Truth And Myth of Autopilot Income


So 21 days ago I left on my motorcycle from California to New York city. 18 states later, I'm back in California, and getting back to business, catching up on emails, PMs, and other work that I let slide over the past 3 weeks.

Here were my original goals:

  • Maintain contact with my referrals (answer PMs, emails, questions) Pass
  • Publish a blog post every day (I have them saved as drafts) 1/2 Pass
  • Edit some draft content for my newest niche site every day Fail

So I ended up (as predicted) having trouble focusing on work and actually getting stuff done on the trip. I know it was supposed to be "vacation", but it was 3 weeks, which is a long time to do nothing.

Though slower than normal, I did answer most PMs and emails. If I missed something you sent, please resend it. I had quite a few referrals upgrade to yearly in July, so I am working on your bonuses today and will send those in the next 24 hours! Thank you guys for all your patience :)

Truth And Myth of Autopilot Income

In a lot of advertising of "make money online" products, the idea of autopilot income is used as a way to suck you in and get you to buy a product. There is some truth to an online business being able to make money while you sleep, but there is a larger story behind that idea, which is pretty much never told.

July was my second most profitable month this year, so it's amazing that I made that money while away on motorcycle trip for 20 days, and only worked about an hour a day.

Wow - wouldn't that sound amazing in an advertising page for Wealthy Affiliate!

However, that was just one month. It's taken me several years to build to this point, including having systems in place to help me manage my business while away. And even considering all that, it was very clear to me that if I truly left my business to "run on autopilot" and just moved to a beach or cabin somewhere, that eventually I would not be making any money.

Building a business takes time, and be sure to enjoy the benefits of working from one once you achieve your financial goals. But making money on autopilot with no work or experience is a myth.

Keep working on your websites and working towards your goals!

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Recent Comments


Great to have you "back".
Appreciate you taking the time to reply to me while you were off.

Nice bike ;-) Hope your trip was awesome, and thanks for the reality check!


Through 18 states and on vacations, and yet you even managed to answer some question I asked at WA. I am touched Nathaniell.

Welcome back

Same here pal. Made my first $44 at the weekend from my review on a diet program through social media! My normal Facebook page

Excellent to see you back. Looks like a fun trip.

Nice ride Nathaniel.

H Nathaniel, welcome back :)

Well hello stranger, happy to see you back. :)

He's Alive!

Great to have you back Nathaniell!


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