right now my website has a black background on the banner. How do I place a nice image behind it?
If you are asking about header image here than I often use logo creator for it But u can add simply by going to your website customization menu..
Could you provide the URL of your website so I can take a look at it first before making any suggestion?
Not sure what your theme is, because every theme has a different layout and what you can change within.
Did you have checked your theme/ Customize?
There you can see what can be changed and also the specification for the background when uploading an image.
I can tell you so far that you better stick to the pixel numbers your theme does support. In the beginning I didn't at first paid much attention, until I checked the part and discovered I was way over lol.
Just saying.
Hope that helped a bit to get things done.
From your appearance menu in your wordpress admin area.. select header... and you can add and crop the image there :)
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How do you add a nice graphic to ur banner of your website?
right now my website has a black background on the banner. How do I place a nice image behind it?
If you are asking about header image here than I often use logo creator for it But u can add simply by going to your website customization menu..
Could you provide the URL of your website so I can take a look at it first before making any suggestion?
Not sure what your theme is, because every theme has a different layout and what you can change within.
Did you have checked your theme/ Customize?
There you can see what can be changed and also the specification for the background when uploading an image.
I can tell you so far that you better stick to the pixel numbers your theme does support. In the beginning I didn't at first paid much attention, until I checked the part and discovered I was way over lol.
Just saying.
Hope that helped a bit to get things done.
From your appearance menu in your wordpress admin area.. select header... and you can add and crop the image there :)
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What is your website address, so I can take a look?
You want, behind the text "Timeless footware" a picture?