Attitude Smatitude. first I was really ticked off!


Today I actually thought I wrote a good topic on achieving and was all ready to tag and hit the' publish a blog' button.

There was so much common topic in it, that I thought If I shared it, someone might benefit. I am a in my infancy and learning stages taking my daily steps of action towards my end goals. Then when I least expected it I must have hit a button, unaware of having done so, while it appeared to be loading. it vanished.. arrrgh !!! much to my annoyance.

I could have gotten really annoyed, gone around the house cussing, and thrown my hands up in the air, saying this is futile and quit.

Something inside me instantly reassured me that the post I had intended to share disappeared, for my benefit. I suppose I have always been the type to look for the silver lining. How can this possibly become a good thing.

However I concluded that 1) I now have another opportunity to practise my writing.

2) I could learn to see what caused it.

3) I can just pick up the pieces and move forward again.

My point is I have a choice to learn from my mistakes, and not even dwell on them and know I am not alone. Vent by sharing my frustrations, knowing it is all right. Each day is a new opportunity to create, practise, learn and achieve and we all set out to do.

Mostly I can elect an Attitude of Gratitude and be Thankful that I have landed in a community where I am surrounded with many like myself, starting this journey and know we are immersed also in an environment with rich resources to help us up and over our learning curves.

I mostly hope this helps others to not give up when the going gets rough. There IS a way through. It starts with maintaining a positive attitude and remembering why you are here in the first place. Lets all make it a great week.


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I can definitely learn from this, when things don't go my way I tend to get depressed for a while until I can manage to pick myself back up. Really need to look for the silver lining, like you said. Thanks for sharing!

Glad it can be a good reminder. Many of us can slip into the negative side of things and I myself had to practise gratitude and mindfully chose to be proactive instead of reactive. :) Thanks for the comment.

Great words Teresa, I think we all have those moments that you talk about and I put it down to the negative trying to crash into the positive's party, and you were strong enough to tell the negative to go and do one Teresa, most of us have control over out thoughts and although not easy if we do all remember that we have such a fantastic opportunity here at WA not only to learn but to bounce idea's off of each other then those old negative thoughts just ride off into the sunset not that I dislike sunset's, have a great day Teresa.

It's always easier riding into the sunset with NO obstacles but we wouldn't have the beauty to enjoy without the struggle to see the sights... so to speak. Thanks for your comment. :)

You are also in a community where everyone of us has at some point been in the same position as you were in! lol! You are so right in that it is important in those moments to just choose to smile and eventually laugh and learn from the moment!

I am looking forward Chistabelle, to the days that move along faster and all the linking, keyword searching and content writing become second nature. :)

It is a process, even now I am still growing in it myself!

I appreciate your honesty!

Thanks. Can't help but be anything but that. I am a baby boomer, and I think it is in our genes.

Thanks for sharing. We all sure do have these moments as I had one not too long ago. I like your attitude and will let it rub off on me. Thanks. :)

I have had so many interruptions in my life, I think it has become a coping mechanism. As a child we moved a lot, As an adult I became an adventurer. See? There I go finding the silver lining again.
I love the saying also... If you think you can..... or... If you think you can't... You are correct... something to that effect. I prefer the latter. :) Have a nice weekend.

Yes, I like that quote as well. I'm having issues with WP now. Just sent in a support ticket so hope it will be resolved. You have a great weekend too. :)

I don't know the WP issues you are having but... while you are waiting for your support ticket. maybe... just maybe these links I stumbled upon may have your answer in them.. none of this content I know about yet. but it might help you.... shawn's tutorials, wordpress tips, wordpress tricks, wordpress (oops... those didn't turn into links.. but in your questions header... if you type in 'word press issues' it searches and lists tons of responses you might find from that source.

Oh, thank you. Shawn has good tutorials. I'll check them out. :)

I think it was Chuck Swindoll who said, "I am convinced that my life consists of 10% what happens to me and 90% of my reaction to it!"

Tried to live on these words for a long time. getting better (I think)

Great Success to you
"Can you feel better by adding a little of the exotic (mushroom) to your life?"
Take a look at

So true BDF.. :) We get to fall down, get up, rinse and repeat.. and each step of the way gets better... or WE DO .. lol

Life is a series of mountains and valleys. Growth always comes in the valley.

Sometimes it is all to easy to stay in our comfort zone. But that is not going to measure up, nor get us going to reach our goals.

Mistakes are painful and pain is the best teacher in the world


Yes they are Barry. Get up, brush off and soldier on. :) Thanks for the comment. Much like the old saying, no pain no gain? :)

What a good blog. We all have setbacks now and then and sometimes we want to rant and rave, and we do sometimes rant and rave. But when we have calmed down we can then concentrate in getting back on track.

That's so true isn't it G & J. It feels good to vent, with moderation but like you said, moving forward INTO the next success is a good attitude. I have over come many hurdles in life and learned also, it only builds character. BTW I did also read your blog on procrastination as I believe most of us newbies first exploring here 'feel' like we are procrastinating, when sometimes its just getting familiar with all this community has to offer. Thanks for your comment.

I liked this too..... ...... you are not alone. I also wrote an earlier post... I bet we find many on the topic within the community.

Love your attitude, there's always is a silver lining and learning experience in everything we do! :)

Thanks Kathy. It certainly doesn't pay to look on the negative side. :)

Oh man, I hear ya on this post! Feeling frustrated with set backs is very normal, as long as you don't dwell on it. I mean I have lots of things that don't go my way, and while I do feel frustrated, I also take the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and improve from them. That's the number one rule I used to teach my kids back when I was a teacher. You have the right spirit in this post and I hope everyone applies it for themselves. Great post!

Candice, I can't help but hear the teacher side of you. Thanks for the the feedback. It must be MY inner teacher too that wishes to share and hopefully help others with the insight and attitude. I welcome and appreciate your comment.

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