About mrkmccllch
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My name is Mark. I work as a self employed health professional in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Looking to launch a website/business for fun and profit.





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asked in
Getting Started

They say to paste it into the HTML of mysite.com, right after the <head> tag..? I'm definitely missing something here...

I have pasted it in to widgets in my sidebar but nothing has changed, is this right? I thought you were suppose to have a little box there until you were approved?

Do you have an ad blocker running. If so, you won't see the ad copy.

I think I might have the ad blocker on, i'm not sure I will have to check the settings

I also put in the widget.

Thx to all who helped me out with this one.


Ok, I created a text widget and put the code into it. It sits at he bottom right...as a shaded empty box. Sound right..?

You need to go into your editor and select header.

Adsense is saying the paste the code right after the <head> tag. (This is the beginning of the "head" area.) But this is not quite correct when you're using WordPress.

The place to paste the code is just above </head>. (This is just before the end of the "head" area.) You need to click into the code before the </head> line to make a space then paste in the code.

It's always a good idea to back up your website before you make any changes, as editing the code has the potential to break your site.

"You need to go into your editor and select header." WHERE is the "editor" in WordPress? Do you mean Appearance->Header? All that gives me is the header picture. Settings -> General gets me to Title. Some of us beginners here are not understanding what you mean, but it's obvious you understand this clearly. Please help.

Hi JoanGC. I realize I did not explain that very well.

From your dashboard (left-hand side) select "appearance", then select "editor". Then go to the right side of the screen and select "Theme Header" (Header PHP).

The attached shows my Theme header code. The highlighted portion is the adsense code that I inserted. Your header code may be a bit different, but make note of where I placed the code.

Find the </head>, place a space before it and then paste in your adsense code.

These are the instructions I was given when I was in your situation.

A bit of advice - Take a screen shot of your header code before altering it, or make a copy of your adsense code. That way, if for some reason it does not work, you can restore your header code to pre-manipulation.

Hope this helps!!

HI it's been more than 2 weeks since I joined google adsense,
"We’re reviewing your site.
Reviewing your site will take up to 3 days. We'll email you when we're done."
the message is still same, it's not yet approved. what I did now I get code again and had followed your instruction and I think it's more clear now where I can paste the code.. But is it possible to get new code then place it again to the header? then I need to wait wait for another 1-2 weeks for the approval?

I didn't enter it in the header, I put it in a widget in my sidebar.

If you go into your dashboard and then go to appearance, in the drop down menu go to widgets and then click on text widget and put it where you want in your sidebar and then open the widget and put the code in the big box. You do not have to put in a title, once the code is in go to the bottom and click on the blue save widget box. When you then go to your site it will be there. Xx

I've always put it in a widget too. For me, it was the easiest solution.

You are the first person to explain it to where I could understand it. Thank you very much.

You're welcome, sometimes what I call an idiots guide would be more helpful. Glad you were able to understand it. Xx

lol. me too

Me too, just can't figure this out. If you find out, please let me know. Many thanks.

Hope you were able to follow what I said about putting it in a widget. Xx

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Where does one paste 'the code' to join google adsense.?

Where does one paste 'the code' to join google adsense.?

asked in
Getting Started

They say to paste it into the HTML of mysite.com, right after the <head> tag..? I'm definitely missing something here...

I have pasted it in to widgets in my sidebar but nothing has changed, is this right? I thought you were suppose to have a little box there until you were approved?

Do you have an ad blocker running. If so, you won't see the ad copy.

I think I might have the ad blocker on, i'm not sure I will have to check the settings

I also put in the widget.

Thx to all who helped me out with this one.


Ok, I created a text widget and put the code into it. It sits at he bottom right...as a shaded empty box. Sound right..?

You need to go into your editor and select header.

Adsense is saying the paste the code right after the <head> tag. (This is the beginning of the "head" area.) But this is not quite correct when you're using WordPress.

The place to paste the code is just above </head>. (This is just before the end of the "head" area.) You need to click into the code before the </head> line to make a space then paste in the code.

It's always a good idea to back up your website before you make any changes, as editing the code has the potential to break your site.

"You need to go into your editor and select header." WHERE is the "editor" in WordPress? Do you mean Appearance->Header? All that gives me is the header picture. Settings -> General gets me to Title. Some of us beginners here are not understanding what you mean, but it's obvious you understand this clearly. Please help.

Hi JoanGC. I realize I did not explain that very well.

From your dashboard (left-hand side) select "appearance", then select "editor". Then go to the right side of the screen and select "Theme Header" (Header PHP).

The attached shows my Theme header code. The highlighted portion is the adsense code that I inserted. Your header code may be a bit different, but make note of where I placed the code.

Find the </head>, place a space before it and then paste in your adsense code.

These are the instructions I was given when I was in your situation.

A bit of advice - Take a screen shot of your header code before altering it, or make a copy of your adsense code. That way, if for some reason it does not work, you can restore your header code to pre-manipulation.

Hope this helps!!

HI it's been more than 2 weeks since I joined google adsense,
"We’re reviewing your site.
Reviewing your site will take up to 3 days. We'll email you when we're done."
the message is still same, it's not yet approved. what I did now I get code again and had followed your instruction and I think it's more clear now where I can paste the code.. But is it possible to get new code then place it again to the header? then I need to wait wait for another 1-2 weeks for the approval?

I didn't enter it in the header, I put it in a widget in my sidebar.

If you go into your dashboard and then go to appearance, in the drop down menu go to widgets and then click on text widget and put it where you want in your sidebar and then open the widget and put the code in the big box. You do not have to put in a title, once the code is in go to the bottom and click on the blue save widget box. When you then go to your site it will be there. Xx

I've always put it in a widget too. For me, it was the easiest solution.

You are the first person to explain it to where I could understand it. Thank you very much.

You're welcome, sometimes what I call an idiots guide would be more helpful. Glad you were able to understand it. Xx

lol. me too

Me too, just can't figure this out. If you find out, please let me know. Many thanks.

Hope you were able to follow what I said about putting it in a widget. Xx

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