June 26, 2024 My Progress Ebooks, Books & More

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(Cover photo: boy with light bulb images above his head)

Hi Everyone,

Another awesome day.

I submitted the 4th ebook to KDP Amazon that had to wait. I submitted a 228 page book reprint.

I continued with this:


I had Claude provide a Quiz for each module. Total word count when done was 15,400 words. Now I'll need to slowly review it. Looks like it does not need editing, but maybe there is more that could be added, but I am happy with what I have now.

I used Claude to provide 101 Quotes which will be part of a new book that I will release..


I previously mentioned that I published a book in the style of a well known author whose works are in the public domain.

Then I had an even better idea.

Claude and I are working on a 50,000 word book which will be a Sequel to a very well known book that was also made into 2 movies.

We already have our general outline and the ending will leave open a follow-up book and its in the style of the original book/author.

I continue to be excited about all the possible opportunities AI continues to offer and I will use it as much as possible and expand on its uses.

Off to get some much needed sleep!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


Very awesome, indeed, Mel! Keep succeeding!


Thanks Jeff!


Glad for our conversation, Mel!


Yes. Thanks Jeff!


You bet, Mel! Today is debate day, so I have decided to take the day off. The benefits of self employment.


haha I agree. I'll continue to work hard here and still need to catch another 3 hours sleep before the debate.

Trying to upgrade Claude, but they don't make it easy to understand that process or contact them.


Sleep well, Mel! You'll figure it out!

I'm staying home all day today!


Keep up the good work. Thank you for the posts.

You are most welcome Kathie!


Appreciate the continuous progress reports Mel.

From your experience, does publishing eBooks on Amazon KDP have the advantage of tapping into an audience base already looking for eBooks there?

I'm aware that you still have to market your eBook, but I'm wondering if publishing on Amazon KDP has any inherent advantage other than convenience.

Well Yusuf, Amazon is the largest marketplace in the world so it definitely has its advantages.


This sounds fantastic, Mel. :D


Thanks Jay!


welcome, Mel.

I might PM you tomorrow. I know you are busy, so answer at your convenience.


Ok Jay, I try to take some time each day for WA as I continue to publish books.


About to send it, Mel.


You have really got me hooked with KDP publishing now and using public domain characters!

Are you using Kindle Create to format your books?

I have only just discovered it, and really need to go back to my older books and "prettify" them to look more professional.

Having said that, I have still managed to sell 14 books in 6 days!

Are these books that you have written? I’m confused by the book sales.

Hi - yes, these are 50-page fictional books, using the character of Sherlock Holmes.

Nothing to do with my websites or affiliate marketing.

Simply writing my own books that people can buy on Amazon.

The link to my author page is in my profile if you want to look at what I am doing.

And a screenshot below, that now shows 15 sales in 6 days (for the benefit of somebody who messaged me and said this wasn't possible!)

Ask Mel for further details, he has been doing this a long time and is very successful!

Congrats on your continuing sales, Diane. I have sometimes used Kindle Create.


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