About JagR
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748 followers Joined September 2018
Hello all, My name is Jagi. Right now WA is the perfect place for me to be. I really enjoy the sense of community this platform





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a blog with 150 posts on it and am not really interested in writing about it anymore. It is making about $500-600, but it no longer holds my interest. Any suggestions on

I would be happy earning that especially at the moment

It has taken awhile to get here. Good luck and you will get there.

I know it takes time my friend.
Thank you very much for the encouragement 🤩

$500-600 per month or year?
Create another niche. Come back to this whenever you feel like. You make money and boredom will be replaced new ideas.
If you like to sell spread the word around for a bid. Or put it for sale with Flipa.
I doubt you will sale it if this is your only source of online income.

Per month. I think I will create another niche, thank you for the idea.

The money you earn from the 1st niche can be invested to bring up the second niche quickly. Wish you all the best.

When that happens, stop, step back & think how much worse life could be. Earning $500 to $600 just by doing something that's a bit "boring" is something that you should be very happy with.

Thank you, I agree with you. Chemo fog and cancer sometimes get the best of me. I will sit back, relax and then refocus.

Give it to me. Seriously ...

Too much work on it to give it away.

Again, list it on a site like Flippa for sale, perhaps.

You can put it up for sale. You can try flippa.com

At this time I still want to hold onto it.

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What do you do when you get bored of your niche?

What do you do when you get bored of your niche?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a blog with 150 posts on it and am not really interested in writing about it anymore. It is making about $500-600, but it no longer holds my interest. Any suggestions on

I would be happy earning that especially at the moment

It has taken awhile to get here. Good luck and you will get there.

I know it takes time my friend.
Thank you very much for the encouragement 🤩

$500-600 per month or year?
Create another niche. Come back to this whenever you feel like. You make money and boredom will be replaced new ideas.
If you like to sell spread the word around for a bid. Or put it for sale with Flipa.
I doubt you will sale it if this is your only source of online income.

Per month. I think I will create another niche, thank you for the idea.

The money you earn from the 1st niche can be invested to bring up the second niche quickly. Wish you all the best.

When that happens, stop, step back & think how much worse life could be. Earning $500 to $600 just by doing something that's a bit "boring" is something that you should be very happy with.

Thank you, I agree with you. Chemo fog and cancer sometimes get the best of me. I will sit back, relax and then refocus.

Give it to me. Seriously ...

Too much work on it to give it away.

Again, list it on a site like Flippa for sale, perhaps.

You can put it up for sale. You can try flippa.com

At this time I still want to hold onto it.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am starting a new website and was wondering is it a must to have to do info posts or can I do strictly review posts?

I think you can, but wait to see what other answers you may get!

Great question, I would think you need to do some informational posts as well, because may not trust your site if it’s all reviews. Obviously just my opinion

Can I do reviews posts only?

Can I do reviews posts only?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am starting a new website and was wondering is it a must to have to do info posts or can I do strictly review posts?

I think you can, but wait to see what other answers you may get!

Great question, I would think you need to do some informational posts as well, because may not trust your site if it’s all reviews. Obviously just my opinion

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

What converts better between these two links?

I just do a text link. But you can do both

Use both.

This is what I suggested first round before the question was deleted, copied and asked again. I have no idea why.

Do let me know if you need anything else. Have a nice day.

Why not do both? Both will still convert better than a banner ad. There are members of your audience who will prefer one over the other, so it doesn't hurt to support both segments.

I would say use both, because they both will convert. To your success.


I'm no expert but I would say both convert well. Humans are very visual creatures, however, so I tend to like image links. I use both though. Just my 2 cents. I'm sure someone else will have a way better answer for you. All the best to you.


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Should I use image or text link?

Should I use image or text link?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

What converts better between these two links?

I just do a text link. But you can do both

Use both.

This is what I suggested first round before the question was deleted, copied and asked again. I have no idea why.

Do let me know if you need anything else. Have a nice day.

Why not do both? Both will still convert better than a banner ad. There are members of your audience who will prefer one over the other, so it doesn't hurt to support both segments.

I would say use both, because they both will convert. To your success.


I'm no expert but I would say both convert well. Humans are very visual creatures, however, so I tend to like image links. I use both though. Just my 2 cents. I'm sure someone else will have a way better answer for you. All the best to you.


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