The Latest on Amazon

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The Latest on Amazon

Previously, Amazon Associates announced that the SiteStripe options Image and Text+Image would no longer be available from December 1 and any existing links would stop working from December 31. See

However, it's now December 6 and both of these options are still available for individual products.

I've lodged a ticket with Amazon Associates asking for the latest position.

What About Lasso?

On the assumption that their other advice (existing links will stop working after December 31) is still true, I installed the WP plugin Lasso on my demo site yesterday.

It seems brilliant, but I'm having one issue that I'd like to see resolved before I create the training video for it.

I sent screenshots to Lasso this morning and am now waiting on a response.

I'll keep you all updated.

Fun times!

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Lasso sounds like an amazing solution.

However, what happens if Lasso stops supporting the plugin one day or if their plugin is malfunctioning on a particular day? Will it break our sites?

I would obviously love an easy solution to this ridiculous issue but I'm just trying to think of any potential ways it can somehow backfire long-term.


Those are legitimate questions, Anthony but they are also the sorts of questions that can prevent you from taking any action at all.

Like what happens to my websites if Wealthy Affiliate goes out of business?

Or my affiliate merchant cans their affiliate program?

And their are two answers. 1) they have a successful business model and it's unlikely to happen and 2) if it did, another solution would present itself.

Lasso has a successful business model with a large user base for the plugin.

Totally understandable.

I will say that I tried a plug-in today titled AMImageMaster and it works flawlessly with a single click.

Unlike Lasso or some of the other services that are springing up to solve the SiteStripe issue, this one does not require a recurring cost. There is a one time fee and it is considerably less than all of the competitors!

I believe they are running a promotion for the next 7 days. I purchased the 10-site package.

Thanks for that information. I'll give it a go. Lasso could well be too expensive for some members.

checking it out! thanks :)

Google doesn't find AMImageMaster - is it an app?


It's also worth noting that I spoke with the creators earlier and they stated that they are working on an update that would automatically switch the image to the most current main image in the event the manufacturer changes it down the road.

I've just installed the (limited) free version. Seemed to work ok.

Useful, but I would have expected it to already do that with both image and price.

Hi Phil
Just had a thought now about this Lasso firstly hope you are getting that issue sorted out.
We know that Lasso is supposed to fix all the links from Amazon whether you use the image or text+ image and apparently in one hit so to speak which sounds like a great solution to this issue.

Just wondering what about future posts one may do in promoting Amazon products and using images.

We know we can't just download the images as that is against Amazon's rules so any idea how Lasso can help for future images one may want to promote and do?

Yes, Lasso appears to handle it all. One click to convert all the existing ones and then for any future ones you give Lasso the product's url and it displays the link with the current image and price. The issue that I'm trying to sort out with them is one of the display formats.

Ok thanks Phil good to know I will wait a bit longer as I need to revamp some of the posts anyway and even use other affiliates I have and replace what I can with them.

Later will look into Lasso and hopefully your issues will get sorted sooner thank later.



Yes, I'll keep following it up with them.

Thanks Phil they are really getting annoying with all this.

No probs hope you are getting better with the Bundy and coke oh year with the op too LOL

Still having abdominal pain, but hopefully a bit better each day.

That is to be expected however knowing you your movements are more that the average person who would just lay down, complain and not move around.

i am sure you will be fine quicker than most.

Still take care

Thanks, Andre. I do get impatient.

i can relate to that hate being restricted like that. But the main thing is the issue has been fixed and unfortunately we have to wait

You just go to the affiliate's website. Pick a product, copy the URL and add to Lasso. I thenupdate the images from the aff. site and add extra text from that site on the Lasso setup for that link.

This page below of mine is really long, and made for affiliate links, so I added 4 Lasso links from Amazon and Shareasale. I'm trying to not use a lot of Amazon. I only use if I can't find elsewhere for the product I want to showcase.

Thanks Teri appreciated

Thanks for the comment and information, Teri, but Andre was referring to a conversation we were having about surgery I had last Monday and how I get impatient with the recovery process 😁.

Great site, btw.

No other choice really.

Seems like it

hahahahaha woops!

I can relate on the surgery, I've had way too many over the years, lol

Thanks much, Phil! 😁🥰😎

I haven't and I expect my body to heal instantly. Which it doesn't, of course.

You're welcome, Teri.

If you are active, you never get over how long it takes, but I heal quickly. I rode horses and Dressage in later years, keeping me in pretty good shape. 🙃😼😁

Good to hear. My daughter was an excellent rider too (show jumping).

Thanks, Phil, for your dedication to resolving this problem with Amazon images. I appreciate your efforts!

I subscribe to GP Blocks Premium plugin, but I don't know whether that will solve my problem. With GP Blocks I still need to use the same Amazon links as working directly with Amazon!!

Lasso is looking promising Val, but I'm in contact with them to get one issue sorted out before I can do the training video.

Sounds good, Phil. Thank you :)

Ohw, I forgot, I have a question. Can you see in one go in which blog posts on your site you have used the images? So I don't need to go over each blog post to check if I have? It would be great to see immediately where to change or remove it. thanks!

I think this is dependent on your theme. Some themes will preview your posts to include images and depending on how you set it up you can use header images to view the images you have seen too!

Otherwise you will just have to go into the back office of your website and edit each post individually.

Hope this helps!

No, you would have to find them individually if you were doing them manually.

However, Lasso will find and convert all of them automatically with a single click.

ok thanks :-)

ok thanks again

This whole Amazon mess is still playing out, Lizzy.

You are welcome as always.

Great Phill,, thanks for the heads up! Personally, I have figured out that I actually haven't used as many pictures from Amazon, besides a few blog posts roundup reviews.
And the other pictures and videos are mostly my own of the products or I could work around them with AI pictures, so not sure if I will use an expensive plugin, or maybe only just for a while until I figure out which ones to keep, or join other affiliate companies for specific products, we'll see! thanks again though!

You do have to be careful of using any image other than the one provided by Amazon code with an Amazon affiliate link, as it contravenes their tos.

Yes I know, I always just use my own pictures, but the affiliate link/button is either underneath or somewhere else in the article, so never right 'accross' the picture. (the picture isn't clickable )

You still need to be careful. If Amazon throw you off the platform, that's it.

I wonder why we would still be careful in that case then? They are my own pictures, no affiliate links on them that wouldnt make any sense? It's like they would forbid people to place affiliate links under a youtube video , in the description, where they for example "unpack" a product. The same principle, why would this be against there terms of service? 🤔
People do it all the time! Its not against their TOS at all!
Please dont cause anxiety and fear for nothing. Thats when people give up.

It's not for nothing, Lizzy. I'm not going to hammer this point any further, but Amazon is very clear that the only product images you are allowed to display anywhere that contains an Amazon affiliate link (not just in the image itself) are those provided from Amazon code. This means SiteStripe's Image or Text+Image code up until December 31, 2023 and PA-API requests after that.

The fact that you believe that it doesn't make sense will not sway Amazon at all.

Of course people do it all the time. That won't sway Amazon either.

And this is just my guess, but once they have culled the non-performing affiliates with this change, it's at least possible their next move will be a much stricter enforcement of their rules.

Here is a direct quote from the Amalinks Pro site: "Displaying product images for Amazon products is allowed ONLY if the images are pulled directly from the Amazon API. You are NOT allowed to host Amazon product images on your site – meaning you cannot save an Amazon product image to your computer then manually upload it to WordPress. It is okay to use other images in your review post (Ex: your own pictures or images provided by the manufacturer) – but you cannot hyperlink such images using your Amazon affiliate tag. It IS suggested that you link images to Amazon using your affiliate tag – but you can ONLY do this with product images accessed directly from the Amazon API "

Is there some wiggle room? Maybe, but it's Amazon who has the power here and I'd be erring on the side of caution. A lot cheaper than mounting a legal challenge to Amazon!

again,sorry, these are MY OWN product images, not Amazon's images. I think you have it wrong there Phil, misinterpreting this line :

==> " You are NOT allowed to host Amazon product images on your site – meaning you cannot save an Amazon product image to your computer and then manually upload it to WordPress."
this is NOT what I'm doing !

==> "It is okay to use other images in your review post (Ex: your own pictures or images provided by the manufacturer) – but you cannot hyperlink such images using your Amazon affiliate tag." This is not what I'm doing either, I am, again, NOT hyperlinking them!

I don't think that you really understand the difference sorry, the affiliate links are nowhere in the tags, nore hyperlinked. they are in SEPARATE BUTTONS or tables.

If this was the case, the complete Amazon affiliate world would crumble, because as you said, you cant even get the API thing working , besides using the plugin.
I look the whole time at product revieuws and unpacking reviews on Youtube, litteraly everybody does it!

Thanks for your comment, Lizzy. You make some good points.

Maybe it would be better to show you an example from my blog :

I dont see anywhere in the rules that you mentioned that this would somehow not be ok to do (am I crazy here?), the buttons aren't even near my own pictures. I know that my niche is very different than the majority and how they do things, but this is my unique way.

I don't even want to 'review' DIY kits that I haven't done myself or that someone else I know has done for me, with their own pictures and videos, as I sometimes get free products. That just wouldn't work for my audience, they would see it straight away that I just wrote a review without ever assembling them myself. That's what makes this niche quite difficult to blog about.

I can imagine this being a huge issue though for websites with thousands of posts, using nothing but coded Amazon images and reviews from Amazon only. It's horrible! (and I have a few blog posts like that on my africa site with roundup reviews )Luckily, there are only about 10 posts of mine that could be an issue, so I have to keep on checking all pffff.

That looks great and you'd certainly hope it was OK.

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