November Success: My First $500 Month!


Hi everyone! Today I'd love to share with you a big milestone that I've hit - $500 in a

month! :) Of course we all know that November is when the Black Friday promotions come to town and everybody goes shopping crazy. I think we all know what this means... affiliate HEAVEN.

I've been in the affiliate marketing game since August 2014, when I came across Wealthy Affiliate at the age of 13, so it's taken me a fair while to hit this mark. During my first year online, I didn't earn that much at all - but I LOVED doing it. However, if there's one thing I've learned about internet marketing, it's that your work at present pays off in the future. The posts that generate my the most revenue are the some of the ones I did within that first year online, when I didn't make much. Due to huge school work loads, I only ever had time to do a quality post every couple of weeks - I even went through a phase of not doing one for 3 months (okay, laziness was a factor in that as well). But due to the hard work I'd put in before, when 2016 came about I was starting to earn a passive income, my best before November being about $150 or so.

Then the sales started to explode in November, which completely hit me by surprise. I finished it at $522, going over the $500 on the last day of November which was great.

Why was this?

Well there were a few factors contributing to it:

  • Obviously Black Friday
  • The Amazon Associates 12% Native Ads Promotion.
  • Hitting the release of a game hard (my niche is gaming), resulting in a huge traffic spike.
  • Adding more opportunities for income

If you want to read any of my blogs about the Native Ads Promotion or my traffic spike, you can check them out here:

So if you're going to take anything away from reading this, DON'T get demotivated if you're not getting any rankings or income from your posts straight away, because the work you do now will pay off in the future.

We're in this together,


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Recent Comments


Nice work

Wow, man that's cool news, real inspiration for all us newbies

Just goes to show that if you put the WA training into practice, you're going to succeed. My success story is only a small one compared to many members on here. I know a 17 year old that's making $5K plus a month from the training here...

I wish you all the best with your business going forwards - you can do it!

Really well done! I just showed your profile few days ago to my daughter who is 15 and now studying WA too, preparing to make her first website :-) You inspired her!

Oh wow, that's really awesome! :) I hope she's enjoying it.

She is...busy thinking about her own niche :-)

That's great. I've tried to get a couple of friends into it, but it didn't really appeal to them too much, so the fact that she's getting stuck into it already is really good!

I am so proud of her!

Awesome! You are doing great.

Congrats to you. I hope you have many more.

Thanks a lot - all the best to you as well!

thank you.

Awesome! I love reading about other people's success! It gives me inspiration. Good for you! Oh, and you made me feel old so thanks for that. I just got into this game in my umm...well later in life. ;)

Haha, age is just a number, don't worry about it ;)

Congratulations James!

Thank you, Bimby.

Congreatulations! Keep it up!..:)

Cheers :)


SO Awesome James!!! Woohoo!! Gosh, I wish I knew about affiliate marketing at your age! You're going to be earning a steady passive income stream in no time!! So jealous! :)

Keep it going!

Thanks a lot, Grace! Yes, I was very lucky to discover WA at such a young age :)

Congratulations :)

Thanks Tosh!

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