cache?

Yeah I tried that.. still the same thing happening

Hmm OK, I'm sorry I'm not sure what else it could be.

Hey Chris,

As I write this I am logged into 3 different Reddit accounts via 3 different browsers, hahaha!! I had to be different.

Best thing to try is to open an incognito tab and attempt to login from there.

Admittedly, the message you're receving was quite common in Septmber/October 2023 when Reddit received a massive boost in authority, search appearance, and rankings (when you're getting close to 1 Billion visitors per month you can expect certain server issues every now and then), but I've not seen it recently.

As I say, check via an incognito tab first, if that works, then clear your browsing history on your computer.

The only other thing I can think of is your location, but I don't see that as an issue.


Yeah thanks Partha.. Even in an Incognito window I get the same message... We Had A Server Error... weird

Just read about this on Reddit (I would share the link here, but you probably won't be able to read it, LOL).

But, there's been quite a few people saying the same, but all have found that it eventually resolves itself, usually somewhere between 2-7 days.

My guess, as Reddit has pretty much owned the rankings for the last 8 months they get massive spikes in traffic, so this will cause server outages every now and then.

The only other thing you could try is to open a new Reddit account (via a different email address<---- I know most people know I do things by scale, but I have over 100 Reddits accounts, so no problem opening new ones), and then seeing if you're getting the same message.

If so, this would be a location-based thing, and unfortunately you'll just have to wait it out.

But, as I say, I've found about 20 threads all from the last 3 months, so at a guess this will be the massive amount of traffic that Reddit has been getting recently!!

Ok thank you.. I will give it a few days and see if it sorts itself out... I appreciate your advice my friend!


It works fine for me. I just signed in, and it's no problem. I hope yours will work shortly.

Ok thanks for letting me know :)

I don't use Reddit but I just went into reddit.com with no problem. It came up fast and clean.

ok thanks Phil... maybe an issue on my side then!!

Much appreciated


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asked in
Getting Started

Since the Google update that has just finished and brought everyone down to their knees.. I have a question.

OK the site I am referring to is a new one.. started in Dece

Hey Chris,

I wrote this last week, and there's also lots of information in the comments section too: HOWEVER

Even though we have the "site reputation abuse" update coming on Sunday (May 5th), I honestly don't think this is going to make a huge difference to the SERPs as they currently are.

Honestly, NOW, I'm starting to think what a lot of SEOs have been saying over the past 2 months, Google has finally sold out, and they've actually been planning this for 5 years (I'm sure there will be SEOs who will put a positive spin on things, but the proof is there to see with your own eyes, in fact, I've been saying for around 8 months that Google is simply ranking based on authority and platforms where users are generating the content).

(Google search the article written by Ed Zitron titled, "The Man Who Killed Google Search" and this will explain how Google has almost been "planning" this since around 2019).

Something else to consider, the number of ads in Google results has increased


Prior to 2019, these ads would actually say the word "AD" and the word "ad" would be written in GREEN

This helped to differentiate the ads from the organic search results.


This has now changed to "sponsored", the green colour has been removed, and is now in black, and the title and description of the ads have been "spaced out" more to make them look EXACTLY like ordinary Google organic search results.

What does this mean?

Google is trying to "trick" searchers into believing that ADS are actually organic search results, so that they click on the ad, and therefore earn Google money.

Sneaky, right?

So, SEO in 2024 and moving forward should really be:

Treat Google in the same way as your other sources of traffic, i.e. don't expect to get more than 15-20% of your website traffic from Google UNLESS you are an ALREADY ESTABLISHED brand (So, realistically, in order for a website to go back to the days of 90% traffic from Google you need to be an established brand... how long will that take? 3,4,5 + years, who knows!!)

Furthermore, when checking keywords in Google with YOUR OWN EYES, check to see if there are platforms CURRENTLY RANKING that you can add content to, e.g. Reddit, Quora, Medium, Pinterest, Linkedin Pulse, YouTube, TikTok (are currently the main ones - if you see these sites ranking in the top 10 Google search results for a chosen keyword, create content, add it to these platforms, and link back to your website).

For now, I can't really see dramatic changes after the Sunday update, so welcome to the new era of Google.

Simply put, aim to get 15-20% of your traffic from Google, get the remaining 80-85% from other sources.


Awesome.. thanks for the heads up my friend I really appreciate it...

To be honest... I am not one for checking stats... and I have other sites that are doing pretty well.. these have been around for a few years though.

It just caught my curiosity to check out the new site.. and when I saw everything completely down to zero.. and no keywords ranked.. I though nothing but the bad...

I will keep at it though, and continue making use of the external sources you mentioned and linking back to the site.. only time will tell I guess.

Thanks Boss... and oh... by the way... DONT LEAVE!!!! :)

Cheers Partha!


But you can always chase longtail keywords... Oh,shut up, Lizzy hahahaha

No worries Chris, I'll PM you later (where you can find me onine)

SHUT UP Lizzy!!!


YES, you can chase the longtail...

BUT, it CURRENTLY only works if your "longtail keyword content" is placed on a high DA site!!!

ANYONE (who has created at least 100 articles on ONE website in the LAST 8 MONTHS <--- if you haven't done this, I WILL NOT LISTEN TO A WORD YOU SAY, i.e. you can't be an SEO expert if you're NOT actually doing SEO NOW/TODAY) PROVE ME WRONG!!!!

Therefore, CURRENTLY, if you want to rank in Google for anything, use the high DA sites, and then link back to your own website's MAIN product review!


Add content to your own site, but realise the days of "3-6 months for SEO to kick in" are GONE FOREVER, keep adding content to your own site, but don't expect much "Google love" until you become an established brand (people are specifically searching for you online by searching your BRAND NAME)...

So, JUST adding content to your website and doing NOTHING ELSE = DEAD FOREVER!!! (you are relegated to a "hobbyist blogger" who typically only ever gets "traffic" when their mum visits their blog, hahahaha!!)




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A question on gsc after the google updates - anyone help me?

A question on gsc after the google updates - anyone help me?

asked in
Getting Started

Since the Google update that has just finished and brought everyone down to their knees.. I have a question.

OK the site I am referring to is a new one.. started in Dece

Hey Chris,

I wrote this last week, and there's also lots of information in the comments section too: HOWEVER

Even though we have the "site reputation abuse" update coming on Sunday (May 5th), I honestly don't think this is going to make a huge difference to the SERPs as they currently are.

Honestly, NOW, I'm starting to think what a lot of SEOs have been saying over the past 2 months, Google has finally sold out, and they've actually been planning this for 5 years (I'm sure there will be SEOs who will put a positive spin on things, but the proof is there to see with your own eyes, in fact, I've been saying for around 8 months that Google is simply ranking based on authority and platforms where users are generating the content).

(Google search the article written by Ed Zitron titled, "The Man Who Killed Google Search" and this will explain how Google has almost been "planning" this since around 2019).

Something else to consider, the number of ads in Google results has increased


Prior to 2019, these ads would actually say the word "AD" and the word "ad" would be written in GREEN

This helped to differentiate the ads from the organic search results.


This has now changed to "sponsored", the green colour has been removed, and is now in black, and the title and description of the ads have been "spaced out" more to make them look EXACTLY like ordinary Google organic search results.

What does this mean?

Google is trying to "trick" searchers into believing that ADS are actually organic search results, so that they click on the ad, and therefore earn Google money.

Sneaky, right?

So, SEO in 2024 and moving forward should really be:

Treat Google in the same way as your other sources of traffic, i.e. don't expect to get more than 15-20% of your website traffic from Google UNLESS you are an ALREADY ESTABLISHED brand (So, realistically, in order for a website to go back to the days of 90% traffic from Google you need to be an established brand... how long will that take? 3,4,5 + years, who knows!!)

Furthermore, when checking keywords in Google with YOUR OWN EYES, check to see if there are platforms CURRENTLY RANKING that you can add content to, e.g. Reddit, Quora, Medium, Pinterest, Linkedin Pulse, YouTube, TikTok (are currently the main ones - if you see these sites ranking in the top 10 Google search results for a chosen keyword, create content, add it to these platforms, and link back to your website).

For now, I can't really see dramatic changes after the Sunday update, so welcome to the new era of Google.

Simply put, aim to get 15-20% of your traffic from Google, get the remaining 80-85% from other sources.


Awesome.. thanks for the heads up my friend I really appreciate it...

To be honest... I am not one for checking stats... and I have other sites that are doing pretty well.. these have been around for a few years though.

It just caught my curiosity to check out the new site.. and when I saw everything completely down to zero.. and no keywords ranked.. I though nothing but the bad...

I will keep at it though, and continue making use of the external sources you mentioned and linking back to the site.. only time will tell I guess.

Thanks Boss... and oh... by the way... DONT LEAVE!!!! :)

Cheers Partha!


But you can always chase longtail keywords... Oh,shut up, Lizzy hahahaha

No worries Chris, I'll PM you later (where you can find me onine)

SHUT UP Lizzy!!!


YES, you can chase the longtail...

BUT, it CURRENTLY only works if your "longtail keyword content" is placed on a high DA site!!!

ANYONE (who has created at least 100 articles on ONE website in the LAST 8 MONTHS <--- if you haven't done this, I WILL NOT LISTEN TO A WORD YOU SAY, i.e. you can't be an SEO expert if you're NOT actually doing SEO NOW/TODAY) PROVE ME WRONG!!!!

Therefore, CURRENTLY, if you want to rank in Google for anything, use the high DA sites, and then link back to your own website's MAIN product review!


Add content to your own site, but realise the days of "3-6 months for SEO to kick in" are GONE FOREVER, keep adding content to your own site, but don't expect much "Google love" until you become an established brand (people are specifically searching for you online by searching your BRAND NAME)...

So, JUST adding content to your website and doing NOTHING ELSE = DEAD FOREVER!!! (you are relegated to a "hobbyist blogger" who typically only ever gets "traffic" when their mum visits their blog, hahahaha!!)




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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I might be mistaken, but I see a lot of people talking about their own experiences when it comes to following the Cookie and GDPR rules.. but I do not think I have seen any off

Yes I know of these.. but they are some years old...

I appreciate the feedback and shared Kyle's current core training pages. See the above comment.

Yes I have also seen these.. and an Affiliate Disclosure page is standard.. plus maybe using the option of disclosing on certain pages and posts.. is this now enough? Or do we still need a plugin to announce the cookies/GDPR.. and allow users to accept/decline and so on?

And if we need a plugin.. which one?

These are new

Kyle's resources The GDPR Cookie Consent

I use the theme's integrated cookie feature; I don't have a plugin. I use the Blocksy Agency theme.

Thanks Abie.. I did some more research.. and I will give the Complianz plugin a try and see how it goes..

I just installed it and it was pretty straight forward.. so I will keep it monitored from here..

Thanks again :)


I appreciate the resource, Chris! Please keep us updated on your progress.

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Can anyone offer clarity on cookies/gdpr?

Can anyone offer clarity on cookies/gdpr?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I might be mistaken, but I see a lot of people talking about their own experiences when it comes to following the Cookie and GDPR rules.. but I do not think I have seen any off

Yes I know of these.. but they are some years old...

I appreciate the feedback and shared Kyle's current core training pages. See the above comment.

Yes I have also seen these.. and an Affiliate Disclosure page is standard.. plus maybe using the option of disclosing on certain pages and posts.. is this now enough? Or do we still need a plugin to announce the cookies/GDPR.. and allow users to accept/decline and so on?

And if we need a plugin.. which one?

These are new

Kyle's resources The GDPR Cookie Consent

I use the theme's integrated cookie feature; I don't have a plugin. I use the Blocksy Agency theme.

Thanks Abie.. I did some more research.. and I will give the Complianz plugin a try and see how it goes..

I just installed it and it was pretty straight forward.. so I will keep it monitored from here..

Thanks again :)


I appreciate the resource, Chris! Please keep us updated on your progress.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is anyone else having an issue carrying out a URL inspection on Google Search Console at present?

I have been trying 30 minutes and keep getting a message saying try aga

It's working fine for me. I do get that message occasionally, but I just submit again and it works.

Ok Phil.. thank you mate.. I appreciate you getting back to me.. I'll try again a little later :)

Waw, nope, n/a.

Not that you need it, but here's a training from Kyle I am sure you're refreshing, trying again, or probably trying in a different browser; it could be from their end.

Thanks Abie... I will give it a while and try again :) hope you are ok

I am indeed working on new websites with Divi Builder. I hope you resolve it sooner; please keep us updated.

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Gsc issue at present?

Gsc issue at present?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is anyone else having an issue carrying out a URL inspection on Google Search Console at present?

I have been trying 30 minutes and keep getting a message saying try aga

It's working fine for me. I do get that message occasionally, but I just submit again and it works.

Ok Phil.. thank you mate.. I appreciate you getting back to me.. I'll try again a little later :)

Waw, nope, n/a.

Not that you need it, but here's a training from Kyle I am sure you're refreshing, trying again, or probably trying in a different browser; it could be from their end.

Thanks Abie... I will give it a while and try again :) hope you are ok

I am indeed working on new websites with Divi Builder. I hope you resolve it sooner; please keep us updated.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just hit the publish button but realised when I did there was a mistake in my URL.. can I edit that safely before it becomes indexed without issues? Or do I need to just leav

OK in time.. it was just indexed now.. ok I did the URL inspection.. but after 2 minutes it was done... so phew!!!! thanks all :)

Woohoo! Congrats.

Hey Chris that will be OK to do before it gets indexed.
Good thing you realized it now and now much later. So well done on that also doublecheck the spelling and make sure you don't have characters in between like commas etc.

Wishing you well


Thanks Andre.. all in order now... a silly mistake.. but I made it haha

Great to hear you fixed it up, don't think of it as a silly mistake but a lesson learned in the process and one you took forward action to fix it.

Enjoy the rest of your day and week ahead.


Thank you Andre.. you too my friend...

Thanks Chris appreciated 👍🙂

All good now, yeah?

I see you got that figured out :)

Yup :)

Yup Yup :) Thanks to the awesome community ... thanks Abie.. :)

The WAC is like no other :)

Awesomely welcome.

Agreed :)


It'll be fine as you'll be changing it before it gets indexed. Do it now!

HAHA... done Phil... thanks man... I appreciate your speedy response...

Thank you to you.. very much


You're most welcome, Chris.

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Help please with regards to url?

Help please with regards to url?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just hit the publish button but realised when I did there was a mistake in my URL.. can I edit that safely before it becomes indexed without issues? Or do I need to just leav

OK in time.. it was just indexed now.. ok I did the URL inspection.. but after 2 minutes it was done... so phew!!!! thanks all :)

Woohoo! Congrats.

Hey Chris that will be OK to do before it gets indexed.
Good thing you realized it now and now much later. So well done on that also doublecheck the spelling and make sure you don't have characters in between like commas etc.

Wishing you well


Thanks Andre.. all in order now... a silly mistake.. but I made it haha

Great to hear you fixed it up, don't think of it as a silly mistake but a lesson learned in the process and one you took forward action to fix it.

Enjoy the rest of your day and week ahead.


Thank you Andre.. you too my friend...

Thanks Chris appreciated 👍🙂

All good now, yeah?

I see you got that figured out :)

Yup :)

Yup Yup :) Thanks to the awesome community ... thanks Abie.. :)

The WAC is like no other :)

Awesomely welcome.

Agreed :)


It'll be fine as you'll be changing it before it gets indexed. Do it now!

HAHA... done Phil... thanks man... I appreciate your speedy response...

Thank you to you.. very much


You're most welcome, Chris.

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