About Mikess
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178 followers Joined May 2020
Hello Everyone! I’ve been an IT guy for over 30 years. I’m from the United States but live in the Philippines. This is temporary until I





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have a few questions about Amazon.

1. Writing a review for something on Amazon only to have the product go out of stock.
How do you deal with a product going out of

Here is a reply from Amazon.

I can't see any reason as to why three countries would work better than two. I have certainly never heard that before.

I think they're telling me anything to get rid of me. If it does work that way they need to rebuild it from the ground up.
The Amazon rep didn't read my email correctly either because I told them I tested the links both ways not just US to Japan.

I sent another email trying to explain it again using smaller words but they sent back the same information so I emailed them again and told them that I don't have time to look up smaller words so they can understand and that I'll find a more competent company.

Amazon gave it another shot.

So, I guess they are saying that if, while in Japan, you clicked on the US text link, it should redirect you to the Japanese site, which it clearly didn't. I think we can safely say its not working. I might write a blog post on this subject, if you don't mind me using the information here?

Go right ahead, I don’t plan to ever make a blog post on WA. I figure if I have time to develop content for wealthy affiliate then I’m not working hard enough on my content.

I was thinking about adding another country and testing the three countries they spoke of but I think that is irrelevant and everything in the first email I posted was just to pacify me.

I was thinking about using this Plugin, seems popular.

1. There is no simple way. I do have thousands of reviews and many of them have dead links. They do not teach this here because there is nothing to teach, there is no solution.

2. From my experience, this system works only partly. Most of the time it redirects but I know for sure that in many cases it does not. Asked people from various continents to click. A poor company so they cannot fix their system.

Links must be done only through Amazon-US store, only then they will/might redirect. What you describe with the pen example is not the way, if you create JP links they will not redirect.

Amazon-US is by far the biggest seller. I have them more than 30, several regional Amazon stores as well, and they all together bring only a fraction of the Amazon-US income. Do not even think of living Amazon-US if you want business in this.

3. There is none. But you can use redirect plugins for Amazon stores. There are several, there is also a redirect service, it has been around for many years, it works.

Send me a few links created through Amazon-US if you wish and I shall check from my side, if they work I shall be redirected to EU stores because this is where I am.

Thank you for the information. It sounds to me like Amazon wants to dissolve it’s affiliates and are not interested in fixing the problem.

I was thinking about looking into pretty links. I hear that it can help solve the dead link issues or at least make it easier to change links.

I’ll check out the plug-ins to resolve the international redirect problem.

The OneLink system never worked properly, so this is not new. Presently they may not need affiliates, but these things are not directly related.

There are several online tools to help finding dead links, this is not the issue. The issue is that one has to keep this doing all the time, and this becomes impossible when you have thousands of posts. What to do with reviews of products that are not available? So the problem is far more serious than just dead links.

I see your point. I’ll use Amazon for now while I continue to find more affiliate friendly international companies. I don’t want my website to be centered on the US only.

Hi - have you actually joined the different Amazon countries? The program should refer customers to their own country, but only if you yourself have joined Amazon's affiliate program for that country.

One of the downsides of doing this, is that you have to meet the target of 3 sales in 180 days for each country that you join. This can be difficult to achieve unless you are getting daily worldwide traffic.

I have linked my Japan account to my US account. I have everything set up as it should be but the redirect doesn’t seem to be working.

This should be working automatically after you link accounts. I took it for granted when I set up my Amazon accounts a while back but I started testing recently to make sure it works and it doesn’t.

And you are using text links? Onelink doesn't work with image links or text + image links as far as I am aware.

I am using text links. I tried short and long links.

Hmm, its a mystery then. As you said, they are not the most helpful program when it comes to affiliates.

I wrote Amazon but still waiting on a reply. I was thinking of ShareASale but I need to visit each vendor's website to see if they're an international company. Lots of time involved.

Like yourself I wonder the same thing, I have visitors from other than USA and yet only get sales in the USA. I’ve done the one link, but I do not think Amazon is playing fair in redirection. I currently have over 150 organic visitors a day, yet no outside USA sales.

Thanks for your feedback. I also think their "check matching products" system is no longer working or possibly never worked.

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Is amazon redirect working? what about dead links?

Is amazon redirect working? what about dead links?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have a few questions about Amazon.

1. Writing a review for something on Amazon only to have the product go out of stock.
How do you deal with a product going out of

Here is a reply from Amazon.

I can't see any reason as to why three countries would work better than two. I have certainly never heard that before.

I think they're telling me anything to get rid of me. If it does work that way they need to rebuild it from the ground up.
The Amazon rep didn't read my email correctly either because I told them I tested the links both ways not just US to Japan.

I sent another email trying to explain it again using smaller words but they sent back the same information so I emailed them again and told them that I don't have time to look up smaller words so they can understand and that I'll find a more competent company.

Amazon gave it another shot.

So, I guess they are saying that if, while in Japan, you clicked on the US text link, it should redirect you to the Japanese site, which it clearly didn't. I think we can safely say its not working. I might write a blog post on this subject, if you don't mind me using the information here?

Go right ahead, I don’t plan to ever make a blog post on WA. I figure if I have time to develop content for wealthy affiliate then I’m not working hard enough on my content.

I was thinking about adding another country and testing the three countries they spoke of but I think that is irrelevant and everything in the first email I posted was just to pacify me.

I was thinking about using this Plugin, seems popular.

1. There is no simple way. I do have thousands of reviews and many of them have dead links. They do not teach this here because there is nothing to teach, there is no solution.

2. From my experience, this system works only partly. Most of the time it redirects but I know for sure that in many cases it does not. Asked people from various continents to click. A poor company so they cannot fix their system.

Links must be done only through Amazon-US store, only then they will/might redirect. What you describe with the pen example is not the way, if you create JP links they will not redirect.

Amazon-US is by far the biggest seller. I have them more than 30, several regional Amazon stores as well, and they all together bring only a fraction of the Amazon-US income. Do not even think of living Amazon-US if you want business in this.

3. There is none. But you can use redirect plugins for Amazon stores. There are several, there is also a redirect service, it has been around for many years, it works.

Send me a few links created through Amazon-US if you wish and I shall check from my side, if they work I shall be redirected to EU stores because this is where I am.

Thank you for the information. It sounds to me like Amazon wants to dissolve it’s affiliates and are not interested in fixing the problem.

I was thinking about looking into pretty links. I hear that it can help solve the dead link issues or at least make it easier to change links.

I’ll check out the plug-ins to resolve the international redirect problem.

The OneLink system never worked properly, so this is not new. Presently they may not need affiliates, but these things are not directly related.

There are several online tools to help finding dead links, this is not the issue. The issue is that one has to keep this doing all the time, and this becomes impossible when you have thousands of posts. What to do with reviews of products that are not available? So the problem is far more serious than just dead links.

I see your point. I’ll use Amazon for now while I continue to find more affiliate friendly international companies. I don’t want my website to be centered on the US only.

Hi - have you actually joined the different Amazon countries? The program should refer customers to their own country, but only if you yourself have joined Amazon's affiliate program for that country.

One of the downsides of doing this, is that you have to meet the target of 3 sales in 180 days for each country that you join. This can be difficult to achieve unless you are getting daily worldwide traffic.

I have linked my Japan account to my US account. I have everything set up as it should be but the redirect doesn’t seem to be working.

This should be working automatically after you link accounts. I took it for granted when I set up my Amazon accounts a while back but I started testing recently to make sure it works and it doesn’t.

And you are using text links? Onelink doesn't work with image links or text + image links as far as I am aware.

I am using text links. I tried short and long links.

Hmm, its a mystery then. As you said, they are not the most helpful program when it comes to affiliates.

I wrote Amazon but still waiting on a reply. I was thinking of ShareASale but I need to visit each vendor's website to see if they're an international company. Lots of time involved.

Like yourself I wonder the same thing, I have visitors from other than USA and yet only get sales in the USA. I’ve done the one link, but I do not think Amazon is playing fair in redirection. I currently have over 150 organic visitors a day, yet no outside USA sales.

Thanks for your feedback. I also think their "check matching products" system is no longer working or possibly never worked.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I found one of my webpages listed in Google but the description is filled with my categories and tags instead of the description I placed in the description box. I'm using the

Sorry Michael, I don't have a clue. Maybe post the question or go ask in Live Chat...

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


No worries Mel, this question is posted in the question forum.

I replied to this question previously but the question got deleted and now it is back, very strange.

My reply previously was asking if you could provide your website and the post in question so that I can take a look for you. You can either add it here or PM it to me.

I removed the question and reposted.

The website is so broken now that it’s probably best if I just start over. I’ve already put a few hundred hours in it since I joined and if stuff keeps happening I’m going to move on to something more constructive like not dealing with a website.

Please see my reply on Andy's thread.

It's not your theme at issue, it would be your SEO plugin. Under the settings you may have it set to generate descriptions automatically and it may not be overriding that when you fill that information in on your post page. You can confirm which description is live usually on your posts page in the description box. You may need to uninstall and then re-download your SEO plugin to fix the issue.

I've learnt something by just reading this post. Thanks for the heads up, Yuma. I will keep this in mind if I ever run into the same problem. :-)

The SEO plugin is set to autogenerate, I believe this was covered in the training.

So it's probably easier if I don't have the autogenerate boxes checked. I'll uncheck the boxes and see if that fixes the problem.

The main ones to leave unchecked in your case sound like the auto-generate from categories and auto generate from post tags. Usually All in One SEO will generate from the first paragraph of text if the field is left blank and those two boxes are not checked. Have a great morning.

So if I wanted to use automatic descriptions, categories, and tags I shouldn't write anything in the SEO area for each webpage. These should be left blank.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the SEO plugin but doing so changed nothing since I’m unsure where the cache is located. I then reset all SEO settings and removed all my manual entries then checked all the auto settings that I had before. Hopefully this clears up the Google entry next time Google crawls the page.

The only thing I couldn’t remove was the categories I added. I set all post back to uncategorized.

Glad I found this mistake early and asked for help. I didn’t think adding manual information would cause an issue.

So after doing all of that the website is completely broken. The pages are listed but when I click on one it can’t be found.

I couldn’t have possibly done anything that would lead to this problem. Unless uninstalling and reinstalling SEO breaks the website.

Guess I’ll wipe the site and start all over again, I would hate to do this when I have 300 pages.

If entering manual data into SEO is going to break your website I would’ve thought this would be mentioned in the training.

Removing and Adding AIO SEO will not break your website. Adding Manual entries to override the defaults will also not break your website. Removing your Categories from your posts might affect your Menu navigation, but it will not break your site as such.

What exactly is broken and would you like me to take a look? You don't need to start over, especially after putting 100's of hours in.

I don't mind resolving this for you.

I found the issue. The permalinks were somehow broken so I went to options and just saved changes without making changes. That rebuilt all the website links.

I didn’t remove any categories, I just set all pages to uncategorized.

It’s 11 pm in Japan so I’m going to get some much needed sleep. I’ll review my site tomorrow and if I need any help I’ll contact you. I think I have it under control now but I said that before.


No worries, glad you have managed to recover it :-) Sleep well!

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Why did google list the wrong description?

Why did google list the wrong description?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I found one of my webpages listed in Google but the description is filled with my categories and tags instead of the description I placed in the description box. I'm using the

Sorry Michael, I don't have a clue. Maybe post the question or go ask in Live Chat...

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


No worries Mel, this question is posted in the question forum.

I replied to this question previously but the question got deleted and now it is back, very strange.

My reply previously was asking if you could provide your website and the post in question so that I can take a look for you. You can either add it here or PM it to me.

I removed the question and reposted.

The website is so broken now that it’s probably best if I just start over. I’ve already put a few hundred hours in it since I joined and if stuff keeps happening I’m going to move on to something more constructive like not dealing with a website.

Please see my reply on Andy's thread.

It's not your theme at issue, it would be your SEO plugin. Under the settings you may have it set to generate descriptions automatically and it may not be overriding that when you fill that information in on your post page. You can confirm which description is live usually on your posts page in the description box. You may need to uninstall and then re-download your SEO plugin to fix the issue.

I've learnt something by just reading this post. Thanks for the heads up, Yuma. I will keep this in mind if I ever run into the same problem. :-)

The SEO plugin is set to autogenerate, I believe this was covered in the training.

So it's probably easier if I don't have the autogenerate boxes checked. I'll uncheck the boxes and see if that fixes the problem.

The main ones to leave unchecked in your case sound like the auto-generate from categories and auto generate from post tags. Usually All in One SEO will generate from the first paragraph of text if the field is left blank and those two boxes are not checked. Have a great morning.

So if I wanted to use automatic descriptions, categories, and tags I shouldn't write anything in the SEO area for each webpage. These should be left blank.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the SEO plugin but doing so changed nothing since I’m unsure where the cache is located. I then reset all SEO settings and removed all my manual entries then checked all the auto settings that I had before. Hopefully this clears up the Google entry next time Google crawls the page.

The only thing I couldn’t remove was the categories I added. I set all post back to uncategorized.

Glad I found this mistake early and asked for help. I didn’t think adding manual information would cause an issue.

So after doing all of that the website is completely broken. The pages are listed but when I click on one it can’t be found.

I couldn’t have possibly done anything that would lead to this problem. Unless uninstalling and reinstalling SEO breaks the website.

Guess I’ll wipe the site and start all over again, I would hate to do this when I have 300 pages.

If entering manual data into SEO is going to break your website I would’ve thought this would be mentioned in the training.

Removing and Adding AIO SEO will not break your website. Adding Manual entries to override the defaults will also not break your website. Removing your Categories from your posts might affect your Menu navigation, but it will not break your site as such.

What exactly is broken and would you like me to take a look? You don't need to start over, especially after putting 100's of hours in.

I don't mind resolving this for you.

I found the issue. The permalinks were somehow broken so I went to options and just saved changes without making changes. That rebuilt all the website links.

I didn’t remove any categories, I just set all pages to uncategorized.

It’s 11 pm in Japan so I’m going to get some much needed sleep. I’ll review my site tomorrow and if I need any help I’ll contact you. I think I have it under control now but I said that before.


No worries, glad you have managed to recover it :-) Sleep well!

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