Finally taken the first steps of the journey - Niche and Website


Yay! Progress! I've finally created my first site and am working through the set-up process.

Right now, my two main challenges consist of juggling my time and trying to define my niche. I'll talk about the time challenge in a different blog post. As for my niche, I had originally settled on portable, fuel-efficient cooking.

However, I do realize that this would have to be part of a particular lifestyle (more than one, in fact), so it may be better to broaden the niche to meet the needs of the target lifestyle. Ultimately, that begs a few questions:

Who would be the market?

  • Digital nomads
  • Off-gridders, preppers and DIY:ers
  • People interested in the nomad/vagabond lifestyle
  • Post-GenY:ers seeking a financially free and sustainable lifestyle (think Firecracker & Wanderer of the Millenial Revolution blog)
  • People interested in lifestyle design

Which topics could be appropriate?

  • Fuel-free cooking (eg. solar cooking)
  • Ultra-efficient cooking (eg. thermal cooking, rocket stoves, etc.)
  • Human-powered tools and how to use them
  • Portable hydration (portable water filters, water bottles, water collectors, etc.)
  • Ultralight travel
  • Portable hygiene solutions (portable washing, food preservation, etc.)
  • Portable, "use-what-you-have" power (portable solar panels and portable wind/water/heat generators)
  • Performance/Health optimization
  • Mobile work and working off-grid
  • Smart ways to fund your lifestyle

I won't make a final decision on these topics yet. Rather, I'm thinking of starting with one or two and essentially letting them evolve over time.

Time to dive in!


I found the following videos helpful in getting to this stage


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Recent Comments


the feeling when you've just chosen a niche is very satisfying. congratulations and go on! :)

Thanks for the encouragement, Karax! :)

great topics. I'm not into a nomadic lifestyle, you still made me intrigued! :)

Thanks for the kind words, Tulika. :) Glad you liked the topics!

I'll try to post something on those topics here, too.

You're going through a great process here in deciding your niche. Keep in mind not to have a niche too narrow so you broadening it to a lifestyle, you will have more to talk about.

Best of luck in your decision!

Thanks for the feedback, Grace :). You are absolutely right. I think it will work better this way - just like your focus on stay-at-home moms.

You're welcome! I definitely have a female tone on my blog, so I hope to influence other WAHM to join me. :)

Although I'm not a WAHM (at least not yet), I do work from home as an online freelancer. In fact, my husband has finally quit his day job to work full-time as an online English teacher! Online is definitely the future and with WA, I hope to take things to the next level - buying back our time.

That's pretty cool you both work from home! :) How perfect is that?! I hope you find much success here!

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