About MrRoss
Rank 3004
129 followers Joined April 2017
Amateur entrepreneur, business mindset, eager to learn. There have been many times over my life where I should have literally died, broken neck,





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

They need my log in info. What alternatives do I have?
I don't want to give them full access.

If what you want doing requires logging into wordpress then you'll have to let them log in.

With wordpress, you can set a new user with different levels of permission - depending on what they need to access.

See: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/control-user-roles-permissions-with-wordpress for an explanation

Depends on what you are wanting them to do, but personally, I wouldn't be giving anybody my login info.

I want to use a fiverr service. but?

I want to use a fiverr service. but?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

They need my log in info. What alternatives do I have?
I don't want to give them full access.

If what you want doing requires logging into wordpress then you'll have to let them log in.

With wordpress, you can set a new user with different levels of permission - depending on what they need to access.

See: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/control-user-roles-permissions-with-wordpress for an explanation

Depends on what you are wanting them to do, but personally, I wouldn't be giving anybody my login info.

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

I've watched a few of these click bank videos now, and they seem absurd. Has anyone really had any good experience with these?

In my opinion you are quite right MrRoss. It seems like its one big, "pie in the sky" factory and when it comes to IM type products its almost all scam's or borderline scams at best. There are people (mainly the source of the offer) who have made millions. I cant lie so, wouldn't be able to pull it off though.

I do however, believe that there is money to be made on clickbank, if you research and handpick offerings. I have made a Dollar or two, here and there from clickbank..

Thank-you neville, adding one bad product could quickly ruin the credibility of a person's page. I did end up finding one with measurable potential, time will tell I suppose.

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Any positive feedback from clickbank?

Any positive feedback from clickbank?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

I've watched a few of these click bank videos now, and they seem absurd. Has anyone really had any good experience with these?

In my opinion you are quite right MrRoss. It seems like its one big, "pie in the sky" factory and when it comes to IM type products its almost all scam's or borderline scams at best. There are people (mainly the source of the offer) who have made millions. I cant lie so, wouldn't be able to pull it off though.

I do however, believe that there is money to be made on clickbank, if you research and handpick offerings. I have made a Dollar or two, here and there from clickbank..

Thank-you neville, adding one bad product could quickly ruin the credibility of a person's page. I did end up finding one with measurable potential, time will tell I suppose.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Has anyone used the social warfare plugin? It's a purchase plugin for anything extra, and they have an affiliate program as well...Any thoughts on personal experiences would b

Still working on it

I've never heard of it. My rule of thumb is not to buy something unless I was actually searching for a product to solve a particular issue I was having.

Social warfare plugin, is it worth it?

Social warfare plugin, is it worth it?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Has anyone used the social warfare plugin? It's a purchase plugin for anything extra, and they have an affiliate program as well...Any thoughts on personal experiences would b

Still working on it

I've never heard of it. My rule of thumb is not to buy something unless I was actually searching for a product to solve a particular issue I was having.

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

So I have everything 100% Green, good to go, except "Site Trust" which remains utterly "0", It has now been two weeks, 1 full week of being indexed, plenty of content. So wh

Give it time

Site Trust increases by 10% every month.
It shows you the age of your site.
The older a site, the more it is trusted by Google.

O.k that is the info I was looking for thank-you.

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Site health details section. site trust?

Site health details section. site trust?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

So I have everything 100% Green, good to go, except "Site Trust" which remains utterly "0", It has now been two weeks, 1 full week of being indexed, plenty of content. So wh

Give it time

Site Trust increases by 10% every month.
It shows you the age of your site.
The older a site, the more it is trusted by Google.

O.k that is the info I was looking for thank-you.

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