Why Follow People or Have Them Follow Me?

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A question I get asked a lot is, "Why are people following me?", or, "What's the reason to follow other people in WA?"

People may follow you or you can follow them as part of the Wealthy Affiliate
social network". On the surface, it's just a fun aspect of Wealthy Affiliate that you can choose to participate in, or not. Some people enjoy making friends and chatting about their website, other people want to keep this private, and just want to get work done!

Should I Follow People?

The advantage of having many followers is that more people will get notified when you ask a question or post a blog post. This means you get more feedback and more answers to your questions. You get more help, and many people will go out of their way to help you fix problems or motivate you.

Though you have a coach (mentor) as well, they are just one person. Even for me, someone who logs in multiple times per day to answer questions, can only spend so much time on the WA platform! I have my own sites I need to work on, so I may only be able to answer questions once every couple of hours, at most.

If you participate continually in Wealthy Affiliate and grow your network of friends, peers, and mentors, then you have access to hundreds, maybe thousands of support options. Not only will you connect with experts who can answer your questions within minutes, but you also gain a supportive network of friends who can motivate you when you feel down, or inspire you to work hard when you hit slump.

On top of that, you will also have the opportunity to help others! Being that rock for someone else in their time of need is an incredible feeling. Even if you can't fix their WordPress issues, you can definitely lend an ear, and let them know you faced a similar hurdle and are still around to talk about it!

Learn From Others, Indirectly

Another advantage of following other members and being active in the community is that you can see problems that other people run into, or learn about successful strategies they discovered.

You can see what they are asking, and get answers to questions that you will probably have in the future. As you participate in discussions you'll get to ready different expert opionions, or you can follow a thread where someone learns something new (and you learn along with them!) You don't always have to leave a comment, but when you at least view and follow blogs/questions/chats, you're expanding your knowledge of affiliate marketing and online business.

You can also see other websites people are working on, and borrow ideas to improve your own. Plus, you can meet the "experts" in a casual situation, then probably feel more comfortable asking them questions.

It's a snowball effect. The more you participate, the more you learn, and the more options you have for learning.

Being part of a network of like-minded folks that are working towards the same goal as you can have a positive influence on you, your website, your business, and ultimately, your profit!

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Recent Comments


Great post! It's all about connecting with others. I like being part of the WA community in giving support and congratulations. So very much is always going on here. It's a great place!

I find asking for help much easier if I have helped. I enjoy the friendships that develop so naturally in sharing a common cause. Thanks for letting the newer people in the community see the advantages or at least choices involved.

I enjoy following and keeping up with folks on here because it keeps me motivated to see their success! Especially after I have followed some of their struggles. Great explanation.

Absolutely appreciate the community here at WA. Great post, thanks!

agreed, and I would add in to the mix that we need clarity about what we want to give and what we would like to get from the increased interaction that more followers/followings means..

It is too easy to get overwhelm and a bulging inbox that spins out of control-

Be genuine, give support to others, especially newer members, comment where you can add value, and if another member has answered a point or question before- post a link to that answer and give credit- otherwise we will be looking at thousands of re-invented wheels.

Use the search box for answers before asking questions, and that should help to tidy things up a bit so we can all make progress to our goals in the right way.


Digger 12 stole my thunder. Thanks Nathaniell. Larry

In my opinion it is ONE of the great things about WA I love being part of it and try to keep up with them all :-) Thanks for the post, great explanation

Hi Nathaniell ,
Good post and it does pay to take part in the community, i've only been here a few weeks and I have drawn a lot of inspiration from it, also it tends to lift you up when you are a bit down and Negative , which can cause you to lose your enthusiasm so I give myself a boost by getting involved - Plus it gives you ideas for your sites and is an awesome source of Knowledge and should not be underestimated .

So Good Blog and reminder .

Ray Bowley ( Merryman88 )

This is why I love WA. THX Nathaniell

Every question Ive had has been answered so quickly. All thanks to being an active WA premium member. It pays to engage yourself.

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